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The Rented Hammer is an Item in A Link Between Worlds.[1]

Location and Uses[]

The Rented Hammer is used to push pegs and Moles into the ground, as well as to defeat certain Enemies such as Deadrocks and Terrorpins. It is necessary for progression in the Tower of Hera. It is rentable from Ravio's Shop for fifty Rupees.

Being a rented Item, the Rented Hammer will be returned to Ravio by Sheerow if Link falls in battle. It may be permanently obtained as the Hammer for 800 Rupees, and further upgraded into the Nice Hammer by Mother Maiamai.


TMC Forest Minish Artwork Names in other regions TMC Jabber Nut Sprite
JapanJapanese借りたハンマー (Karita Hanmā)[2]Borrowed Hammer
CanadaFrenchCAMarteau loué[3]
FranceFrenchEUMarteau de location[4]
ItalyItalianMartello a noleggio[6]
South KoreaKorean빌린 해머 (Billin Haemeo)[7]
SpainSpanishEUMartillo alquilado[8]
Latin AmericaSpanishLAMartillo alquilado[9]
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.

See Also[]


  1. "Rented Hammer
    Bang down any pegs that block your way! Enemies too—wham!
    " — N/A (A Link Between Worlds)
  2. "借りたハンマー
    " — Inventory (A Link Between Worlds)
  3. "Marteau loué
    Besoin de passer vos nerfs? Aplatissez les ennemis et les obstacles qui vous agacent!
    " — Inventory (A Link Between Worlds)
  4. "Marteau de location
    Besoin de passer vos nerfs ? Aplatissez les ennemis et les obstacles qui vous agacent !
    " — Inventory (A Link Between Worlds)
  5. "Leih-Hammer
    Ramme störende Pfosten und hartnäckige Feinde unangespitzt in den Boden.
    " — Inventory (A Link Between Worlds)
  6. "Martello a noleggio
    Noleggiato da Lavio. Affossa pioli e nemici!
    " — Inventory (A Link Between Worlds)
  7. "빌린 해머
    라비오 에게 빌린 물건
    거슬리는 말뚝도 이걸로 쿵!
    거슬리는 적들도 이걸로 쿵!
    " — Inventory (A Link Between Worlds)
  8. "Martillo alquilado
    Ahora podrás golpear los obstáculos o a los enemigos que te sacaban de quicio.
    " — Inventory (A Link Between Worlds)
  9. "Martillo alquilado
    Ahora podrás golpear los obstáculos o a los enemigos que te bloqueen el camino.
    " — Inventory (A Link Between Worlds)