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Zelda Wiki

The following page is a list of the names of every every named Item and Object appearing in The Legend of Zelda in every release of the game. The Legend of Zelda has been released in the following languages: Japanese, American English, German, European Spanish, European French and Italian. Supplementary material for The Legend of Zelda has been released in Dutch and Russian.

  • Empty cells indicate that a name has not yet been found for that particular term in that language.
  • Cells with an em dash (−) indicate there is no given name for that particular term in that language.


Japanese, Dutch, French, GermanItalian, Russian, Spanish
TLoZ 2nd Potion Sprite
2nd Potion
命の水 (Inochi no Mizu)
イノチミズ アカ (Inochi Mizu Aka)
LevenswaterEau de vie
TLoZ Arrow Sprite
木の矢 (Ki no Ya)
ヤ (Ya)
Houten pijlFlèche en bois
TLoZ Blue Candle Sprite
Blue Candle
ロウソク アオ (Rousoku Ao)
青いローソク (Aoi Rōsoku)
Blauw kaarsBougie bleue
TLoZ Blue Ring Sprite
Blue Ring
ユビワ アオ (Yubiwa Ao)
ブルーリング (Burū Ringu)
Blauw ringBague bleue
TLoZ Bomb Sprite
バクダン (Bakudan)BomBombe
TLoZ Book of Magic Sprite
Book of Magic
バイブル (Baiburu)
TLoZ Boomerang Sprite
ブーメラン (Būmeran)
木のブーメラン (Ki no Būmeran)
Houten boemerangBoomerang en bois
TLoZ Bow Sprite
ユミ (Yumi)
弓 (Yumi)
TLoZ Clock Sprite
マジカルクロック (Majikaru Kurokku)
トケイ (Tokei)
Magische klokHorloge magique
TLoZ Compass Sprite
コンパス (Konpasu)KompasCompas
TLoZ Fairy Sprite
妖精 (Yōsei)Feen
TLoZ Flute Sprite
フエ (Fue)
笛 (Fue)
TLoZ Food Sprite
エサ (Esa)
敵のエサ (Teki no Esa)
LokvoerAppât pour l'ennemi
TLoZ Heart Sprite
ハート (Hāto)HartCoeur
TLoZ Heart Container Sprite
Heart Container
イノチノウツワ (Inochi no Utsuwa)
ハートの水筒 (Hāto no Suitō)
Hart-containerCoffret de coeur
TLoZ Key Sprite
キー ()SleutelClef
TLoZ Letter Sprite
テガミ (Tegami)
おばあさんへの手紙 (Obā-san e no Tegami)
Brief aan de oude vrouwLettre à une petite vieille
TLoZ Life Potion Sprite
Life Potion
イノチノミズ アオ (Inochi Mizu Ao)
命の水 (Inochi no Mizu)
LevenswaterEau de vie
TLoZ Magical Boomerang Sprite
Magical Boomerang
マジカルブーメラング (Majikaru Būmeran)Magische boemerangBoomerang magique
TLoZ Magical Key Sprite
Magical Key
マジカルキー (Majikaru Kī)Magische SleutelClef magique
TLoZ Magical Rod Sprite
Magical Rod
マジカルロッド (Majikaru Roddo)Magische StafBâton magique
TLoZ Magical Shield Sprite
Magical Shield
マジカルシールド (Majikaru Shīrudo)Magisch schildBouclier magique
TLoZ Magical Sword Sprite
Magical Sword
マジカルソード (Majikaru Sōdo)Magisch zwaardEpée magique
TLoZ Map Sprite
チズ (Chizu)
迷宮のマップ (Meikyū no Mappu)
Plattegrond van het labyrintCarte des labyrinthes
TLoZ Power Bracelet Sprite
Power Bracelet
パワーブレスレット (Pawā Buresuretto)Power-armbandBracelet de puissance
TLoZ Raft Sprite
イカダ (Ikada)VlotRadeau
TLoZ Red Candle Sprite
Red Candle
ロウソク アカ (Rousoku Aka)
赤いローソク (Akai Rōsoku)
Rode kaarsBougie rouge
TLoZ Red Ring Sprite
Red Ring
レッドリング (Reddo Ringu)
ユビワ アカ (Yubiwa Aka)
Rode ringBague rouge
TLoZ Rupee Sprite
ルピー (Rupī)RubieRubis
TLoZ Silver Arrow Sprite
Silver Arrow
ギンノヤ (Gin no Ya)
銀の矢 (Gin no Ya)
Zilver pijlFlèche en argent
TLoZ Stepladder Sprite
はしご (Hashigo)
TLoZ Sword Sprite
ソード (Sōdo)ZwaardEpée
TLoZ Triforce Sprite
トライフォース (Toraifōsu)TriforceTriforce
TLoZ Triforce Shard Sprite
Triforce Shard
Fragment de Triforce
TLoZ White Sword Sprite
White Sword
ホワイトソード (Howaito Sōdo)Zilver zwaardEpée blanche
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TLoZ Shield EmblemTAoL Magical Sword Artwork 2ALttP English Logo 2LA Wind Fish's Egg SpriteLADX Wind Fish's Egg SpriteLANS Marin RenderOoT Ocarina of Time RenderOoT3D Fairy Ocarina RenderMM Majora's Mask RenderMM3D Majora's Mask RenderOracle of Ages - Harp of AgesOoS Rod of Seasons ArtworkFS English LogoFSAE English LogoTWWHD Wind Waker ArtworkWW Link HD 1FSA Four Sword ArtworkTMC Ezlo ArtworkTP Midna IconTPHD Midna ArtworkThe Phantom HourglassST Spirit Flute Collection IconSS Fi IconSS Link ArtworkALBW Dark TriforceTri Force HeroesBotW Crest of the Sheikah SymbolTFoE English LogoTWoG English LogoFPTRR English LogoLCT Crossbow RenderRTBToL Japanese LogoHW Link's Scarf Icon 2HWDE Linkle Mini Map IconHWDE Link BotW Costume RenderCoH Cadence SpriteHWAoC Terrako IconHHGerudoEBotW Sheikah O

Link's Awakening DX

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Ocarina of Time 3D

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Four Swords Anniversary Edition

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The Wind Waker HD

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Twilight Princess HD

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Skyward Sword HD

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Hyrule Warriors

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Hyrule Warriors Legends

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Cadence of Hyrule

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