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Zelda Wiki

This module takes care of parsing and validating template input, allowing module developers to focus on core logic. It aims to achieve the same goal as Wikipedia's Module:Arguments but with a different approach:

  • Validation is based on a schema that is also used to auto-generate documentation. This guarantees that the documentation is up to date with the validation code.
  • No implicit behaviour. If you want to trim a parameter, you specify trim = true. If you want to treat empty strings as nil, you specify nilIfEmpty = true. Module:Arguments does several things "automagically" by default and lacks clarity as a result.
  • No frame handling. It's up to the caller to consolidate frame.args and frame:getParent().args if needed. This can be done with utilsTable.merge. Most modules typically need only one frame anyway.

Lua error in package.lua at line 80: module 'Module:UtilsArg/Validate' not found.

local p = {}
local h = {}

local i18n = require("Module:I18n")
local s = i18n.getString
local utilsPackage = require("Module:UtilsPackage")
local utilsString = require("Module:UtilsString")
local utilsTable = require("Module:UtilsTable")
local utilsValidate = require("Module:UtilsValidate")

p = utilsPackage.submodules({
}, {

local VALIDATORS = {"required", "enum", "deprecated"}

function p.parse(frameArgs, templateSpec)
	local args = {}
	local err = {
		args = {},
		categories = {},
	for k, v in pairs(templateSpec.params) do
		args[v.name or k] = h.parseArg(frameArgs[k], v)
	local variadicParam = templateSpec.params["..."]
	if variadicParam then
		args[variadicParam.name] = {}
		local i = #templateSpec.params + 1
		while frameArgs[i] do
			local varArg = h.parseArg(frameArgs[i], variadicParam)
			if varArg then
				table.insert(args[variadicParam.name], varArg)
			i = i + 1
	for k, v in pairs(templateSpec.params) do
		local argErrors, errorCategories = h.validate(args[v.name or k], v, v.name or k, args)
		if #argErrors > 0 then
			err.args[v.name or k] = utilsTable.concat(err.args[v.name or k] or {}, argErrors)
		err.categories = utilsTable.concat(err.categories, errorCategories)
	if #err.categories == 0 then
		err = nil
	return args, err

function h.parseArg(arg, param)
	if arg and param.trim then
		arg = utilsString.trim(arg)
	if arg and param.split then
		local pattern = type(param.split) == "string" and param.split or nil
		arg = utilsString.split(arg, pattern)
	if param.nilIfEmpty then
		arg = utilsString.nilIfEmpty(arg)
	return arg

function h.validate(arg, param, paramName, args)
	local errors = {}
	local categories = {}
	for i, validator in ipairs(VALIDATORS) do
		local validatorData = param[validator]
		if validator == "enum" and param.enum then
			local enum = param.enum
			if type(param.enum) == "function" then
				local dependency = args[param.enumDependsOn]
				enum = dependency and enum(dependency)
			validatorData = enum
		local errorMessages, cat
		if validatorData ~= nil then 
			errorMessages, cat = h[validator](validatorData, arg, paramName)
		for _, err in ipairs(errorMessages or {}) do
			table.insert(errors, {
				msg = err,
				category = cat
			table.insert(categories, cat)
	return errors, categories
function h.required(required, value, name)
	if not required then
	local err = utilsValidate.required(value, name)
	if err then
		return {err}, s("cat.invalidArgs")
function h.enum(enum, value, name)
	if not enum then
	local err = utilsValidate._enum(enum)(value, name)
	if err then
		return err, s("cat.invalidArgs")
function h.deprecated(deprecated, value, name)
	if not deprecated then
	local err = utilsValidate.deprecated(value, name)
	if err then
		return {err}, s("cat.deprecatedArgs")

	en = {
		cat = {
			invalidArgs = "Category:Pages with Invalid Arguments",
			deprecatedArgs = "Category:Pages with Deprecated Arguments",

p.Schemas = {
	parse = {
		frameArgs = {
			type = "any",
			required = true,
			desc = "Table of arguments obtained from {{Scribunto Manual|lib=Frame object|frame object}}.",
		templateSpec = {
			type = "any",
			required = true,
			desc = "[[Module:Documentation#Templates|Template documentation object]].",

p.Documentation = {
	parse = {
		desc = "This function validates template input and parses it into a table for use in the rest of the module.",
		params = {"frameArgs", "templateSpec"},
		returns = {
			"A table of arguments parsed from the template input.",
			"A table of validation errors, or nil if there are none. The error messages are also logged using {{Scribunto Manual|lib=mw.addWarning}}.",
		cases = {
			outputOnly = true,
				desc = "Positional arguments are assigned to their names.",
				snippet = "PositionalAndNamedArgs",
				expect = {
						game = "OoT",
						page = "Boss Key",
				desc = "Special parameter <code>...</code> is used to parse an array of trailing template arguments",
				snippet = "TrailingArgs",
				expect = {
						games = {"OoT", "MM", "TWW", "TP"}
				desc = "<code>...</code> used with other positional args",
				snippet = "TrailingArgsWithPositionalArgs",
				expect = {
						foo = "foo",
						bar = "bar",
						games = {"OoT", "MM", "TWW", "TP"},
				desc = "Validation of required arguments.",
				snippet = "RequiredArgs",
				expect = {
						page = "Boss Key"
						categories = {"Category:Pages with Invalid Arguments"},
						args = {
							game = {
									category = "Category:Pages with Invalid Arguments",
									msg = "<code>game</code> is required but is <code>nil</code>.",
				desc = "Validation of deprecated arguments.",
				snippet = "Deprecated",
				expect = {
					{ oldArg = "foo" },
						categories = {"Category:Pages with Deprecated Arguments"},
						args = {
							oldArg = {
									category = "Category:Pages with Deprecated Arguments",
									msg = "<code>oldArg</code> is deprecated but has value <code>foo</code>.",
				desc = "<code>trim</code> can be set on a parameter so that [[Module:UtilsString#trim|utilsString.trim]] is called for the argument.",
				snippet = "Trim",
				expect = {{ someParam = "foo" }}
				desc = "<code>nilIfEmpty</code> can be set on a parameter so that [[Module:UtilsString#nilIfEmpty|utilsString.nilIfEmpty]] is called for the argument.",
				snippet = "NilIfEmpty",
				expect = {{}, nil}
				desc = "<code>split</code> can be set on a parameter so that [[Module:UtilsString#split|utilsString.split]] is called for the argument.",
				snippet = "Split",
				expect = {
					{ foo = {"a", "b", "c"} },
				desc = "<code>split</code> using a custom splitting pattern",
				snippet = "SplitPattern",
				expect = {
					{ foo = {"a", "b", "c"} },
				desc = "If <code>nilIfEmpty</code> and <code>required</code> are set, then the argument is invalid if it is an empty string.",
				snippet = "NilIfEmptyWithRequiredArgs",
				expect = {
						categories = {"Category:Pages with Invalid Arguments"},
						args = {
							game = {
									category = "Category:Pages with Invalid Arguments",
									msg = "<code>game</code> is required but is <code>nil</code>.",
				desc = "If <code>trim</code>, <code>nilIfEmpty</code>, and <code>required</code> are set, then the argument is invalid if it is a blank string.",
				snippet = "TrimNilIfEmptyRequired",
				expect = {
						categories = {"Category:Pages with Invalid Arguments"},
						args = {
							game = {
									category = "Category:Pages with Invalid Arguments",
									msg = "<code>game</code> is required but is <code>nil</code>.",
				desc = "<code>enum</code> validation.",
				snippet = "Enum",
				expect = {
						triforce2 = "Limpah",
						game = "ALttZ",
						triforce1 = "Kooloo",
						categories = {
							"Category:Pages with Invalid Arguments",
							"Category:Pages with Invalid Arguments",
							"Category:Pages with Invalid Arguments",
						args = {
							triforce2 = {
									category = "Category:Pages with Invalid Arguments",
									msg = "<code>triforce2</code> has unexpected value <code>Limpah</code>. For a list of accepted values, refer to [[Triforce]].",
							game = {
									category = "Category:Pages with Invalid Arguments",
									msg = "<code>game</code> has unexpected value <code>ALttZ</code>. For a list of accepted values, refer to [[Data:Franchise]].",
							triforce1 = {
									category = "Category:Pages with Invalid Arguments",
									msg = '<code>triforce1</code> has unexpected value <code>Kooloo</code>. The accepted values are: <code>{"Courage", "Power", "Wisdom"}</code>',
				desc = "<code>split</code> is used to parse comma-separated strings as arrays. Each array item can be validated against an <code>enum</code>.",
				snippet = "SplitEnum",
				expect = {
						games = {"OoT", "fakeGame", "BotW"},
						categories = {"Category:Pages with Invalid Arguments"},
						args = {
							games = {
									category = "Category:Pages with Invalid Arguments",
									msg = "<code>games[2]</code> has unexpected value <code>fakeGame</code>. For a list of accepted values, refer to [[Data:Franchise]].",
				desc = "<code>enum</code> can be written as a function, when the list of acceptable values depends on the value of another argument.",
				snippet = "EnumDependsOn",
				expect = {
						term = "Dinolfos",
						game = "TP"
						categories = {"Category:Pages with Invalid Arguments"},
						args = {
							term = {
									category = "Category:Pages with Invalid Arguments",
									msg = '<code>term</code> has unexpected value <code>Dinolfos</code>. The accepted values are: <code>{"Dynalfos"}</code>',
				desc = "If <code>enumDependsOn</code> refers to a required parameter, then <code>enum</code> is not evaluated when that parameter is nil.",
				snippet = "EnumDependsOnNil",
				expect = {
					{ term = "Dinolfos" },
						categories = {"Category:Pages with Invalid Arguments"},
						args = {
							game = {
									category = "Category:Pages with Invalid Arguments",
						    		msg = "<code>game</code> is required but is <code>nil</code>.",
				desc = "Altogether now",
				snippet = "TermStorePass",
				expect = {
						term = "Dinolfos",
						games = {"OoT", "MM"},
				snippet = "TermStoreFail",
				expect = {
						plural = "true",
						games = {"YY", "ZZ"},
						categories = {
							"Category:Pages with Invalid Arguments",
							"Category:Pages with Deprecated Arguments",
							"Category:Pages with Invalid Arguments",
							"Category:Pages with Invalid Arguments",
						args = {
							term = {
									category = "Category:Pages with Invalid Arguments",
									msg = "<code>term</code> is required but is <code>nil</code>.",
							games = {
									category = "Category:Pages with Invalid Arguments",
									msg = "<code>games[1]</code> has unexpected value <code>YY</code>. For a list of accepted values, refer to [[Data:Franchise]]."
									category = "Category:Pages with Invalid Arguments",
									msg = "<code>games[2]</code> has unexpected value <code>ZZ</code>. For a list of accepted values, refer to [[Data:Franchise]]."
							plural = {
									category = "Category:Pages with Deprecated Arguments",
									msg = "<code>plural</code> is deprecated but has value <code>true</code>.",
				desc = "<code>trim</code>, <code>nilIfEmpty</code>, and validators such as <code>enum</code> are applied to individual trailing arguments",
				snippet = "TrailingArgsStringTrimNilIfEmptyEnum",
				expect = {
						games = {"OoT", "MM", "ALttZ"},
						categories = {"Category:Pages with Invalid Arguments"},
						args = {
							games = {
								category = "Category:Pages with Invalid Arguments",
								msg = "<code>games[3]</code> has unexpected value <code>ALttZ</code>. For a list of accepted values, refer to [[Data:Franchise]].",

return p