- This article gives an overview on unused or unreleased game information. See Glitches for information and abilities gained by exploiting programming faults.

Unused content is a sector of gaming that focuses on the unreleased, scrapped, or otherwise removed content of a game only obtainable through hacking, pre-release demos, or through other unlicensed means. It includes, but is not limited to, content from beta releases, a specific prototypical stage of development.
In respect to the Zelda franchise, unused content ranges from enemy prototypes to early landscape blueprints, from entire projects to the original design of certain items. While this content is most often removed from the final publication of games, sometimes its influence can still be seen in the title in final builds. For example, in Ocarina of Time, the Forest Temple and Medallion were supposed to be the Wind Temple and Medallion. Although the forest design for the temple was chosen, the Medallion and insignias placed in Ganon's Tower and around the Forest Temple are still reminiscent of the windmill-like symbol relative to the pre-release Wind Temple.
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A Link to the Past[]
- The Cannon Soldier, an unused enemy Soldier variation that still remains in a working state in the game's code.
- There is a functioning 1/4 Magic Upgrade coded into the game, but it was never implemented
Link's Awakening[]
- During development of Link's Awakening, a pair of cymbals were used before being replaced with the Wind Marimba in the final version of the game.[1]
Ocarina of Time[]

Equipped Medallion

A developmental Great Fairy

An early Great Fairy Fountain

Unused Red Ice block in the Ice Cavern

Link obtaining the Triforce
Because of its popularity, Ocarina of Time has been hacked many times to create mods or just to look into the game's assets. Along the way, much unused content was found hidden within the cartridge data. Early previews of the game also provide insight into unused content.
- A Sword Beam can be seen in screenshots and early trailers.
- The Arwing, the famed Star Fox starfighter, makes an appearance in Ocarina of Time as a flying enemy. It was used to make Volvagia's flying animations.[2] It could have also been used to test the Z-Targeting system as well as projectile weapon usage.
- An early model for Fado exists within the cartridge data.
- In early builds of the game, Medallions worked differently. Several early screenshots depict Link with the Forest Medallion (then known as the Wind Medallion) equipped. In a November 1997 interview by Famimaga 64, Shigeru Miyamoto explained that the Medallions, known as "Magic Medallions", were supposed to have been used in conjunction with Link's Bow and Arrow. There were to be six types of Magic Medallions, including fire, wind, darkness, and light, meaning that they might have been used instead of the Fire, Ice, and Light Arrows that turned out in the final, released version of the game.[3] The Forest Medallion and Water Medallion were originally the "Wind Medallion" and "Ice Medallion", but their names and corresponding dungeons were changed during development.[4] Two icons relating to these original medallions are still present in the game's code.[5]
- Early screenshots show a Stalfos different from the current Stalfos design.
- Zora's Fountain originally had an exit to Zora's River in early versions of the game.
- A different Jump Attack animation can be seen in early previews. This was replaced with the current animation in the final build.
- Also in early previews, Link can be seen doing front flips - this move does not exist in the final game. The animation still exists and can be hacked in, however.
- In some early Japanese previews, the B Button was labeled ジャンプ (Jump). In order to streamline the gameplay, this was removed in favor of the Autojump.[6]
- The Master Craftsman's Son had a hairstyle with bangs and a mohawk. [7]The hairstyles can be loaded separately or together.[8]The Mohawk model was later used for Majora's Mask.
- The game includes Nintendo 64DD-exclusive programming, remnants of an early period of development. Ocarina of Time was originally going to have an expansion disk released for the 64DD, but after the 64DD failed in Japan, the expansion disk was canceled. However, through the use of a cheating device, one can force the game to mark an existing save file as one intended for use with the (nonexistent) expansion disk. This file, once modified, cannot be loaded.
- Link's Hylian Shield and Master Sword had different designs in earlier versions of the game.
- In early footage, Link was seen obtaining the Triforce.
- An Ocarina Pedestal, similar to the Medallion pedestals, was modeled but never used in the final game. It can be found in an unused cutscene taking place in Zora's Fountain.[9]
- During the development of Ocarina of Time, the Great Fairies were not the same ones that appeared in the final version of the game, for they had more of a crystal appearance with long, white wings. Their crystalline appearance is similar to the appearance of the Great Fairies from The Wind Waker. The early Great Fairy, surprisingly, shares the same model file as the in-game Great Fairy.
- The Unicorn Fountain, an area resembling a Fairy Fountain containing a statue of a Unicorn's head, can be seen in pre-release material. This location does not exist in the completed game.
- Gold-rimmed Treasure Chest models, similar to those used in Majora's Mask, can be seen in some pre-release screenshots.[10]
- The later discovery of a Master Quest debug ROM (used for testing) reveals even older remnants, including unused rooms not found in the final game. This includes test rooms and an older version of the Hyrule Castle courtyard.
- Concept art had Link with an attire similar to incarnations prior to Ocarina of Time.[11]
- By using cheats, a block of Red Ice can be found inside the Ice Cavern in the White Wolfos chamber. It was probably used to cover the Treasure Chest containing the Iron Boots. It was later used in Master Quest.
- The character control was significantly different from the final release.
- In pre-release footage of the game, a different First-person view camera from the final release, the camera being centered at Link's upper-back up to the back of his head, identical to that of Super Mario 64.
- The game also featured the use of a manual 180-degree turnaround. This manual turnaround is depicted as being able to be done not only while standing still but while walking and running.
- The battle system was significantly different, as well. Link can be seen slashing and cutting against enemies in a far more fluid motion than any of the 3D Zelda games to date.
- In the final version, attacking is by inputting the attack button while holding a certain direction; and, if inputted the same way three times, it features Link doing a slash/stab, then repeating that move, followed by a slightly unique slash, varying from an upwards slash to the left (vertical and thrust), inward slash to the right (horizontal), or diagonally upward slash to the left (diagonal). However, in the footage, Link can be seen able to slash about freely, as well as able to slash multiple times in any manner the player would choose, without having to limit to only three strikes, as well as having lock-time between slashes, being able to attack multiple times in one attack, as opposed to only three simple limited attacks.
- In one segment of the footage, Link is shown attacking several blue and green Chu-Chus. The first attack the user does is a running swipe to the left, indicating that Link can swing his sword while running, much like was possible in Twilight Princess. However, unlike in Twilight Princess, Link isn't forced into canceling the chain, or forced to do idle standing slashes when the running attack(s) connect; Link is able to freely chain the running slashes and standing slashes together with ease, and vice versa.
- When standing still, Navi would bounce around in a dancing-like fashion, as opposed to her moving around in a wide circular motion above Link like she does in the final version of the game.
- In the early development stage of the game, Link's character model resembled A Link to the Past Link greatly.
- His shield also had very similar characteristics to A Link to the Past Link's shield, and the Red Shield. The Shield's shape was the same as the finalized model, being a hexagonal-shape. But, the silver border outline of the shield didn't have as much of a unique design, having only a plain basic silver/white outline, and the rest of the shield was blue and had a large Triforce symbol, and beneath the Triforce was a "v"-symbol (this symbol being identical to the same symbol that appears on the Red Shield that was separated centerwise vertically. This symbol and the triforce were colored slightly different from its later design, this early version was colored limeish yellow rather than the standard gold color.
- The later development stages had the Shield be more close to the final version of the Hylian Shield. It now featured a more wave-style border on the shield and had the two cloud designs at the top-left and top-right (these being also more wave-like in design, as well) of the shield and had a more gold-colored Triforce and under the Triforce was a gold upside-down triangle/Triforce Piece.
- It was planned for the game to feature permanence in regards to the players actions. If the player were to cut a tree, cut some grass for Rupees, destroy a pot(s), or even leave footprints in the ground/sand, these things would remain there for the remainder of the game. The footprints would remain and not vanish, pots would not respawn, cuts on trees would stay until the end of the game, and grass would not regrow.
- A staff item was meant to appear as a weapon at some point during development.[12]
- Link would move slower when damaged.[13]
- Hyrule Castle Town was seen as a full 3D-render rather than a 2D backdrop.
Majora's Mask[]
- The game was originally titled Zelda: Gaiden, which translates into English as "Zelda: Side Story".
- A Mask resembling Adult Link from Ocarina of Time was to make an appearance, with speculated effects that were meant to transform Link into Adult Link. It is speculated that the Mask may have been replaced with the Fierce Deity's Mask, which slightly resembles Adult Link. Concept art of Adult Link in Majora's Mask appears in Hyrule Historia, further suggesting Link could transform into Adult Link.[14]
- There also exists an unused texture of a Mask resembling Young Link's face, as well as concept art in Hyrule Historia of Deku Link wearing this Mask. It is speculated it was meant to return Link to his Hylian form.
- A number of objects and items originally from Ocarina of Time were once used. Some had their models updated, whereas others were removed or replaced.
- In the pre-release screenshot showing the Adult Mask, the Fairy Ocarina can be seen as opposed to the Ocarina of Time.
- Link originally had a Deku Shield, as shown in early screenshots.
- The Boomerang, as a standalone item, was also intended to be in the game. The Boomerang functionality was replaced with Zora Link's double fins.
- The Megaton Hammer was another item replaced. Before punching with Goron Link was introduced, Goron Link could be seen with the Megaton Hammer on the B Button in pre-release screenshots.
- Blue Fire can be obtained through the use of a cheating device. However, it has no description on the item subscreen and acts as a Bug in a Bottle when used.
- A Hyrule Loach can also be obtained through the use of a cheating device, however it does not have any actions associated with it. Its description was never translated from the original Japanese text.
- The Medicine Shop Owner's model was updated to include legs. However, he is never seen in-game and only exists in the game's files.[15]
- Link's instruments while transformed were separate items which can be found in the Japanese versions of the game. They were intended to replace the Ocarina of Time while transformed, as seen in pre-release footage, but weren't used for some reason. They were later added back in Majora's Mask 3D.
- Many NPCs such as the Bearded Man and generous woman from Ocarina of Time have unused models within the game. [16]
- In very early builds of the game, Link's model was identical to the one used for Young Link in Ocarina of Time. The model was later modified to reflect Link's physical growth.
- The Gorman Brothers were originally one Ingo, as seen in early images.
- Major landscape remodels took place between the earlier versions and final release. Modified land forms include the Stone Tower and Termina Field.
Majora's Mask 3D[]
- Unused models of Sheik, Impa, and Ganondorf can be found in the game's files. Their file names make reference to a fisher man, suggesting that they may have been planned to appear inside the Fishing Holes.
Oracle of Seasons[]
- Concept art of a human Ganondorf is included in Hyrule Historia.[17] In the final games, Ganon appears only in his beast form.
The Wind Waker[]

Stovepipe Island and GC Island
- An older form of Link was sketched, but never modeled. Link was to physically grow during the course of the game (at a more subtle rate than in Ocarina of Time), but implementing this idea was too difficult, so it was scrapped.[citation needed]
- The Skull Hammer was confirmed to have a different name and design during the development phase.[citation needed]
- Link's clothes were to have the same color scheme as his clothes from the original The Legend of Zelda. This was only changed to the final color scheme late into development.
- As seen in the SpaceWorld 2001 trailer for the game, Link originally had a sneaking function, possibly created to be used in the stealth sequences of the Forsaken Fortress. This was replaced with hiding in barrels.
- In the same trailer, Link's voice from Majora's Mask was used as a placeholder voice, as the final voices had not yet been recorded.
- Hyrule Historia contains concept art of two islands that were never included in the game:
- Stovepipe Island was planned to be a volcanic "island of steam and smoke" with a hot spring lake and a valley of magma. Link would have potentially entered the volcano's crater, as with Fire Mountain in the finalized game.
- GC Island was intended to resemble a Nintendo GameCube. This concept was later used in the game's direct sequel—Phantom Hourglass—with Dee Ess Island.
- The E3 2002 trailer showed a different layout for Dragon Roost Cavern.
- A mysterious item, marked only by Japanese text translating to "Water Boots", can be loaded and used through hacking. However, no model appears, and the animation for putting the boots on and off is the same as that of the Iron Boots. It is therefore possible that the Water Boots were, in fact, Iron Boots with different functions, such as sinking into water (as evidenced by the item name).[18]
- Until surprisingly late into development, the A Button was mapped to the sword, with B being the roll command.
- Enemy swords can be picked up and used in the final game. In earlier builds, however, the sword button icon changed to reflect the enemy weapon Link was using.
- A scrapped water dungeon, where Greatfish Isle stands in the final product, was planned early on in development, akin to Dragon Roost Island and Forest Haven.[citation needed]
- Two placeholder sail icons were found on the game disk, whose internal names suggest they would have been called the Zora Sail and the Tingle Sail. No information is known as to why these extra sails were not implemented, but Eiji Aonuma has stated that the GameCube hardware limited the boat speed, which resulted in the Swift Sail in The Wind Waker HD.[19]
The Minish Cap[]
- The Fire Rod was slated to be included, but was replaced by the Flame Lantern. However, a reference to the Fire Rod can be seen in the figurine description for Ice Wizzrobes in the European version of the game. Hacking the game reveals that the Fire Rod still exists, but oddly functions as a debug tile editor item. With the editor, one can modify the various landscapes within the game; however, changes cannot be saved.
- A fully coded but useless butter item exists to be stored in a bottle. Judging by its obtain description, it was apparently made from Lon Lon Milk.[20]
- There exist unused sprites of the Goddess Pearls as well as stained glass windows meant for Hyrule Castle depicting the Great Deku Tree, Valoo, and Jabun.
- Golden and Purple Darknuts, Zols, Gels, and large and small Podoboo appear within the game’s code, but go unused.
Twilight Princess[]
- As seen in her concept art, Ilia was designed with pointy ears, like a Hylian.
- Beth's concept artwork showed her with a toy attached to her back.
- Louise was initially meant to accompany Darbus. This can be seen in early concept art where she rests on his shoulder.[21]
- Imp Midna's hair had different shape, length and colors, which were blue, orange and a black stripe.
- The Armos Titan looks like a traditional Armos, but have no weapons and attack with its hands. Unlike other Armos, it has a gem on its chest and can be successfully hit by shooting three Arrows or one Bomb Arrow at it.
- An enemy resembling a Shadow Beast can be seen in the E3 2004 and GDC 2005 trailers.
- A giant with glasses, most likely a placeholder used for measurements.
- Moblin, removed from the game, was seen during an early trailer.
- Gohma, replaced by Armogohma, was to chase Link through a cave. This can be seen in the GDC 2005 trailer.
- Kargaroks, originally planned to be in the Twilight, but were replaced by Shadow Kargaroks.
Geography and Surroundings[]
- Hyrule Field contained many dead trees, which can be seen in the early trailers.
- Beta Forest, the alleged extra forest region in Twilight Princess, contained a giant ancient statue and an area full of cats, both viewable in the GDC 2005 trailer.
- A canoe can be seen in Ordon Village in the E3 2005 trailer.
- The twilight was originally black and white, rather than full-color with a muted color scheme. This grayscale Twilight can be seen in early trailers.
- A wholly unused room with a Moblin in it was shown in the E3 2005 trailer. It doesn't resemble anything from the final game.
- A single test room still exists in the data; it is an early version of the Darkhammer miniboss room. Apart from early textures, object placement reveals that the area was once a much larger, hexagonal room, instead of the narrow corridor in the final version. Possibly changed to make the fight more difficult.

Link in a scrapped fishing area
- In early trailers of Twilight Princess, a fishing hole, not unlike the current Fishing Hole in Hena's pond, was demonstrated. Since Link can be seen wearing his Ordon outfit, it is assumed that this fishing zone was possibly near Ordon Village. Further proof of this is that in the first playable demo of Twilight Princess, Link can use the canoe to explore the village.
- A Magic Meter can be seen in some of the early screenshots and even on the back of the Wii version's box art. It was presumably used for the Magic Armor and the removed Fire Arrows. Unused text left in the game reveals that another function would be to transform Link into wolf form and vice versa.
- Items such as Fire Arrows and Surf Leaf were slated to be included but never were. Fire Arrows possibly used the Magic Meter. The surf leaf was probably the leaf used for snowboarding from Snowpeak Top. The Japanese internal name for the surfing item was "Shield Surfing", indicating that Link would snowboard on his shield.
- Green and Black Chu Jelly were originally designed to be normally accessible types of Chu Jelly, but were left unfinished.
- Green Chu Jelly can only be found in the Wii release and the remastered version Twilight Princess HD. It has no effect when drunk and was likely not intended to be obtainable in the Wii version. It can be obtained from Green Chus, which only appear when a Blue and Yellow Chu merge in the Wii and HD versions of Twilight Princess (they create a Purple Chu in the GameCube version), which can only occur in the Cave of Ordeals. In the Wii version, the Green Chu Jelly has no description on the item subscreen and no text appears when it is obtained; in Twilight Princess HD, text was added in both cases, even referencing the fact that is has no effect when drunk.[27][28] It is speculated that it was intended to fill the Magic Meter.
- Black Jelly exists in the game data and has details and descriptions, but cannot be obtained in normal gameplay. When consumed, Link takes one heart of damage, similar to Nasty Soup.
- The game originally had a different transformation cutscene when Link first enters the twilight. This can be seen in the E3 2005 trailer.
- Link originally could perform a spinning back slash, as seen in the E3 2005 trailer.
- Link had a placeholder voice from Ocarina of Time, like how Wind Waker once used Majora's Mask voices.
- Early in the game's development, Midna had the ability to give advice about enemies, a role similar to Navi and Tatl.[citation needed]
- In earlier builds, the Hyrule Castle spirit soldiers were more abundant in the sewers. The final release has fewer soldiers.
- An icon and design of an unused Ordon Shield can be found within the game files. Colin and Talo can be seen with this model of the shield.[citation needed]
Spirit Tracks[]
- The title screen had a different font compared to the final.
- The cutscene in which Link is given his engineer certificate was different. Additionally, the castle throne room had a different design.
- Link's voice clips were reused from Phantom Hourglass as a placeholder for his newer voice clips.
- A trailer in 2009 shows a demo in an early version of the Tower of Spirits, which went through some drastic redesign
- It seems that Zelda was never planned to join Link on his quest.
- Link was shown the ability to command a Phantom (a feature kept in the final build). Some differences apply; they made no voice when attacking, and had more of a green, masculine theme than the pink, feminine theme (used to match Zelda's overall theme when she possessed the Phantom). Rather than a pink helmet, the Phantom icon was a rather gray helmet, and to call it a whistle icon was put rather than a swirl.
- More evidence pertaining to this is in Anjean's statement about the Phantoms, "Though they look quite sinister, they won't harm anyone with a good heart." Judging by this, Link would have gained the ability to possess a Phantom himself without using any magic. In the final build, they serve as enemies (as in Phantom Hourglass) and can only be possessed when using Zelda's soul.
- The train tracks seen on the fields of New Hyrule had different routes. Also, Link always used the Wooden Train as his default train.
- The forests had a darker design, and as the player traveled the background straight ahead appeared inward
- Trees seen in the Snow Realm were originally seen in the Forest Realm.
- Some unused music exists, notably the boss theme from "Phantom Hourglass." It appears it was meant to be used somehow, as evident in that the Ghost Ship battle theme is used when fighting Dark Link at the end of Take 'Em All On!
- The Whip had a different design, looking like a regular bullwhip, which was later changed to a snake-like design.
Skyward Sword[]
- The Hylian Shield, as seen in the E3 2010 trailer, had the design of the Hylian Shield from Twilight Princess.
- Moldarach originally had a smoother design, as seen in E3 2010 and pictures. Its boss arena was also in an area that looked like the Great Tree which was most likely a placeholder.
- The Whip was originally designed with a skull and was dubbed the "Skull Whip". Other characteristics include a different icon and tip.
- The Loftwings had a more cartoonish design, as seen with Eagus's unfinished Loftwing.
- The Black Stone, an unused asset, was potentially a counterpart of the White Stone or Sealing Spike.
- As seen in Hyrule Historia, various different designs of locations and characters - such as Zelda, Impa, Fi, and Ghirahim - were considered and ultimately rejected.
A Link Between Worlds[]
- Early official artwork of Link was drawn in a different style, closely resembling that of A Link to the Past

The original green Energy Gauge and grey action icon
- The game's reveal trailer showed several differences from the final game:[29]
- The Energy Gauge was originally green instead of purple.
- The action icon was translucent gray instead of having a wood finish. This version can still be seen when Ravio's Bracelet first activates.
- The Shield was originally blue instead of orange.
- Link had his The Wind Waker voice.
- Among the items that Link holds above his head when collected are three unused quest items: a broken Sword, a darker version of the Shield, and a sickle. Their file names all contain the word "Deliver", indicating they may have been used similarly to the Forgotten Sword, or as part of a Trading Quest.
- Several early environments, based closely on their A Link to the Past counterparts, remain in the game's data.[30]
- The three baby Turtles in Lorule Lake have unused names. In the English localizations, they are called Tallo, Jillo, and Sabro, from largest to smallest.
- A Rupee Like with a Silver Rupee on its stalk can be found by using cheats or glitches to enter the Rupee Rush area in Lorule. Since it does not appear when playing the Mini-Game under normal circumstances, the enemy is effectively unused.
Tri Force Heroes[]
- The artwork for the Links playing Tri Force Heroes while in a Totem was altered prior to release, with the red Link's expression being changed from being stressed to asking for the green Link's attention.
- There are three unused Drablands Challenges:
- "Transport the orb!" (Likely similar to "Guard the orb!" and "Transport the orb quickly!", but without the damaging red shade or a time limit.)
- "Defeat all enemies!" (Without the no-Swords restriction.)
- "Only hammers—no swords!"
- There is an unused text description for selecting no Drablands Challenge, which reads "Do that hero thing you do!".
- Text files containing the names of Materials and Outfits also contain blank entries for two additional Areas and four additional DLC Outfits.
- Early screenshots and art assets show two of the Communication Icons, "Thumbs Up" and "Nooo!", with slightly different expressions on Link's face when compared to the final versions.
- An unused Communication Icon from early development, which shows Link yawning, remains in the game's data. The art style is noticeably different from the other icons, with the green Link sporting blond hair. Since this Icon's file is stored along with all of the used Communication Icons, it actually gets loaded into the game, and can be used (and be seen by other players) with the aid of a cheat device. The number present in its file name indicates that it would have been used along with other Icons exclusive to the Multiplayer Lobby.
- Icons for three unused Materials are present in the game's data. Their file names refer to them as "Cute Frill", "Syarasyara", and "Tuyatuya". The latter two sport the Japanese character 仮 (temporary).
- Several more Outfits were planned during the game's development. These include the Stinky Costume which would keep enemies at bay, the Kansai Outfit which would put the situation reports into the Kansai dialect of Japanese,[31] the Emperor's New Clothes which would make Link look naked to others, and the Handsome Outfit that made Link look good in photos.[32]
- An unused Great Fairy Outfit is still present in the game's data. It appears to be unfinished and from an early point in development, as Link still mostly has his A Link Between Worlds appearance, with only his eyes updated. The Outfit's corresponding icon is a duplicate of the Queen of Hearts, indicating that it may have been planned to give three extra Heart Containers.
- All Levels containing Volcanic Rocks also contain the model for the Rupee Boulders from A Link Between Worlds, though they go unused.
- The character model for Lady Maud features textured eyes, which are never seen in-game as they are always hidden behind sunglasses. The model even contains multiple textures that would show her blinking, though there is no associated animation that uses these frames.
E3 2015 Demo[]
The demo version of Tri Force Heroes shown at E3 2015 had several changes from the final release, as well as plenty of unused content in its own data.
- Buzz Blob Cave, the Forest Temple, the Fire Temple, and Bomb Storage were known as "The Forest", "The Temple", "The Volcano", and "The Fortress" in the E3 2015 build of the game, respectively. Buzz Blob Cave is also referred to as "Zap Zap Cave" in the files of this build.
- The music played on the title screen, in the Woodlands, and in the Volcano were unfinished versions that still had synthesized string instruments.
- The music played during the credits roll was completely different.[33] Fewer songs were featured in the medley, but they each received longer, more varied arrangements.
- The "Let's Go!" Communication Icons featured the same early style as the unused yawning Icons.
- The Sandy Ribbon and Carmine Pearl Materials were originally the "Black Pearl Bracelet" and "Cloud Mass", respectively. The Frilly Fabric was called つやつやリップ (Shiny Lips). Many other Materials had slight design changes.
- The Wallmaster looked identical to its A Link Between Worlds appearance.
- The Legendary Dress was known as the "Zelda Dress", and the Hero's Tunic was simply the "Hero Tunic".
- The Boomeranger Outfit was considerably different and featured traditional Native American garb. The powered-up Boomerang also matched this design.
- The Sword Suit and Sword Master Suit used differently-sized versions of the Master Sword, which were later replaced with original Sword designs.
- The Dapper Spinner and Rupee Regalia lacked moustaches in this build.
- Nearly all of the Outfits' icons were early drafts, which were somewhat inconsistent in their angles and positioning.
Breath of the Wild[]
- An early version of the game used the Sailcloth instead of the Paraglider and featured a Magic Meter.[34]
- In Early demos for the game, voice clips from Skyward Sword are reused for Link. In the final game, he is voiced by Kengo Takanashi.[citation needed]
- In the demo version of the game, used at E3 2016, the Sheikah Slate featured a health sensor that was built into the first-person scope ability. When pointed at a mob for 1 second it revealed their number of hit points.[35] A similar ability was added to the Champion's Tunic in the final release.
- In the E3 2016 version of the game the Champion's Tunic, previously named the Champion Shirt, lacked the ability to detect the number of hitpoints of enemies.[36]
- The icon for Materials section of the Inventory was altered sometime between the E3 2016 build and the build shown at The Game Awards 2016.
- The icon for various Materials were altered sometime between the E3 2016 build and the final release of the game. The icon for the Rushroom from the E3 2016 build still existed within the game files of the final build.
- The models of Oman Au, Owa Daim, and were changed sometime between E3 2016 and the final release of the game.
- The Monks Kalm Yu'ogh, Kam Yatakh, and Ke Numut were replaced with Kam Urog, Kaam Ya'tak, and Keh Namut, respectively sometime between E3 2016 and the final release of the game.
- A number of terms have been changed:
E3 2016 Build | Final Build |
Shrine Kalm Yu'ogh | Kam Urog Shrine |
Shrine Kam Yatakh | Kaam Ya'tak Shrine |
Shrine Ke Numut | Keh Namut Shrine |
Shrine Ja Baij | Ja Baij Shrine |
Shrine Oman Au | Oman Au Shrine |
Shrine Owa Daim | Owa Daim Shrine |
Resurrection Tower | Great Plateau Tower |
Mt. Hylia | Mount Hylia |
Hylia River | River of the Dead |
Pouch | Inventory |
Important Items | Key Items |
Quilted Shirt | Warm Doublet |
Well-Worn Pants | Well-Worn Trousers |
Champion Shirt | Champion's Tunic |
Bird Meat | Raw Bird Drumstick |
Bokoblin Liver | Bokoblin Guts |
Firewood | Wood |
Prime Steak | Raw Prime Meat |
Steak | Raw Meat |
- There are also several alterations to in-game text:
Description | E3 2016 Build | Final Build |
Sheikah text on the roof of Sheikah Towers | - SHEAKTOWER- | S HEIKAHTOWE R |
Dialogue of the Old Man at the top of Mount Hylia (when he gives the Quilted Shirt/Warm Doublet) | Ahhhh... Quite the view from up here. [B-b-breathtaking...] This may be the best place to get a full view of the entire plateau. Did you know that there's a Scope on your Sheikah Slate? Look through it, and you can stick a pin anywhere you'd like to mark on the map.
Those pins will appear on your Map as reference points for your travels. Just stick a pin where you want to go! [How'd you know...?] Har har har! Just a few tricks I've picked up over many, many years in the wild... You may take my advice or leave it. Go ahead and take a look when you're so inclined. You did well to make it this far wearing that. Please take this Quilted Shirt as a reward for your tenacity. Be sure to try it on if you get too cold. Like...now, perhaps? |
Ahhh... I enjoy gazing out at the world from here. [B-b-breathtaking view...] This may be the best place to get a full view of the entire plateau. Did you know about the scope on your Sheikah Slate? Look through it, and you can stick a pin anywhere you'd like to mark on the map.
The pins on your map serve as reference points for your travels. Just stick a pin anywhere you're interested in! [How do you know?] Oho ho! Just a few tricks I've picked up after many, many years in the wild... You may take my advice or leave it. Go ahead and take a look if you feel inclined to do so. You did well to make it this far without the proper clothing. Please take this warm doublet as a reward for your tenacity. I assume you will want to try it on right away, yes? I thought you might be eager to see how it looks... It's quite fetching! Well, I suppose it matters not. It is yours now. Do take care to put it on before you get too cold, though. |
Sheikah text on Guidance Stones | NOW LOADING DO NOT TURN OFF ALL YOUR BASE ARE |
Amber description | A fossilized resin with a caramelesque sheen to it. It's usually traded for Rupees but can also be used in accessories. | A fossilized resin with a caramelesque sheen to it. It's been valued as a component in decorations and crafting since ancient times. |
Boko Shield description | A shoddy shield made of tree bark. It's not very durable, but it serves its purpose. | A Bokoblin-made shield created by attaching a handhold to any flat tree bark picked up off the ground. It's pretty shoddy, so don't expect it to last very long. |
Boko Bow description | A basic Bokoblin bow made of wood. It's not very powerful but is light and easy to use. | A basic Bokoblin bow made of wood. It's made by taking any tree branch and tying a string to either end, so don't expect much in the way of combat effectiveness. |
Bokoblin Horn description | The severed horn of a Bokoblin, a creature often encountered in the plains of Hyrule. The horn isn't edible, but you can cook it with an insect to make something useful. | The severed horn of a Bokoblin, a creature often encountered in the plains of Hyrule. The horn isn't edible, but it can be tossed into a stew with some critters to make an elixir. |
Chuchu Jelly description | A gelatinous substance that came from a Chuchu. It's unusable in this state, but applying a bit of electric current may change its form. | A gelatinous substance that came from a Chuchu. It's unusable in this state, but applying a bit of elemental stimulation will change its form. |
Hylian Trousers description | Traditional dress pants of the Hyrule region. The plush fabric makes these trousers quite comfortable. | Traditional dress trousers of Hyrule. The plush fabric makes these trousers quite comfortable, and their high durability makes them ideal for travelers. |
Keese Eyeball description | A rare material dropped by a defeated Keese. It's fun to look at, but it doesn't seem to have much use. Maybe a collector would be interested in it... | A rare material dropped by a defeated Keese. It's fun to look at, but it doesn't seem to have much use at first glance. But it must be good for something... |
Keese Wing description | The wing of a Keese. It's covered with very short, sharp fur. It's not much use by itself, but you can mix it with insects to make something useful. | The wing of a Keese. It's covered with very short, sharp fur. It's not much use by itself, but you can mix it with critters to make something useful. |
Opal description | A valuable ore that's often inlaid with an intricate spiral pattern. Opal is usually traded for Rupees but can also be used in accessories. | A valuable ore that gives off a mesmerizing iridescence similar to the inside of a seashell. It contains the power of water. |
Seared Steak description | Steak cooked over an open flame. Cooking it has increased its flavor and the number of hearts it provides. | Raw meat cooked over an open flame. Cooking it has increased its flavor and the number of hearts it provides. |
Spicy Sautéed Peppers description | Temporarily raises your body temperature. A simple dish composed of Sautéed peppers. High heat has broken down the spicy compound, creating a deeper sweeter taste. | Grants low-level cold resistance. The spiciness of these Sautéed peppers has been broken by the heat for a sweeter taste. |
Sunset Firefly description | During the day, these fireflies stay unlit and hidden in the shade. Cook them with monster parts for an increased-stealth effect. | These fireflies glow gently in the dark. When cooked with monster parts, the compound that causes it to glow results in an elixir that will allow you to move more quietly. |
Torch description | A torch that will stay lit once ignited. If you put it away, the flame will be extinguished until you light it again. | This torch will stay lit once ignited. If you put it away, the flame will be extinguished until you light it again. |
Traveler's Shield description | A sturdy shield loved by many an adventurer. It is made of animal hide and sturdy wood. | A sturdy shield loved by many an adventurer. It is made of animal hide and sturdy wood and is best suited to defending against weak monsters or animals. |
Tree Branch description | A branch from a local tree. It doesn't do much damage, but it doesn't have to. Great for throwing at things or for swinging around haphazardly during peaceful jaunts. | Wooden branches such as this are pretty common, but it's surprisingly well-balanced. It doesn't do much damage but can serve as a weapon in a pinch. |
Well-Worn Trousers description | These old pants are threadbare in spots, but they're surprisingly comfortable. The legs are a bit too short, though. | These old trousers are threadbare in spots, but they're surprisingly comfortable. The legs are a bit too short, though. |
Wood description | A portable bundle of firewood. You can use this to make a fire...as long as you have something to light it. | A portable bundle of wood. You can use this to make a campfire if you have something to light it. |
- In the E3 2016 build, the Rusty Broadsword's attack strength was 5. This was increased to 6 in the January 2017 build used to showcase the Nintendo Switch version of the game.
Hyrule Warriors[]
- Lana and King Dodongo in his Ocarina of Time design originally appeared during "The Armies of Ruin".
- Lizalfos originally used their Skyward Sword design.
- The HUD in the top-left corner of the screen was originally modeled differently.
- In an early English version of the game, Proxi was simply referred to as, "Fairy."
- However, she is called "Fairy" before she introduces herself in the final version.
- There is an unused voice clip of Zelda singing her theme. This can be heard by using the Summoning Gate as Zelda via the Skin Swap Glitch.[37]
- For concept art and unused designs appearing in Hyrule Historia, see Gallery:Hyrule Historia.
An unidentified enemy, possibly an earlier version of the Shadow Beast, from Twilight Princess
Video Gallery[]
Ocarina of Time Tech Demo |
Ocarina of Time Forward Jump |
Twilight Princess Unused Enemies |
Twilight Princess at E3 2004 |
Twilight Princess at GDC 2005 |
Twilight Princess at E3 2005 |
Unfinished Loftwing model in Skyward Sword |
See Also[]
External Links[]
- ↑ "The Wind Marimba didn't exist when this screenshot was taken; in its place is a pair of cymbals." — Prerelease:The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, The Cutting Room Floor, retrieved October 10, 2018.
- ↑ "Volvagia is a dragon, so it wriggles and undulates. I only gave Morita-san the dragon model parts, but he set it in motion immediately. It was mysterious how he could do that. [...] I couldn't help but ask how he did it. He said it was the same as the programming for Star Fox 64. There's this scene when another fighter aircraft is tailing Arwing and..." —Satoru Takizawa (Iwata Asks: Ocarina of Time 3D: Original Development Staff - Part 2)
- ↑ "This is a wind magic medallion. There are six types of magic, including fire, wind, darkness, and light. I'm thinking about mixing the different types of magic (Miyamoto forces a smile). Truthfully, you can use magic in conjunction with Link's bow and arrow. Since you can use magic missiles, it's important that you can use magic on arrows." —Shigeru Miyamoto (Miyamoto answers 100 questions about OoT)
- ↑ "Yes. The six types of magic are divided by color, the wind magic being green." —Shigeru Miyamoto (Miyamoto answers 100 questions about OoT)
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ "You had to press a button to jump when we first started making The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. [...] As we were making Super Mario 64, we were thinking about The Legend of Zelda the whole time, and started talking about decreasing the action element in The Legend of Zelda and increasing the puzzle elements." —Yoshiaki Koizumi (Iwata Asks: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D: The Legend of Zelda with Chanbara-style Action)
- ↑ [2]
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5k2ugRj8Mo
- ↑ [3]
- ↑ [4]
- ↑ Link's concept art
- ↑ "You can use magic or items to attack. There are a lot of missile weapons like arrows and pachinko balls. There are also hammers and staffs, as well as "hook shots."" —Shigeru Miyamoto (THE Z-FILES)
- ↑ "Q: What happens when your Hit Points go down?
Miyamoto: Your speed will get slower, and it will be easier for you to be defeated." — IGN Staff, THE Z-FILES, IGN, published November 26, 1997, retrieved October 22, 2017. - ↑ "Only Child Link appears in Majora's Mask, but, for some reason, there are illustrations for Adult Link. Perhaps they were prototypes of Fierce Deity Link, who appears in the final game." (Hyrule Historia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 151)
- ↑ "This object contains an updated version of the Potion Shop Owner from Ocarina of Time, updated for Majora's Mask. Its filename translates to "Drug Store 2 Owner". Unlike the Ocarina of Time model, which is also still present in the game, this version of the Drug Store Owner object has legs.
When loaded in the game, he cannot be interacted with, and simply stands stationary with his hands on his hips." — The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask/Unused Actors, Objects, & Variables - The Cutting Room Floor, The Cutting Room Floor, published n.d., retrieved March 4, 2020. - ↑ https://tcrf.net/The_Legend_of_Zelda:_Majora%27s_Mask/Unused_Actors,_Objects,_%26_Variables#object_ahg
- ↑ "A design sketch depicting Ganondorf's phantom. Ganondorf never appears in the Oracle series, however. Only his beast form, Ganon, is seen." (Hyrule Historia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 169)
- ↑ [5]
- ↑ "If I had to say one thing in particular I wanted to improve in the original, while I was developing the original, it has to have been the boat speed. I can't give you an exact number, but it's almost two times faster in the Wii U version than it was in the Game Cube [sic] version, and that was because of limitations with the hardware." —Eiji Aonuma (Nintendo's Eiji Aonuma Pulls Back The Curtain On 'The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD')
- ↑ "Your Lon Lon Milk turned into butter! It's very fresh and delicious!" — N/A (The Minish Cap)
- ↑ "For some reason, this concept art depicts Telma's cat riding on Darbus's shoulder. It seems that, initially, the feline played a role in his story." (Hyrule Historia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 189)
- ↑ "A beast should aaaact like a beast. Don't worry about huuuuumans... Harbor the power of the aaanimals." — Madame Fanadi (Twilight Princess)
- ↑ "Hmm... This wolf stinks of human..." — Madame Fanadi (Twilight Princess)
- ↑ "Baaaack to the forest with you..." — Madame Fanadi (Twilight Princess)
- ↑ "If you waaant the attention of people in town, you must become huuuman..." — Madame Fanadi (Twilight Princess)
- ↑ The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess § Unused Enemies, The Cutting Room Floor, retrieved April 27, 2015.
- ↑ "You put green Chu Jelly in your bottle! It doesn't look all that tasty..." — N/A (Twilight Princess HD)
- ↑ "Jelly from a green Chu.
*Set it to [Y], [X] or [R] and drink it, though it doesn't look like it will do much..." — Items Screen Description (Twilight Princess HD) - ↑ The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds E3 Trailer
- ↑ The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, The Cutting Room Floor.
- ↑ "There weren't any outfits that we created but ended up cutting from the game, but we did abandon a few ideas in the planning phase. Let's see... We thought about creating a "Stinky Costume" which would keep enemies at bay, or a "Kansai Outfit" which would put the situation reports into the Kansai dialect of Japanese." —Hiromasa Shikata (Tri Force Heroes Miiting part 2)
- ↑ "We also considered "Emperor's New Clothes", which would make you look naked to other players, and a "Handsome Outfit" that made you look really cool in photos." —Mikiharu Oiwa (Tri Force Heroes Miiting part 2)
- ↑ The Cutting Room Floor
- ↑ Nintendo, Wii U - The Legend of Zelda - Gameplay First Look from The Game Awards, YouTube, published December 5, 2014, retrieved December 4, 2016.
- ↑ Nintendo, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Exploration Gameplay - Nintendo E3 2016, YouTube, published June 14, 2016, retrieved February 25, 2021.
- ↑ Nintendo, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Weapons and Combat Gameplay - Nintendo E3 2016, YouTube, published June 14, 2016, retrieved February 25, 2021.
- ↑ [6], Tumblr, published October 15, 2014, retrieved November 1, 2014.