The Traveling Warrior is a character that appears in the Majora's Mask manga by Akira Himekawa. He is a hero from a faraway land who came to Termina and met Majora ten thousand years prior to the events of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask.[1]
An unknown warrior appears before a large, shaggy creature known as Majora. The creature, believing that the warrior wants his magical armor so that he may have his heart's desire, intends to kill the warrior. However, the warrior produces a drum and begins playing it. Entranced by the music, Majora begins to dance for three days straight. Upon the completion of the third day, the creature dies from exhaustion. The warrior then crafts a Mask from his armor.
- ↑ "In truth, I was drawn to this land by a strange force. To a strange world that was not moving, but not dead, either." (Majora's Mask (Himekawa), Viz Media, pg. 197)