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Sensei, real name Florence, is one of Tingle's love interests in Ripened Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love.


Sensei first appears on Page 3, where she was taking care of Peter’s injuries after Buriki’s spaceship crashed on his truck while he was working. When she first meets Tingle, she gets terrified for his odd appearance, and quickly departs.

Later in the game, when Tingle returns to Page 3, she is leaving a note for Peter on the door of the house, and, after seeing Tingle, she climbs up a water tower in fear, and will not calm down until Tingle gives her enough gifts in a Love Push. After her second heart is unlocked, Sensei moves to Page 10 where her last Love Push takes place.


In Japanese, Sensei can mean a teacher, a doctor, a master, etc.

TMC Forest Minish Artwork Names in Other Regions TMC Jabber Nut Sprite
Language Name
Japan Japanese センセイ ( Sensei)
フローレンス (Florence)

