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Zelda Wiki

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Test/Documentation

local p = {}

--Hello, world!
function p.hello( frame )
    return "Hello, world!"

function p.tabletest( frame )

    -- Create table
    t = {}
    t["foo"] = "foo"
    t.bar = "bar"
    t[1] = "one"
    t[2] = "two"
    t[3] = "three"
    t[12] = "the number twelve"
    t["12"] = "the string twelve"
    t[true] = "true"
    t[tonumber] = "yes, even functions may be table keys"
    t[t] = "yes, a table may be a table key too. Even in itself."

    -- This creates a table roughly equivalent to the above
    t2 = {
        foo = "foo",
        bar = "bar",
        [12] = "the number twelve",
        ["12"] = "the string twelve",
        [true] = "true",
        [tonumber] = "yes, even functions may be table keys",
    t2[t2] = "yes, a table may be a table key too. Even in itself."

--like Template:HylianALBW/Letter
function p.getChar( frame )
    local game = frame.args[1]
    local char = frame.args[2]
    local size = frame.args[3]
    char = char:upper()
    --char = string.upper(char)
    --No case-switch in Lua
    local letter = char
    if game == 'SS' then
        if     char == 'D' or char == 'W' then letter = 'DW'
        elseif char == 'E' or char == 'K' then letter = 'EK'
        elseif char == 'O' or char == 'Z' then letter = 'OZ'
    elseif game == 'ALBW' then
        if     char == 'D' or char == 'G' then letter = 'DG'
        elseif char == 'F' or char == 'R' then letter = 'FR'
        elseif char == 'J' or char == 'T' then letter = 'JT'
        elseif char == 'E' or char == 'W' then letter = 'EW'
        elseif char == 'O' or char == 'Z' then letter = 'OZ'
    local ext = 'png'
    if game == 'ALBW' then ext = 'svg' end

    return '<span class="tooltip" title="' .. char .. '">[[File:' .. game .. ' ' .. letter .. ' Icon.' .. ext .. '|x' .. size .. 'px|link=]]</span>'

--like Template:HylianALBW
function p.getWord( frame )
    -- https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Scribunto/Lua_reference_manual
    -- https://www.lua.org/cgi-bin/demo
    --Precondition: Assumes no spaces in the string
    local game = frame.args[1]
    local word = frame.args[2]
    local size = frame.args[3]
    game = game:upper()
    if game == 'BOTW' then game = 'ALBW' end
    if size == nil or '' then size = '20' end
    local t = {}
    t[1] = '<span style="display:inline-block; margin:1px 4px;">'
    local i = 1
        local char = word:sub(i,i)
        --local char = string.sub(word,i,i)
        --local char = word.sub(word,i,i)
        --argument formatted like a frame object:
        t[i+1] = p.getChar({args={ game, char, size }})
        i = i+1
    until( i > #word )
    t[i+1] = '</span>'
    return table.concat(t," ")

--should return the first arg when #invoked
function p.func( frame ) 
    return frame.args[1]

--should return something when #invoked
function p.funcDriver( frame )
    --nope--local f.args[1] = "something"

    --local f = {}
    --f.args = {}
    --f.args[1] = "something"

    --local f = {}
    --f.args = { "something" }

    --return p.func( { args = { "something" } } )

    ---local f = { args = { <insert csv list of arguments to p.func here> } }
    local f = { args = { "something" } }
    return p.func( f )

--like Template:HylianALBW/Letter
function p.getChar( frame )
    local game = frame.args[1]
    local char = frame.args[2]
    local size = frame.args[3]
    char = char:upper()
    --char = string.upper(char)
    --No case-switch in Lua
    local letter = char
    if game == 'SS' then
        if     char == 'D' or char == 'W' then letter = 'DW'
        elseif char == 'E' or char == 'K' then letter = 'EK'
        elseif char == 'O' or char == 'Z' then letter = 'OZ'
    elseif game == 'ALBW' then
        if     char == 'D' or char == 'G' then letter = 'DG'
        elseif char == 'F' or char == 'R' then letter = 'FR'
        elseif char == 'J' or char == 'T' then letter = 'JT'
        elseif char == 'E' or char == 'W' then letter = 'EW'
        elseif char == 'O' or char == 'Z' then letter = 'OZ'
    local ext = 'png'
    if game == 'ALBW' then ext = 'svg' end

    return '<span class="tooltip" title="' .. char .. '">[[File:' .. game .. ' ' .. letter .. ' Icon.' .. ext .. '|x' .. size .. 'px|link=]]</span>'

--v2 ~ like Template:HylianALBW
function p.test( frame )
    local game = frame.args[1]:upper()
    local word = frame.args[2]:upper()
    local size = frame.args[3]
    if size == nil or '' then size = '20' end
    local dict
    if game == 'BOTW' or game == 'ALBW' then
        dict = {
            D = 'DG', G = 'DG',
            F = 'FR', R = 'FR',
            J = 'JT', T = 'JT', 
            E = 'EW', W = 'EW',
            O = 'OZ', Z = 'OZ',
    elseif game == 'SS' then
        dict = {
            D = 'DW', W = 'DW',
            E = 'EK', K = 'EK',
            O = 'OZ', Z = 'OZ'
    local ext = 'png'
    if game == 'ALBW' then ext = 'svg' end
    --Will store the string parts to concatenate
    local t = {}
    table.insert(t, '<span style="display:inline-block; margin:1px 4px;">')
    local i = 1
        local letter = word:sub(i,i)
        if letter == ' ' then 
            table.insert(t, '</span>')
            table.insert(t, ' ')
            table.insert(t, '<span style="display:inline-block; margin:1px 4px;">')
            local glyph = letter
            if dict[letter] ~= nil then glyph = dict[letter] end
            table.insert(t, '<span class="tooltip" title="' .. letter .. '">[[File:' .. game .. ' ' .. glyph .. ' Icon.' .. ext .. '|x' .. size .. 'px|link=]]</span>')
        i = i+1
    until( i > #word )
    table.insert(t, '</span>')
    return table.concat(t," ")

--v3 ~ like Template:HylianALBW
function p.test2( frame )
    local game = frame.args[1]:upper()
    local word = frame.args[2]:upper()
    local size = frame.args[3]
    if size == nil or '' then size = '20' end
    local dict
    if game == 'OOT' or game == 'MM' then
        game = 'OoT'
        dict = {
            A   = 'A',
            E   = 'E',
            I   = 'I',
            O   = 'O',
            U   = 'U',
            KA  = 'KA',
            KI  = 'KI',
            KU  = 'KU',
            KE  = 'KE',
            KO  = 'KO',
            GA  = 'KA',
            GI  = 'KI',
            GU  = 'KU',
            GE  = 'KE',
            GO  = 'KO',
            SA  = 'SA',
            SHI = 'SHI',
            SU  = 'SU',
            SE  = 'SE',
            SO  = 'SO',
            ZA  = 'SA',
            ZI  = 'SHI',
            ZU  = 'SU',
            ZE  = 'SE',
            ZO  = 'SO',
            TA  = 'TA',
            CHI = 'CHI',
            TSU = 'TSU',
            TE  = 'TE',
            TO  = 'TO',
            DA  = 'TA',
            DI  = 'CHI',
            DU  = 'TSU',
            DE  = 'TE',
            DO  = 'TO',
            NA  = 'NA',
            NI  = 'NI',
            NU  = 'NU',
            NE  = 'NE',
            NO  = 'NO',
            HA  = 'HA',
            HI  = 'HI',
            HU  = 'HU',
            HE  = 'HE',
            HO  = 'HO',
            PA  = 'HA',
            PI  = 'HI',
            PU  = 'HU',
            PE  = 'HE',
            PO  = 'HO',
            MA  = 'MA',
            MI  = 'MI',
            MU  = 'MU',
            ME  = 'ME',
            MO  = 'MO',
            YA  = 'YA',
            YU  = 'YU',
            YO  = 'YO',
            RA  = 'RA',
            RI  = 'RI',
            RU  = 'RU',
            RE  = 'RE',
            RO  = 'RO',
            WA  = 'WA',
            WO  = 'WO '
    local ext = 'png'
    --Will store the string parts to concatenate
    local t = {}
    table.insert(t, '<span style="display:inline-block; margin:1px 4px;">')
    local letter = ''
    local glyph
    local next_char
    local i = 1
        letter = letter .. word:sub(i,i)
            next_char = true
            if letter == ' ' then
                table.insert(t, '</span>')
                table.insert(t, ' ')
                table.insert(t, '<span style="display:inline-block; margin:1px 4px;">')
                letter = ''
            --elseif letter == 'N' then
            elseif letter == '.' then
                glyph = 'Kuten'
                table.insert(t, '<span class="tooltip" title="' .. letter .. '">[[File:' .. game .. ' ' .. glyph .. ' Icon.' .. ext .. '|x' .. size .. 'px|link=]]</span>')
                letter = ''
            elseif letter == ',' then
                glyph = 'Toten'
                table.insert(t, '<span class="tooltip" title="' .. letter .. '">[[File:' .. game .. ' ' .. glyph .. ' Icon.' .. ext .. '|x' .. size .. 'px|link=]]</span>')
                letter = ''
            elseif dict[letter] ~= nil then
                glyph = dict[letter]
                table.insert(t, '<span class="tooltip" title="' .. letter .. '">[[File:' .. game .. ' ' .. glyph .. ' Icon.' .. ext .. '|x' .. size .. 'px|link=]]</span>')
                letter = ''
            elseif letter:sub(1,1) == 'N' then
                glyph = 'N'
                table.insert(t, '<span class="tooltip" title="' .. letter .. '">[[File:' .. game .. ' ' .. glyph .. ' Icon.' .. ext .. '|x' .. size .. 'px|link=]]</span>')
                letter = letter:sub(2)
                next_char = false
            elseif #letter >= 3 and letter:sub(2,2) == 'Y' then
                --Note that `letter` isn't used in the <span> for these
                glyph = letter:sub(1,1) .. 'I'
                table.insert(t, '<span class="tooltip" title="' .. glyph .. '">[[File:' .. game .. ' ' .. glyph .. ' Icon.' .. ext .. '|x' .. size .. 'px|link=]]</span>')
                glyph = 'Y' .. letter:sub(3,3)
                table.insert(t, '<span class="tooltip" title="' .. glyph .. '">[[File:' .. game .. ' ' .. glyph .. ' Icon.' .. ext .. '|x' .. size .. 'px|link=]]</span>')
                letter = letter:sub(4)
                next_char = false
        until(next_char == true)
        i = i+1
    until( i > #word )
    table.insert(t, '</span>')
    return table.concat(t," ")

return p