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Zelda Wiki
(+ some error handling)
No edit summary
(61 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
local p = {}
local p = {}
local cargo = mw.ext.cargo
local h = {}
local utilsCode = require("Module:UtilsCode")
local cache = mw.ext.LuaCache
local Franchise = require("Module:Franchise")
local utilsArg = require("Module:UtilsArg")
local utilsCargo = require("Module:UtilsCargo")
local utilsError = require("Module:UtilsError")
local utilsError = require("Module:UtilsError")
local utilsGame = require("Module:UtilsGame")
local utilsMarkup = require("Module:UtilsMarkup")
local utilsLocalization = require('Module:UtilsLocalization')
local utilsPage = require("Module:UtilsPage")
local utilsString = require('Module:UtilsString')
local utilsString = require("Module:UtilsString")
local utilsTable = require('Module:UtilsTable')
local utilsTable = require("Module:UtilsTable")
local utilsVar = require("Module:UtilsVar")
p.Templates = mw.loadData("Module:Term/TemplateData")
function p._Main (frame)
local args = frame.args
local CARGO_TABLE = "Terminologies"
return p.Main({game = args["game"], term = args["term"], link = args["link"], plural = args["plural"], display = args["display"], section = args["section"], sort = args["sort"]})
-- In the past Cargo has been iffy with storage from modules, so the actual Cargo store is still done on the actual template.
-- We still do the validation + caching layer here, though.
function p.TermStore(frame)
local args, err = utilsArg.parse(frame:getParent().args, p.Templates["Term/Store"])
local errCategories = err and err.categories or {}
local result = args.singularTerm
if args.plural and utilsString.isEmpty(args.pluralTerm) then
table.insert(errCategories, "Articles with Invalid Arguments")
utilsError.warn("<code>plural</code> option specified yet no plural term is defined. Using singular form.")
elseif args.plural then
result = args.pluralTerm
return result .. utilsMarkup.categories(errCategories)
function p.Main(args)
function p.Singular(frame)
local args, err = utilsArg.parse(frame:getParent().args, p.Templates.Term)
local returnedValue = ""
local printErrorCategories = not utilsPage.inNamespace("User")
local fetchedTerm = p.fetchRow({game = args["game"], term = args["term"]})
local result = p.printTerm(args.page, args.game, {
plural = false,
if utilsCode.IsEmpty(fetchedTerm) then
link = args.link,
local displayedTerm = args["term"]
section = args.section,
if not utilsCode.IsEmpty(args["display"]) then
display = args.display,
printErrorCategories = printErrorCategories,
displayedTerm = args["display"]
if err and printErrorCategories then
result = result .. utilsMarkup.categories(err.categories)
local linkedTerm = args["term"]
if not utilsCode.IsEmpty(args["section"]) then
linkedTerm = linkedTerm .. "#" .. args["section"]
return "<span class='explain facelift-term-invalid' title='Invalid or missing term'>[[" .. args["term"] .. "|" .. displayedTerm .. "]]</span>[[Category:Pages with Invalid or Missing Terms]][[Category:" .. utilsGame.AbbToGame(args["game"]) .. " Pages with Invalid or Missing Terms]]"
if args["link"] == "link" then
local gameSub = utilsGame.AbbToBaseGame(args["game"], true)
returnedValue = returnedValue .. "[[" .. args["term"]
if not utilsCode.IsEmpty(args["section"]) then
returnedValue = returnedValue .. "#" .. args["section"]
elseif (gameSub ~= "Unknown" and args["game"] ~= "Series") then
returnedValue = returnedValue .. "#" .. gameSub
returnedValue = returnedValue .. "|"
returnedValue = returnedValue .. "<span class='term'>"
if not utilsCode.IsEmpty(args["display"]) then
returnedValue = returnedValue .. args["display"]
elseif args["plural"] == "plural" then
returnedValue = returnedValue .. fetchedTerm["plural"]
returnedValue = returnedValue .. fetchedTerm["term"]
if args["link"] == "link" then
returnedValue = returnedValue .. "]]"
returnedValue = returnedValue .. "</span>"
return returnedValue
return result
function p.Plural(frame)
-- Returns raw term, or nil if none found
local args, err = utilsArg.parse(frame:getParent().args, p.Templates.Plural)
function p.fetchTerm(args)
local printErrorCategories = not utilsPage.inNamespace("User")
local row = p.fetchRow({game = args["game"], term = args["term"]})
local result = p.printTerm(args.page, args.game, {
if row then
plural = true,
return row.term
link = args.link,
section = args.section,
utilsError.warn("Invalid or missing term %s for game %s", args.term, args.game)
display = args.display,
printErrorCategories = printErrorCategories,
if err and printErrorCategories then
result = result .. utilsMarkup.categories(err.categories)
return result
function p._fetchTerm(frame)
function p.FetchTerm(frame)
local args = frame.args
local args = frame.args
args = utilsTable.mapValues(args, utilsString.trim)
return p.fetchTerm({game = args["game"], term = args["term"]})
args = utilsTable.mapValues(args, utilsString.nilIfEmpty)
local term = p.fetchTerm(args.page, args.game, {
plural = args.plural
return term
function p.link(page, game, options)
-- Returns raw plural
options = utilsTable.merge({}, options or {}, {
function p.fetchPlural(args)
link = true
return p.fetchRow({game = args["game"], term = args["term"]})["plural"]
return p.printTerm(page, game, options)
function p._fetchPlural(frame)
function p.plural(page, game, options)
options = utilsTable.merge({}, options or {}, {
local args = frame.args
plural = true,
return p.fetchPlural({game = args["game"], term = args["term"]})
return p.printTerm(page, game, options)
function p.pluralLink(page, game, options)
-- Returns the table row of the specified game for the specified page.
local options = utilsTable.merge({}, options or {}, {
-- Returns the entry for "Series" if not found.
link = true,
function p.fetchRow(args)
plural = true,
local tables = 'Terminologies'
local fields = 'games, term, plural'
return p.printTerm(page, game, options)
local queryArgs = {
where = "_pageName = '" .. string.gsub(string.gsub(args["term"], "&#39;", "''"), "'", "''") .. "' AND lang = '" .. utilsLocalization.GetPageLanguage() .. "'"
function p.printTerm(page, game, options)
local result = cargo.query( tables, fields, queryArgs )
options = options or {}
-- If page == nil, Template:Term would otherwise ouptut an empty string and the sentence it's in won't make sense.
--Looks for the game
-- If page == "link", Template:Term would otherwise output "Link", which is almost certainly not what the editor intended
for _, row in pairs(result) do
-- This makes the sentence nonsensical at best and misinformative at worst. Better to display a bold red error.
local games = utilsString.split(row.games)
-- In the former case, it's usually that the editor accidentally added an extra pipe character after the game parameter, making the page argument empty
if utilsTable.keyOf(games, args["game"]) then
-- e.g. {{Term|BotW||Shield|link}}
return row
-- In the latter case, it's usually that editor meant to link to a page but forgot to add either the page parameter or game parameter
-- so the link parameter (param #3) took the place of the page parameter (param #2)
-- e.g. {{Term|Stalfos|link}}
if not page or page == "link" then
error("page parameter cannot be empty")
local term, fetchErrors = p.fetchTerm(page, game, options)
local errorCategories = ""
if options.printErrorCategories ~= false then
local errors = utilsTable.concat(validationErrors or {}, fetchErrors or {})
errorCategories = utilsMarkup.categories(errors)
local result = ""
if not term then
local errLink = utilsMarkup.sectionLink(page, options.section, options.display)
result = utilsMarkup.inline(errLink, {
class = "facelift-term-invalid",
tooltip = "Invalid or missing term",
elseif options.link then
local baseGame = game and Franchise.baseGame(game)
local gameSub = baseGame and Franchise.shortName(baseGame)
local section = options.section
if not section and gameSub and game ~= "Series" then
section = gameSub
result = utilsMarkup.sectionLink(page, section, options.display or term)
result = utilsMarkup.class("term", options.display or term)
return result .. errorCategories
function p.fetchTerm(page, game, options)
game = game or "Series"
options = options or {}
local plural = options.plural
if not page then
return nil
-- Cargo queries don't allow # and it's impossible to have a page with # anyway because of section anchors.
--Else, looks for "Series"
-- Ideally, users should input the name of the page where the term is stored (e.g. Swordsman Newsletter 4 instead of Swordsman Newsletter #4)
for _, row in pairs(result) do
page = string.gsub(page, "#", "")
local games = utilsString.split(row.games)
if utilsTable.keyOf(games, "Series") then
-- Things like {{PAGENAME}} return HTML entities. These have to be removed as the "#" character cannot be used in Cargo queries.
return row
page = mw.text.decode(page)
local term
local cacheKey = h.cacheKey(page, game, plural)
term = cache.get(cacheKey)
if term ~= nil and term ~= "" then -- The cache shouldn't store empty terms, but it used to. It's a good safeguard anyway.
return term
-- If a term does not exist for the specified game, we fallback to earlier versions of the game or to the Series term if all else fails
-- local baseGame = game and Franchise.baseGame(game)
-- local remakes = baseGame and Franchise.remakes(baseGame)
-- local games = utilsTable.reverse(remakes or {})
-- if baseGame then
-- table.insert(games, #games + 1, baseGame)
-- end
-- table.insert(games, #games + 1, "Series")
-- There's some uncertainty as to whether the above behaviour is desired.
-- If that gets resolved, the next line can be deleted and the above lines uncommmented
-- There's a test case in Module:Term/Documentation/Data that should be uncommented as well
local games = game ~= "Series" and {game, "Series"} or {"Series"}
local rows = utilsCargo.query("Terminologies=terms, Terminologies__games=termGames", "termGames._value=game, terms.term=term, terms.plural=plural", {
join = "terms._ID=termGames._rowID",
where = utilsCargo.allOf(
{ ["BINARY _pageName"] = page }, -- BINARY makes the search case-sensitive - we want to show a validation error when folks input the name with improper case
utilsCargo.IN("termGames._value", games)
local termsByGame = utilsTable.keyBy(rows, "game")
for i, game in ipairs(games) do
term = termsByGame[game]
if term then
local invalidPlural = term and plural and utilsString.isEmpty(term.plural) and not options.allowSingular
return nil
if invalidPlural then
utilsError.warn(string.format("<code>%s</code> term for <code>%s</code> has no plural form defined. Using singular form.", game, page))
local categories = {}
if not term or invalidPlural then
table.insert(categories, "Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms")
local subtitle = Franchise.shortName(game)
if subtitle then
table.insert(categories, string.format("%s Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms", subtitle))
if #categories == 0 or #categories > 0 and mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "User" then
categories = nil
if term and utilsString.notEmpty(term.term) then
local cacheKey = h.cacheKey(page, game, false)
cache.set(cacheKey, term.term)
if term and utilsString.notEmpty(term.plural) then
local cacheKey = h.cacheKey(page, game, true)
cache.set(cacheKey, term.plural)
if not term then
result = nil
elseif plural and utilsString.notEmpty(term.plural) then
result = term.plural
result = term.term
return result, categories
function p.fetchSubjects(term, game)
local rows = utilsCargo.query(CARGO_TABLE, "_pageName", {
where = utilsCargo.allOf(
{ term = term },
game and ("games HOLDS '%s'"):format(game)
return utilsTable.map(rows, "_pageName")
function h.cacheKey(page, game, plural)
local key = string.format("%s.%s.%s", plural and "plural" or "term", game, page)
return key
function h.storeCache(args)
local singularTerm = args.singularTerm
local pluralTerm = args.pluralTerm
local games = args.games
local page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
local cacheTerms = {}
for _, game in ipairs(games or {}) do
if singularTerm and singularTerm ~= "" then
local key = h.cacheKey(page, game, false)
cacheTerms[key] = singularTerm
if pluralTerm and pluralTerm ~= "" then
local key = h.cacheKey(page, game, true)
cacheTerms[key] = pluralTerm
-- When loading a page, we clear the cache of its terms once to remove potentially stale cache entries
-- For example, say {{Term|PH|Links}} is called when no term is stored for PH
-- The Series term is returned as a fallback and that is cached as the term for PH
-- If the Series term is changed, the cache entry is updated but the PH entry is not.
function h.clearCache(page)
local termCacheCleared = utilsVar.get("Module:Term/termCacheCleared")
if termCacheCleared then
for i, game in ipairs(Franchise.enum()) do
local termCacheKey = h.cacheKey(page, game, false)
local pluralCacheKey = h.cacheKey(page, game, true)
utilsVar.set("Module:Term/termCacheCleared", "true")
-- Debug function to delete invalid entries that somehow make their way into the cache
-- For example, maybe new validation was added that didn't exist before
function p.deleteCacheEntry(key)
function p.Schemas()
return {
printTerm = {
page = {
type = "string",
required = true,
desc = "The name of a wiki article from which to retrieve a term.",
game = {
type = "string",
default = mw.dumpObject("Series"),
desc = "A game code. See [[Data:Franchise]].",
options = {
type = "record",
properties = {
name = "plural",
type = "boolean",
desc = "If true, the term's plural form is returned.",
name = "allowSingular",
type = "boolean",
desc = "If true, no error is returned when <code>plural</code> is true but only a singular term exists. See [[Module:ChallengesQuery]] for example usage.",
name = "link",
type = "boolean",
desc = "If truthy, the output will link to the page on which the term is stored.",
name = "section",
type = "string",
desc = "The section to link to when <code>link</code> is enabled. Defaults to the name of <code>game</code>'s [[Module:Franchise#baseGame|base game]].",
name = "display",
type = "string",
desc = "Text to display instead of the term when <code>link</code> is enabled.",
fetchTerm = {
page = {
type = "string",
required = true,
desc = "The name of a wiki article from which to retrieve a term.",
game = {
type = "string",
default = mw.dumpObject("Series"),
desc = "A game code. See [[Data:Franchise]].",
options = {
type = "record",
properties = {
name = "plural",
type = "boolean",
desc = "If true, the term's plural form is returned.",
name = "allowSingular",
type = "boolean",
desc = "If true, no error is returned when <code>plural</code> is true but only a singular term exists. See [[Module:ChallengesQuery]] for example usage.",
fetchSubjects = {
term = {
type = "string",
required = true,
game = {
type = "string"
function p.Documentation()
return {
FetchTerm = {
desc = "Used by [[Template:Translation/Store]] to get the raw term without the extra output from [[Template:Term]].",
frameParamsOrder = {"page", "game", "plural"},
frameParams = {
page = {
required = true,
game = {},
plural = {},
cases = {
args = {
page = "2nd Potion",
game = "Series",
args = {
page = "not a page",
printTerm = {
params = {"page", "game", "options"},
returns = "A term with formatting.",
cases = {
args = {"Dynalfos", "OoT"},
expect = '<span class="term">Dinolfos</span>',
args = {"Kara Kara Bazaar", "BotW", {
link = true,
expect = "[[Kara Kara Bazaar#Breath of the Wild|Kara Kara Bazaar]]",
args = {"Kara Kara Bazaar", "BotW", {
link = true,
section = "Shaillu's General Store",
expect = "[[Kara Kara Bazaar#Shaillu's General Store|Kara Kara Bazaar]]",
args = {"Kara Kara Bazaar", "BotW", {
link = true,
section = "Shaillu's General Store",
display = "General Store",
expect = "[[Kara Kara Bazaar#Shaillu's General Store|General Store]]",
args = {"invalid term"},
expect = '<span class="facelift-term-invalid"><span title="Invalid or missing term" class="explain">[[invalid term]]</span></span>[[Category:Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms]][[Category:The Legend of Zelda Series Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms]]',
link = {
params = {"page", "game", "options"},
desc = "Shorthand for <code>printTerm(page, game, { link = true })</code>",
returns = "A link to a term page.",
cases = {
args = {"Bubble"},
expect = "[[Bubble|Bubble]]",
plural = {
params = {"page", "game", "options"},
desc = "Shorthand for <code>printTerm(page, game, { plural = true })</code>",
returns = "A term in plural form.",
cases = {
args = {"Bubble"},
expect = '<span class="term">Bubbles</span>',
pluralLink = {
params = {"page", "game", "options"},
desc = "Shorthand for <code>printTerm(page, game, { plural = true, link = true })</code>",
returns = "A plural link to a term page.",
cases = {
args = {"Bubble"},
expect = "[[Bubble|Bubbles]]",
fetchTerm = {
params = {"page", "game", "options"},
returns = {
"The term for the given article and game, or nil if none found.",
"An error category if no term was found.",
cases = {
outputOnly = true,
args = {"Dynalfos", "OoT"},
expect = { "Dinolfos", nil },
desc = "Defaults to series term.",
args = {"Dinolfos"},
expect = {"Dynalfos"},
-- It's still uncertain whether we want this behaviour yet. This test case can be re-enabled or deleted based on the decision.
-- {
-- desc = "If the term does not exist for the specified remake, it defaults to the term from a previous game version.",
-- args = {"Flying Tile", "OoT3D"},
-- expect = {"Crazy Floor Tile"},
-- },
desc = "Defaults to series term when term does not exist for specified game (nor its base game).",
args = {"Flying Tile", "TPHD"},
expect = {"Flying Tile"},
desc = "Error when page does store any terms (game specified).",
args = {"Flippityfloppito", "SS"},
expect = {nil, {"Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms", "Skyward Sword Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms"}}
desc = "Error when page does store any terms (no game specified).",
args = {"Flippityfloppityfloo"},
expect = {nil, {"Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms", "The Legend of Zelda Series Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms"}}
desc = "Error when page has wrong casing",
args = {"captain's hat"},
expect = {nil, {"Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms", "The Legend of Zelda Series Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms"}}
desc = "Plural",
args = {"Bubble", "Series", { plural = true }},
expect = {"Bubbles", nil},
desc = "Returns singular when no plural form exists.",
args = {"A Brother's Roast", "BotW", { plural = true }},
expect = { "A Brother's Roast", {
"Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms",
"Breath of the Wild Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms",
desc = "Returns singular when no plural form exists.",
args = {"Hestu", "HWAoC", {
plural = true,
allowSingular = true,
expect = {"Hestu", nil}
fetchSubjects = {
params = {"term", "game"},
desc = "See [[Module:Translation Page]] for usage.",
returns = "Returns the names of wiki articles that store the given term. If game is specified, the function will only return articles that store the term for that game.",
cases = {
args = {"Wood"},
expect = {"Wood", "Wood (Character)"},
args = {"Wood", "ST"},
expect = {"Wood (Character)"},
args = {"Link", "MM"},
expect = {"Link", "Link (Goron)", "Mr. No Fairy"},
args = {"Fooloo Limpah"},
expect = {},

Latest revision as of 02:57, 17 October 2022

This is the main module for the following templates: In addition, this module exports the following functions.



Used by Template:Translation/Store to get the raw term without the extra output from Template:Term.




{{#invoke:Term|FetchTerm|page= 2nd Potion|game= Series}}
Red Water of Life
{{#invoke:Term|FetchTerm|page= not a page}}


link(page, game, options)

Shorthand for printTerm(page, game, { link = true })


  • A link to a term page.


link("Bubble", nil, nil)
Green check


plural(page, game, options)

Shorthand for printTerm(page, game, { plural = true })


  • A term in plural form.


plural("Bubble", nil, nil)
'<span class="term">Bubbles</span>'
Green check


pluralLink(page, game, options)

Shorthand for printTerm(page, game, { plural = true, link = true })


  • A plural link to a term page.


pluralLink("Bubble", nil, nil)
Green check


printTerm(page, [game], [options])



  • A term with formatting.


printTerm("Dynalfos", "OoT")
'<span class="term">Dinolfos</span>'
Green check
printTerm("Kara Kara Bazaar", "BotW", { link = true })
"[[Kara Kara Bazaar#Breath of the Wild|Kara Kara Bazaar]]"
"[[Kara Kara Bazaar|Kara Kara Bazaar]]"
Kara Kara Bazaar
TFH Red Link desperate
  "Kara Kara Bazaar",
    section = "Shaillu's General Store",
    link = true,
"[[Kara Kara Bazaar#Shaillu's General Store|Kara Kara Bazaar]]"
Kara Kara Bazaar
Green check
  "Kara Kara Bazaar",
    display = "General Store",
    section = "Shaillu's General Store",
    link = true,
"[[Kara Kara Bazaar#Shaillu's General Store|General Store]]"
General Store
Green check
printTerm("invalid term")
'<span class="facelift-term-invalid"><span title="Invalid or missing term" class="explain">[[invalid term]]</span></span>[[Category:Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms]][[Category:The Legend of Zelda Series Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms]]'
invalid term
Green check


fetchTerm(page, [game], [options])



  • The term for the given article and game, or nil if none found.
  • An error category if no term was found.


fetchTerm("Dynalfos", "OoT")
Green check
Green check
Defaults to series term.
Green check
Green check
Defaults to series term when term does not exist for specified game (nor its base game).
fetchTerm("Flying Tile", "TPHD")
"Flying Tile"
Green check
Green check
Error when page does store any terms (game specified).
fetchTerm("Flippityfloppito", "SS")
Green check
  "Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms",
  "Skyward Sword Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms",
Green check
Error when page does store any terms (no game specified).
Green check
  "Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms",
  "The Legend of Zelda Series Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms",
Green check
Error when page has wrong casing
fetchTerm("captain's hat")
Green check
  "Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms",
  "The Legend of Zelda Series Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms",
Green check
fetchTerm("Bubble", "Series", { plural = true })
Green check
Green check
Returns singular when no plural form exists.
fetchTerm("A Brother's Roast", "BotW", { plural = true })
"A Brother's Roast"
Green check
  "Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms",
  "Breath of the Wild Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms",
Green check
Returns singular when no plural form exists.
    plural = true,
    allowSingular = true,
Green check
Green check


fetchSubjects(term, [game])

See Module:Translation Page for usage.



  • Returns the names of wiki articles that store the given term. If game is specified, the function will only return articles that store the term for that game.


{"Wood", "Wood (Character)"}
Green check
fetchSubjects("Wood", "ST")
{"Wood (Character)"}
Green check
fetchSubjects("Link", "MM")
{"Link", "Link (Goron)", "Mr. No Fairy"}
{"Link (Goron)", "Mr. No Fairy"}
TFH Red Link desperate
fetchSubjects("Fooloo Limpah")
Green check

local p = {}
local h = {}

local cache = mw.ext.LuaCache

local Franchise = require("Module:Franchise")
local utilsArg = require("Module:UtilsArg")
local utilsCargo = require("Module:UtilsCargo")
local utilsError = require("Module:UtilsError")
local utilsMarkup = require("Module:UtilsMarkup")
local utilsPage = require("Module:UtilsPage")
local utilsString = require("Module:UtilsString")
local utilsTable = require("Module:UtilsTable")
local utilsVar = require("Module:UtilsVar")

p.Templates = mw.loadData("Module:Term/TemplateData")

local CARGO_TABLE = "Terminologies"

-- In the past Cargo has been iffy with storage from modules, so the actual Cargo store is still done on the actual template.
-- We still do the validation + caching layer here, though.
function p.TermStore(frame)
	local args, err = utilsArg.parse(frame:getParent().args, p.Templates["Term/Store"])
	local errCategories = err and err.categories or {}
	local result = args.singularTerm
	if args.plural and utilsString.isEmpty(args.pluralTerm) then
		table.insert(errCategories, "Articles with Invalid Arguments")
		utilsError.warn("<code>plural</code> option specified yet no plural term is defined. Using singular form.")
	elseif args.plural then
		result = args.pluralTerm
	return result .. utilsMarkup.categories(errCategories)

function p.Singular(frame)
	local args, err = utilsArg.parse(frame:getParent().args, p.Templates.Term)
	local printErrorCategories = not utilsPage.inNamespace("User")
	local result = p.printTerm(args.page, args.game, {
		plural = false,
		link = args.link,
		section = args.section,
		display = args.display,
		printErrorCategories = printErrorCategories,
	if err and printErrorCategories then 
		result = result .. utilsMarkup.categories(err.categories)
	return result

function p.Plural(frame)
	local args, err = utilsArg.parse(frame:getParent().args, p.Templates.Plural)
	local printErrorCategories = not utilsPage.inNamespace("User")
	local result = p.printTerm(args.page, args.game, {
		plural = true,
		link = args.link,
		section = args.section,
		display = args.display,
		printErrorCategories = printErrorCategories,
	if err and printErrorCategories then
		result = result .. utilsMarkup.categories(err.categories)
	return result

function p.FetchTerm(frame)
	local args = frame.args
	args = utilsTable.mapValues(args, utilsString.trim)
	args = utilsTable.mapValues(args, utilsString.nilIfEmpty)
	local term = p.fetchTerm(args.page, args.game, {
		plural = args.plural
	return term

function p.link(page, game, options)
	options = utilsTable.merge({}, options or {}, {
		link = true
	return p.printTerm(page, game, options)

function p.plural(page, game, options)
	options = utilsTable.merge({}, options or {}, {
		plural = true,
	return p.printTerm(page, game, options)

function p.pluralLink(page, game, options)
	local options = utilsTable.merge({}, options or {}, {
		link = true,
		plural = true,
	return p.printTerm(page, game, options)

function p.printTerm(page, game, options)
	options = options or {}
	-- If page == nil, Template:Term would otherwise ouptut an empty string and the sentence it's in won't make sense.
	-- If page == "link", Template:Term would otherwise output "Link", which is almost certainly not what the editor intended
	-- This makes the sentence nonsensical at best and misinformative at worst. Better to display a bold red error.
	-- In the former case, it's usually that the editor accidentally added an extra pipe character after the game parameter, making the page argument empty 
	-- e.g. {{Term|BotW||Shield|link}}
	-- In the latter case, it's usually that editor meant to link to a page but forgot to add either the page parameter or game parameter
	-- so the link parameter (param #3) took the place of the page parameter (param #2)
	-- e.g. {{Term|Stalfos|link}}
	if not page or page == "link" then
		error("page parameter cannot be empty")
	local term, fetchErrors = p.fetchTerm(page, game, options)
	local errorCategories = ""
	if options.printErrorCategories ~= false then
		local errors = utilsTable.concat(validationErrors or {}, fetchErrors or {})
		errorCategories = utilsMarkup.categories(errors)
	local result = ""
	if not term then
		local errLink = utilsMarkup.sectionLink(page, options.section, options.display)
		result = utilsMarkup.inline(errLink, {
			class = "facelift-term-invalid",
			tooltip = "Invalid or missing term",
	elseif options.link then
		local baseGame = game and Franchise.baseGame(game)
		local gameSub = baseGame and Franchise.shortName(baseGame)
		local section = options.section
		if not section and gameSub and game ~= "Series" then
			section = gameSub
		result = utilsMarkup.sectionLink(page, section, options.display or term)
		result = utilsMarkup.class("term", options.display or term)
	return result .. errorCategories

function p.fetchTerm(page, game, options)
	game = game or "Series"
	options = options or {}
	local plural = options.plural
	if not page then
		return nil
	-- Cargo queries don't allow # and it's impossible to have a page with # anyway because of section anchors. 
	 -- Ideally, users should input the name of the page where the term is stored (e.g. Swordsman Newsletter 4 instead of Swordsman Newsletter #4)
	page = string.gsub(page, "#", "")
	-- Things like {{PAGENAME}} return HTML entities. These have to be removed as the "#" character cannot be used in Cargo queries.
	page = mw.text.decode(page) 
	local term
	local cacheKey = h.cacheKey(page, game, plural)
	term = cache.get(cacheKey)
	if term ~= nil and term ~= "" then -- The cache shouldn't store empty terms, but it used to. It's a good safeguard anyway.
		return term
	-- If a term does not exist for the specified game, we fallback to earlier versions of the game or to the Series term if all else fails
	-- local baseGame = game and Franchise.baseGame(game)
	-- local remakes = baseGame and Franchise.remakes(baseGame)
	-- local games = utilsTable.reverse(remakes or {})
	-- if baseGame then
	-- 	table.insert(games, #games + 1, baseGame)
	-- end
	-- table.insert(games, #games + 1, "Series")
	-- There's some uncertainty as to whether the above behaviour is desired.
	-- If that gets resolved, the next line can be deleted and the above lines uncommmented 
	-- There's a test case in Module:Term/Documentation/Data that should be uncommented as well
	local games = game ~= "Series" and {game, "Series"} or {"Series"}
	local rows = utilsCargo.query("Terminologies=terms, Terminologies__games=termGames", "termGames._value=game, terms.term=term, terms.plural=plural", {
		join = "terms._ID=termGames._rowID",
		where = utilsCargo.allOf(
			{ ["BINARY _pageName"] = page }, -- BINARY makes the search case-sensitive - we want to show a validation error when folks input the name with improper case
			utilsCargo.IN("termGames._value", games)
	local termsByGame = utilsTable.keyBy(rows, "game")
	for i, game in ipairs(games) do
		term = termsByGame[game]
		if term then
	local invalidPlural = term and plural and utilsString.isEmpty(term.plural) and not options.allowSingular
	if invalidPlural then
		utilsError.warn(string.format("<code>%s</code> term for <code>%s</code> has no plural form defined. Using singular form.", game, page))
	local categories = {}
	if not term or invalidPlural then
		table.insert(categories, "Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms")
		local subtitle = Franchise.shortName(game)
		if subtitle then
			table.insert(categories, string.format("%s Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms", subtitle))
	if #categories == 0 or #categories > 0 and mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "User" then
		categories = nil
	if term and utilsString.notEmpty(term.term) then
		local cacheKey = h.cacheKey(page, game, false)
		cache.set(cacheKey, term.term)
	if term and utilsString.notEmpty(term.plural) then
		local cacheKey = h.cacheKey(page, game, true)
		cache.set(cacheKey, term.plural)
	if not term then
		result = nil
	elseif plural and utilsString.notEmpty(term.plural) then
		result = term.plural
		result = term.term
	return result, categories

function p.fetchSubjects(term, game)
	local rows = utilsCargo.query(CARGO_TABLE, "_pageName", {
		where = utilsCargo.allOf(
			{ term = term },
			game and ("games HOLDS '%s'"):format(game)
	return utilsTable.map(rows, "_pageName")

function h.cacheKey(page, game, plural)
	local key = string.format("%s.%s.%s", plural and "plural" or "term", game, page)
	return key

function h.storeCache(args)
	local singularTerm = args.singularTerm
	local pluralTerm = args.pluralTerm
	local games = args.games
	local page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
	local cacheTerms = {}
	for _, game in ipairs(games or {}) do
		if singularTerm and singularTerm ~= "" then
			local key = h.cacheKey(page, game, false)
			cacheTerms[key] = singularTerm
		if pluralTerm and pluralTerm ~= "" then
			local key = h.cacheKey(page, game, true)
			cacheTerms[key] = pluralTerm

-- When loading a page, we clear the cache of its terms once to remove potentially stale cache entries
-- For example, say {{Term|PH|Links}} is called when no term is stored for PH
-- The Series term is returned as a fallback and that is cached as the term for PH
-- If the Series term is changed, the cache entry is updated but the PH entry is not. 
function h.clearCache(page)
	local termCacheCleared = utilsVar.get("Module:Term/termCacheCleared")
	if termCacheCleared then
	for i, game in ipairs(Franchise.enum()) do
		local termCacheKey = h.cacheKey(page, game, false)
		local pluralCacheKey = h.cacheKey(page, game, true)
	utilsVar.set("Module:Term/termCacheCleared", "true")

-- Debug function to delete invalid entries that somehow make their way into the cache
-- For example, maybe new validation was added that didn't exist before 
function p.deleteCacheEntry(key)

function p.Schemas()
	return {
		printTerm = {
			page = {
				type = "string",
				required = true,
				desc = "The name of a wiki article from which to retrieve a term.",
			game = {
				type = "string",
				default = mw.dumpObject("Series"),
				desc = "A game code. See [[Data:Franchise]].",
			options = {
				type = "record",
				properties = {
						name = "plural",
						type = "boolean",
						desc = "If true, the term's plural form is returned.",
						name = "allowSingular",
						type = "boolean",
						desc = "If true, no error is returned when <code>plural</code> is true but only a singular term exists. See [[Module:ChallengesQuery]] for example usage.",
						name = "link",
						type = "boolean",
						desc = "If truthy, the output will link to the page on which the term is stored.",
						name = "section",
						type = "string",
						desc = "The section to link to when <code>link</code> is enabled. Defaults to the name of <code>game</code>'s [[Module:Franchise#baseGame|base game]].",
						name = "display",
						type = "string",
						desc = "Text to display instead of the term when <code>link</code> is enabled.",
		fetchTerm = {
			page = {
				type = "string",
				required = true,
				desc = "The name of a wiki article from which to retrieve a term.",
			game = {
				type = "string",
				default = mw.dumpObject("Series"),
				desc = "A game code. See [[Data:Franchise]].",
			options = {
				type = "record",
				properties = {
						name = "plural",
						type = "boolean",
						desc = "If true, the term's plural form is returned.",
						name = "allowSingular",
						type = "boolean",
						desc = "If true, no error is returned when <code>plural</code> is true but only a singular term exists. See [[Module:ChallengesQuery]] for example usage.",
		fetchSubjects = {
			term = {
				type = "string",
				required = true,
			game = {
				type = "string"

function p.Documentation()
	return {
		FetchTerm = {
			desc = "Used by [[Template:Translation/Store]] to get the raw term without the extra output from [[Template:Term]].",
			frameParamsOrder = {"page", "game", "plural"},
			frameParams = {
				page = {
					required = true,
				game = {},
				plural = {},
			cases = {
					args = {
						page = "2nd Potion",
						game = "Series",
					args = {
						page = "not a page",	
		printTerm = {
			params = {"page", "game", "options"},
			returns = "A term with formatting.",
			cases = {
					args = {"Dynalfos", "OoT"},
					expect = '<span class="term">Dinolfos</span>',
					args = {"Kara Kara Bazaar", "BotW", {
						link = true,
					expect = "[[Kara Kara Bazaar#Breath of the Wild|Kara Kara Bazaar]]",
					args = {"Kara Kara Bazaar", "BotW", {
						link = true,
						section = "Shaillu's General Store",
					expect = "[[Kara Kara Bazaar#Shaillu's General Store|Kara Kara Bazaar]]",
					args = {"Kara Kara Bazaar", "BotW", {
						link = true,
						section = "Shaillu's General Store",
						display = "General Store",
					expect = "[[Kara Kara Bazaar#Shaillu's General Store|General Store]]",
					args = {"invalid term"},
					expect = '<span class="facelift-term-invalid"><span title="Invalid or missing term" class="explain">[[invalid term]]</span></span>[[Category:Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms]][[Category:The Legend of Zelda Series Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms]]',
		link = {
			params = {"page", "game", "options"},
			desc = "Shorthand for <code>printTerm(page, game, { link = true })</code>",
			returns = "A link to a term page.",
			cases = {
					args = {"Bubble"},
					expect = "[[Bubble|Bubble]]",
		plural = {
			params = {"page", "game", "options"},
			desc = "Shorthand for <code>printTerm(page, game, { plural = true })</code>",
			returns = "A term in plural form.",
			cases = {
					args = {"Bubble"},
					expect = '<span class="term">Bubbles</span>',
		pluralLink = {
			params = {"page", "game", "options"},
			desc = "Shorthand for <code>printTerm(page, game, { plural = true, link = true })</code>",
			returns = "A plural link to a term page.",
			cases = {
					args = {"Bubble"},
					expect = "[[Bubble|Bubbles]]",
		fetchTerm = {
			params = {"page", "game", "options"},
			returns = {
				"The term for the given article and game, or nil if none found.",
				"An error category if no term was found.",
			cases = {
				outputOnly = true,
					args = {"Dynalfos", "OoT"},
					expect = { "Dinolfos", nil },
					desc = "Defaults to series term.",
					args = {"Dinolfos"},
					expect = {"Dynalfos"},
				-- It's still uncertain whether we want this behaviour yet. This test case can be re-enabled or deleted based on the decision.
				-- {
				-- 	desc = "If the term does not exist for the specified remake, it defaults to the term from a previous game version.",
				-- 	args = {"Flying Tile", "OoT3D"},
				-- 	expect = {"Crazy Floor Tile"},
				-- },
					desc = "Defaults to series term when term does not exist for specified game (nor its base game).",
					args = {"Flying Tile", "TPHD"},
					expect = {"Flying Tile"},
					desc = "Error when page does store any terms (game specified).",
					args = {"Flippityfloppito", "SS"},
					expect = {nil, {"Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms", "Skyward Sword Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms"}}
					desc = "Error when page does store any terms (no game specified).",
					args = {"Flippityfloppityfloo"},
					expect = {nil, {"Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms", "The Legend of Zelda Series Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms"}}
					desc = "Error when page has wrong casing",
					args = {"captain's hat"},
					expect = {nil, {"Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms", "The Legend of Zelda Series Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms"}}
					desc = "Plural",
					args = {"Bubble", "Series", { plural = true }},
					expect = {"Bubbles", nil},
					desc = "Returns singular when no plural form exists.",
					args = {"A Brother's Roast", "BotW", { plural = true }},
					expect = { "A Brother's Roast", {
					  "Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms",
					  "Breath of the Wild Articles with Invalid or Missing Terms",
					desc = "Returns singular when no plural form exists.",
					args = {"Hestu", "HWAoC", {
						plural = true,
						allowSingular = true,
					expect = {"Hestu", nil}
		fetchSubjects = {
			params = {"term", "game"},
			desc = "See [[Module:Translation Page]] for usage.",
			returns = "Returns the names of wiki articles that store the given term. If game is specified, the function will only return articles that store the term for that game.",
			cases = {
					args = {"Wood"},
					expect = {"Wood", "Wood (Character)"},
					args = {"Wood", "ST"},
					expect = {"Wood (Character)"},
					args = {"Link", "MM"},
					expect = {"Link", "Link (Goron)", "Mr. No Fairy"},
					args = {"Fooloo Limpah"},
					expect = {},

return p