This module is used to generate image maps such as Template:SS Items. The image maps are generated from the data at Module:Items/Data.
Though there is a learning curve to inputting the data, these image maps have the following advantages:
- ability to represent different upgrade states using arrows
- auto-selection of tab and upgrade state based on the current page
- Uses external links so as not to spam Special:WhatLinksHere
local p = {}
local h = {}
local File = require("Module:File")
local Franchise = require("Module:Franchise")
local Term = require("Module:Term")
local utilsCargo = require("Module:UtilsCargo")
local utilsError = require("Module:UtilsError")
local utilsLayout = require("Module:UtilsLayout")
local utilsMarkup = require("Module:UtilsMarkup")
local utilsPage = require("Module:UtilsPage")
local utilsString = require("Module:UtilsString")
local utilsTable = require("Module:UtilsTable")
local data = mw.loadData("Module:Items/Data")
local classes = {
stateContainer = "state-container",
states = "state-container__states",
state = "state-container__state",
defaultState = "state-container__state state-container__state--active",
controls = "state-container__controls state-container__controls--vertical",
stateControlForward = "state-control state-control-forward",
stateControlBack = "state-control state-control-back",
stateControlDisabled = "state-control--disabled",
local defaultSpacing = "8px"
local MAX_FRAME_WIDTH = 750
local currentPage = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
function p.Main(frame)
local isTemplatePage = frame:getParent():getTitle() == currentPage
return p.printNav(frame.args[1], frame:getParent().args[1])
function p.printNav(game, frameDisabled)
local gameData = data[game]
local nav = h.createNav(game, gameData)
if frameDisabled then
return nav
local header = "Items in " ..
local footer = utilsMarkup.inline("Click on an item", {
caption = true,
italic = true,
local hasMap = #utilsTable.filter(gameData, "map") > 0
return utilsLayout.table({
styles = {
["margin"] = "1em auto",
["width"] = hasMap and "100%" or nil,
["max-width"] = (gameData.maxWidth or MAX_FRAME_WIDTH) .. "px"
rows = {
header = true,
cells = {header}
cells = {nav},
footer = true,
cells = {footer},
function h.createNav(game, data, isSubtabs)
local tabs = {}
local pages = {}
local defaultTab
for i, tabData in ipairs(data) do
local component, componentPages = h.createNavComponent(game, tabData)
tabs[i] = {
label =,
tooltip = tabData.tabCaption,
content = component,
pages = utilsTable.concat(pages, componentPages)
defaultTab = defaultTab or utilsTable.keyOf(pages, currentPage) and i
return utilsLayout.tabs(tabs, {
default = defaultTab or 1,
align = "center",
tabOptions = {
collapse = true,
columns = data.tabColumns or (not isSubtabs and #tabs) or nil,
labelOptions = {
alignVertical = "bottom",
contentOptions = {
contentWidth = true,
}), pages
function h.createNavComponent(game, data)
if data.subtabs then
return h.createNav(game, data.subtabs, true)
if then
return h.createMapNav(game,
if data.rows then
return h.createRowsNav(game, data.rows)
function h.createRowsNav(game, data)
local html = mw.html.create("div")
["display"] = "flex"
local rowSpacing = data.rowSpacing or defaultSpacing
["margin-top"] = "-" .. rowSpacing,
["flex-direction"] = "column",
["align-items"] = "stretch",
["justify-content"] = "center",
["max-width"] = data.maxWidth and data.maxWidth .. "px",
["margin-left"] = "auto",
["margin-right"] = "auto",
local pages = {}
local items = data.items
if type(items[1]) == "string" or type(items[1]) == "table" and items[1].page then
items = { items }
for _, rowItems in ipairs(items) do
local rowData = {
fileType = data.fileType,
scale = data.scale,
fileSize = data.fileSize,
spacing = data.spacing,
items = rowItems,
local row, rowPages = h.printRow(game, rowData)
pages = utilsTable.concat(pages, rowPages)
["margin-top"] = rowSpacing,
return tostring(html), pages
function h.printRow(game, data, options)
local vertical = options and options.vertical
local styles = options and options.styles
local pages = {}
local row = mw.html.create("div")
["display"] = "flex",
["flex-wrap"] = "wrap",
["flex-direction"] = (vertical and "column") or "row",
["justify-content"] = "center",
["align-items"] = "flex-end",
["margin-top"] = "-" .. defaultSpacing,
["margin-left"] = "-" .. (data.spacing or defaultSpacing),
:css(styles or {})
for _, item in ipairs(data.items) do
local img = h.rowItem(game, data, item)
table.insert(pages, item)
["margin-top"] = defaultSpacing,
["margin-left"] = (data.spacing or defaultSpacing),
return tostring(row), pages
function h.rowItem(game, rowData, item)
local page, file
if type(item) == "table" and then
page =
file = item.image
page = item
local file = file or table.concat({game, page, rowData.fileType}, " ") .. ".png"
local img = File.image(file, {
link = page,
noBacklink = true,
caption = page,
scale = rowData.scale,
scaleUsingCargo = true,
size = rowData.fileSize,
checkExists = false, -- existence checks are too expensive at this scale
return img
function h.createMapNav(game, mapData)
local states, pages, defaultState = h.printMapStates(mapData)
local leftColumn
if mapData.leftColumn then
local column, columnPages = h.printRow(game, mapData.leftColumn, {
vertical = true,
styles = {
["margin-right"] = defaultSpacing,
defaultState = utilsTable.keyOf(columnPages, currentPage) or defaultState
pages = utilsTable.concat(pages, columnPages)
leftColumn = column
return h.printStatefulMap(states, defaultState, mapData.maxWidth, leftColumn), pages
function h.printMapStates(mapData)
local states = {}
local baseMapData = mapData
local baseMap, pages = h.printImageMap(mapData)
local defaultState = utilsTable.keyOf(pages, currentPage) and 1 or nil
table.insert(states, baseMap)
for i, upgradeData in ipairs(mapData.upgrades or {}) do
local upgradeMapData = h.resolveUpgradeMap(baseMapData, upgradeData)
local upgradeMap, upgradePages = h.printImageMap(upgradeMapData)
defaultState = defaultState or utilsTable.keyOf(upgradePages, currentPage) and i + 1
pages = utilsTable.concat(pages, upgradePages)
table.insert(states, upgradeMap)
baseMapData = upgradeMapData
return states, pages, defaultState
function h.resolveUpgradeMap(mapData, upgradeData)
local areas = {}
for i, area in ipairs(mapData.areas) do
local before = mapData.areas[i]
local change = upgradeData.changes[]
if not change then
table.insert(areas, before)
elseif change == "" then
-- no-op
elseif type(change) == "string" then
table.insert(areas, {
area = before.area,
page = change,
display = before.display
table.insert(areas, {
area = change.area or before.area,
page = or,
display = change.display
areas = utilsTable.concat(upgradeData.areas, areas)
local upgradeMapData = {
image = upgradeData.image,
maxWidth = mapData.maxWidth,
areas = areas,
return upgradeMapData
function h.printStatefulMap(states, defaultState, maxWidth, leftColumn)
defaultState = defaultState or 1
local statesNode = mw.html.create("div")
["display"] = "flex",
["align-items"] = "center",
["justify-content"] = "center",
["max-width"] = maxWidth and maxWidth .. "px",
["flex-basis"] = "80%"
for i, state in ipairs(states) do
local default = i == defaultState
:addClass(default and classes.defaultState or classes.state)
:css("flex", "1")
local controlCss = {
["height"] = "12%",
["min-height"] = "32px",
["margin-left"] = "15%",
local controlsNode = mw.html.create("div")
:addClass(defaultState == #states and classes.stateControlDisabled or nil)
:wikitext("[[File:Up Arrow.png|link=]]")
:addClass(defaultState == 1 and classes.stateControlDisabled or nil)
:wikitext("[[File:Down Arrow.png|link=]]")
local stateContainer = mw.html.create("div")
-- TODO: :node(mw.clone(controlsNode):css("visibility", "hidden")) --Hack to "balance" the left side and keep the content centered
:node(leftColumn and mw.html.create("div"):css("visibility", "hidden"):node(leftColumn))
["display"] = "flex",
["justify-content"] = "center",
["margin-bottom"] = defaultSpacing,
return tostring(stateContainer)
function h.printImageMap(data)
local lines = { data.image }
local pages = {}
for _, area in ipairs(data.areas) do
local page =
local href = utilsPage.fullUrl(page)
local link = ("[%s %s]"):format(href, area.display or page)
table.insert(pages, page)
table.insert(lines, area.area .. link)
table.insert(lines, " desc none")
lines = table.concat(lines, "\n")
local imagemap = mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag("imagemap", lines)
local responsiveImageMap = mw.html.create("div")
return tostring(responsiveImageMap), pages
function p.Data(frame)
local games = {}
for _, game in ipairs(Franchise.enumGames()) do
if Franchise.canonicity(game) == "canon" and not Franchise.isRemake(game) then
table.insert(games, p.printTemplateLink(game))
local remakes = {}
for _, remake in ipairs(Franchise.remakes(game)) do
table.insert(remakes, p.printTemplateLink(remake))
table.insert(games, remakes)
local message = "The data on this page is used to generate the [[:Category:Item Navigation Templates|item nav templates]] listed below. While editing the data, use the '''Preview page with this''' form to view the navs individually.\n\n To view all item navs at once, see [[Module:Items/All]]. Note that loading this many navs will take several seconds. (This is why a global nav with all the games no longer exists — it adds too much loading time.)"
return message .. utilsMarkup.bulletList(games)
function p.printTemplateLink(game)
local indicator = ""
-- if not data[game] then
-- indicator = "*"
-- elseif pcall(function() p.printNav(game) end) then
-- indicator = ""
-- else
-- indicator = "[[File:TFH Red Link desperate.png|48px]]"
-- end
return "[[Template:" .. game .. " Items]]" .. indicator
function p.TemplateDocumentation(frame)
local game = frame.args[1]
local usageFrame = utilsMarkup.inline(string.format("{{%s Items}}", game), { nowiki = true, code = true })
local usageFrameless = utilsMarkup.inline(string.format("{{%s Items|-}}", game), { nowiki = true, code = true })
local doc = frame:expandTemplate({
title = "Module:Items/Template/Documentation",
args = {, usageFrame, usageFrameless, Franchise.shortName(game), p.printLinksTable(game)}
doc = doc .. "[[Category:Item Navigation Templates]]"
return doc
function p.printLinksTable(game)
local linkList, pages = h.getLinkList(game, data[game])
local invalidTermsList = h.getInvalidTermsList(game, pages)
local categoryItems = utilsPage.dpl({
category = "Items in " .. Franchise.shortName(game),
namespace = "", -- main
ordermethod = "title",
redirects = "include",
local itemGroups = utilsPage.dpl({
category = {"Item Groups", "Items in " .. Franchise.shortName(game)},
namespace = "", -- main
ordermethod = "title",
redirects = "include",
local songs = utilsPage.dpl({
category = "Songs",
namespace = "", -- main
ordermethod = "title",
redirects = "include",
itemGroups = utilsTable.difference(itemGroups, pages)
local recurringItems = h.fetchRecurringItems()
recurringItems = utilsTable.intersection(categoryItems, recurringItems)
recurringItems = utilsTable.difference(recurringItems, pages)
local omittedItems = utilsTable.difference(categoryItems, pages)
omittedItems = utilsTable.difference(omittedItems, itemGroups)
omittedItems = utilsTable.difference(omittedItems, recurringItems)
local extraItems = utilsTable.difference(pages, categoryItems)
songs = utilsTable.intersection(extraItems, songs)
extraItems = utilsTable.difference(extraItems, songs)
local omittedItemsList = h.toList(omittedItems)
local extraItemsList = h.toList(extraItems)
local itemGroupsList = h.toList(itemGroups)
local recurringItemsList = h.toList(recurringItems)
local songsList = h.toList(songs)
local omittedItemsHeader = utilsMarkup.tooltip("Omitted Items", "These items are missing from the nav.")
local itemGroupsHeader = utilsMarkup.tooltip("Item Groups", "Item groups are OK to omit as long as the individual items are included.")
local recurringItemsHeader = utilsMarkup.tooltip("Common Items", "The performance of item navs is such that less than 5 can be included per page for performance reasons. Items with 5+ appearances are OK to omit, as their pages will not receive the item nav.")
local definitionList = {}
if #itemGroups > 0 then
table.insert(definitionList, {itemGroupsHeader, itemGroupsList })
if #recurringItems > 0 then
table.insert(definitionList, {recurringItemsHeader, recurringItemsList })
if #definitionList > 0 then
omittedItemsList = omittedItemsList .. "\n\n\n----\n" .. utilsMarkup.definitionList(definitionList)
if #songs > 0 then
extraItemsList = extraItemsList .. "\n\n\n----\n" .. utilsMarkup.definitionList({
{"Songs", songsList}
return utilsLayout.table({
headers = {"Links", "Invalid Terms", omittedItemsHeader, "Extra Items"},
rows = {
styles = {
["vertical-align"] = "top"
cells = {linkList, invalidTermsList, omittedItemsList, extraItemsList}
function h.getLinkList(game, tabs)
local definitionList = {}
local pages = {}
for _, tab in ipairs(tabs) do
local definition = {}
definition[1] = utilsTable.size(tabs) > 1 and or "" -- #tabs doesn't work because of how mw.loadData works
if tab.subtabs then
local subtabList, subtabPages = h.getLinkList(game, tab.subtabs)
definition[2] = subtabList
pages = utilsTable.concat(pages, subtabPages)
elseif then
local mapItems =, "page")
for _, upgrade in ipairs( or {}) do
mapItems = utilsTable.concat(mapItems, upgrade.areas or {})
for _, v in pairs(upgrade.changes) do
if type(v) == "string" and v ~= "" or type(v) == "table" and then
table.insert(mapItems, v)
mapItems = utilsTable.concat(mapItems, and
local links =, function(item)
local itemPage = type(item) == "table" and or item
local subtabPages =, function(item)
return type(item) == "table" and or item
definition[2] = utilsMarkup.bulletList(links)
pages = utilsTable.concat(pages, subtabPages)
elseif tab.rows then
local items = utilsTable.flatten(tab.rows.items)
items =, function(item)
if type(item) == "table" and then
elseif type(item) == "string" then
return item
local links =,
definition[2] = utilsMarkup.bulletList(links)
pages = utilsTable.concat(pages, items)
table.insert(definitionList, definition)
return utilsMarkup.definitionList(definitionList), pages
function h.getInvalidTermsList(game, pages)
local invalidTermsList = {}
for _, page in ipairs(pages) do
local term = Term.fetchTerm(page, game)
term = term and string.gsub(term, "''", "") -- workaround needed as long as markup is stored in terms
if not term then
elseif term ~= page then
table.insert(invalidTermsList, .. "\n\n should be " ..
return utilsMarkup.bulletList(invalidTermsList)
function h.toList(pages)
pages =,
return utilsMarkup.bulletList(pages)
function h.fetchRecurringItems()
local queryResults = utilsCargo.query("Appearances", "_pageName", {
where = "items > 4"
return, "_pageName")
p.Schemas = {
Data = {
type = "map",
keys = {
type = "string",
enum = Franchise.enum()
values = {
allOf = {
type = "array",
items = { _ref = "#/definitions/tab" }
type = "record",
properties = {
name = "maxFrameWidth",
type = "number",
default = MAX_FRAME_WIDTH,
desc = "If the nav is 'framed' in a wikitable, this determines the max width of the wikitable."
name = "tabColumns",
type = "number",
desc = "Corresponds to the paramter on [[Module:UtilsLayout#tabs]]. Determines the number of tabs per row."
desc = "A map of [[Data:Franchise|game codes]] to one or more image-based navs for that game. If there is more than one nav in a game, these are displayed as [[Module:UtilsLayout#tabs|tabs]]. An additional <code>colums</code> key can be used to indicate how many tabs to render per row.",
definitions = {
area = {
type = "record",
required = true,
properties = {
name = "area",
type = "string", -- TODO: regex
required = true,
desc = "The shape and coordinates of the area. For example: <code>rect 314 84 372 123</code>",
name = "page",
type = "string",
required = true,
desc = "The name of the page to link to."
name = "display",
default = "page",
type = "string",
desc = "The alt text for the link.",
upgrade = {
type = "record",
properties = {
name = "image",
type = "string",
required = true,
desc = "File name for the upgrade state image map.",
name = "changes",
type = "map",
keys = { type = "string" },
values = {
oneOf = {
type = "string",
desc = 'The new page that an area must link to. If set to empty string (<code>""</code>), the area will be unset.',
type = "record",
desc = "Override other properties of an area, namely its coordinates.",
properties = {
{ name = "area", type = "string" }, -- TODO: regex
{ name = "page", type = "string" },
{ name = "display", type = "string" },
desc = [[
Used to model state transitions for items that occupy the same inventory slot.
By default, the "upgrade state" image map has all the same areas as the previous state.
Use this property to modify which page an area links to, without having to repeat coordinates for it.
This property can also be used to 'unset' areas which are no longer applicable.
name = "areas",
type = "array",
items = { _ref = "#/definitions/area", _hideSubkeys = true },
desc = "A list of new areas that are applicable to the upgrade state and its successors.",
imagemap = {
type = "record",
properties = {
name = "image",
type = "string",
required = true,
desc = "Base file name for the image map."
name = "maxWidth",
type = "number",
desc = "Maximum width in pixels for the [[Template:Responsive Imagemap|responsive image]].",
name = "areas",
type = "array",
required = true,
items = {
_ref = "#/definitions/area",
desc = "The clickable areas of the image map.",
name = "upgrades",
type = "array",
items = { _ref = "#/definitions/upgrade" },
desc = [[
Represents upgraded inventory states, where each state is rendered as its own imagemap that is clicked to with "upgrade" and "downgrade" arrows.
This is used in cases such as ]] .. "[[Template:OoA Items]]" .. [[, when different inventory items occupy the same inventory slot at different points in the game.
In these cases, the goal should be to represent all the items in as few "upgrade" states as possible, even if this means some items appearing together that never would in-game.
It's not feasible to represent every possible inventory state as this A) detracts from the actual purpose of navigation, and B) generates too many image maps affecting page size and loading time.
name = "leftColumn",
_ref = "#/definitions/rows",
_hideSubkeys = true,
desc = "Designed specifically for [[Template:LADX Items]].",
rows = {
type = "record",
properties = {
name = "fileType",
type = "string",
required = true,
name = "scale", -- TODO: remove?
type = "number",
default = 1,
name = "fileSize", -- TODO: remove?
type = "string",
name = "spacing",
type = "string",
default = defaultSpacing,
desc = "Horizontal space between each image in the row.",
name = "rowSpacing",
type = "string",
default = defaultSpacing,
desc = "Space between rows, if there are more than one."
name = "maxWidth",
type = "number",
desc = "Maximum width in pixels for the rows. If unset, the rows will use up all available page width.",
name = "items",
required = true,
desc = [[
An array of strings representing an image row. Or, an array of rows if there are multiple rows.
The thumbnail for each file in the row is generated as follows (not taking into account the size, which is computed automatically):]]
.. "\n" .. utilsMarkup.code("[[File:<game> <item> <fileType>.png|link=<item>]]") .. [[
oneOf = {
type = "array",
items = {
oneOf = {
type = "string",
type = "record",
properties = {
name = "image",
required = true,
type = "string",
desc = "Custom filename",
name = "page",
required = true,
type = "string",
desc = "Wiki article to link to.",
type = "array",
items = {
type = "array",
items = {
oneOf = {
type = "string"
type = "record",
properties = {
name = "image",
required = true,
type = "string",
desc = "Custom filename",
name = "page",
required = true,
type = "string",
desc = "Wiki article to link to.",
tab = {
allOf = {
type = "record",
properties = {
name = "tab",
type = "string",
required = true,
desc = "Tab label. Displayed only when game has more than one tab.",
name = "tabCaption",
type = "string",
desc = "Tooltip to be displayed for the tab.",
oneOf = {
["Image Maps"] = {
type = "record",
desc = "Generates image maps of items that mimic in-game inventory.",
properties = {
name = "map",
required = true,
_ref = "#/definitions/imagemap",
["Subtabs"] = {
type = "record",
desc = 'A nav can have one or more "subnavs". These usually map to in-game submenus. For example, see [[Template:TWW Items]], "Bag Items" tab.',
properties = {
name = "subtabs",
required = true,
type = "array",
items = { _ref = "#/definitions/tab" },
["Rows"] = {
type = "record",
desc = "Icons or sprites of items displayed in one or more [[Module:UtilsLayout#flex|rows]]. Used for items that do not appear in inventory screens.",
properties = {
name = "rows",
required = true,
_ref = "#/definitions/rows",
return p