Kakariko Village (pronounced /ˌkɑː.kəˈriː.koʊ/, KAH-kə-REE-koh),[1] also known as Kakariko Town,[2] is a recurring location in The Legend of Zelda series.[3][1][4] Its geographical and historical situation seems to change in each game. It may have been inspired by various towns in Zelda II: The Adventure of Link and, in turn, may have served as the inspiration for such future towns in the series – Mabe Village, Clock Town, Lynna City, Horon Village, Windfall Island, Hyrule Town, and various minor villages.
Features and Overview[]
A Link to the Past[]
In A Link to the Past, Kakariko Town is the largest settlement. It is located in the western side of the Light World, just south of the Lost Woods. Here there are several Merchants, as well as villagers with vital information for Link. Kakariko Town has a number of businesses, including Dwarven Swordsmiths, Shops, a Fortune Teller, a tavern, and an inn.
Kakariko Town is the home of Sahasrahla, the famed elder, and his family, and it is with the intention to find him that Link first travels there.[5] Upon arriving in Kakariko Town, Link discovers that he has been blamed for the abduction of Princess Zelda, and that some villagers who believe him to be guilty will summon Soldiers to arrest him.[6][7] Others are more sympathetic, and the family of Sahasrahla will provide him with clues as to his whereabouts.[8][9]
After Link retrieves the Master Sword from the Lost Woods, Kakariko Town is overrun by Soldiers who will attack Link at sight, forcing the villagers to remain inside their homes. It is also at this point that Link can free the Flute Boy's Bird sealed within the Weathercock located in the middle of Kakariko Town. After Link receives the Whistle from the Flute Boy in the Dark World, he can play the Instrument in front of the statue to reveal a small Bird within. With the Flute Boy's Bird awakened, Link can call it to be transported to specific places in the Light World any time the Whistle is played.
Blind the Thief, the leader of a gang of thieves, once lived in Kakariko Town, where his home served as the hideout for his mischievous companions.[10] However, when Link visits his home, the hideout turns out to be vacant except for a couple of Treasure Chests left behind.[11] During Link's adventure to rescue the Maidens, he journeys to Kakariko Town's Dark World counterpart: the Village of Outcasts, a town notorious for its corrupt establishments as well as the many thieves roaming around. It is here that he finds Blind the Thief, who reveals himself to be the Boss of the Dark World's fourth Dungeon: Thieves' Town.
Ocarina of Time[]

Kakariko Village in Ocarina of Time
In Ocarina of Time, Kakariko Village is located in the northeastern portion of Hyrule, right next to Hyrule Castle Town and at the foothills of Death Mountain. The town is an entrance to a number of locations, such as the Shadow Temple, the Bottom of the Well, the Graveyard, and the Death Mountain Trail.
The village's origins are elaborated upon during the game, explaining that it was founded by the Sheikah, the guardians of the Royal Family of Hyrule.[12] Moreover, it is revealed that the village was home to only those pertaining to the Sheikah tribe, although it was later opened up to the poor commoners by Impa, who was also born and raised in Kakariko.[13][14] As such, she is often considered the leader of Kakariko Village, not only for having helped the commoners of Hyrule, but also for her great efforts in turning the village into a great city to equal the bustling metropolis of Hyrule Castle Town.[15][16]
Kakariko Village as seen in Ocarina of Time is one of the most prominent locations in the game due to it being Link's primary destination many times during his adventure through Hyrule. The town is home to many important attractions, such as the windmill, which is used to draw water up from the well, the village's only source of water. It is also the location of the Kakariko Graveyard, where the souls of the fallen Hyruleans, Hylian Royal Family, and Sheikah tribe members are said to rest.[12] The small town also contains many buildings of interest, including a Potion Shop, a Shooting Gallery (still under construction in the earlier time period), and a Bazaar. Some notable residents include the Cucco Lady, the Carpenters, the Graveyard Boy and his family, and Dampé. Through various actions, Link will obtain numerous items from this village, including the Lens of Truth, a Bottle, a Hylian Shield, and several Ocarina Songs, such as the Song of Storms, Sun's Song, and Nocturne of Shadow. The House of Skulltula is also here, where Link will be rewarded based on how many Gold Skulltula Tokens he has collected.

Kakariko Village on fire after Bongo Bongo escapes
Link's first visit to Kakariko is called upon when Impa advises the young hero to go to her village to learn more about the Spiritual Stone of Fire, the Goron's Ruby. When Link first visits Kakariko as a child, he finds that most of the village is under construction due to Impa's goal of trying to improve the small town and turn it into a true city.[16] Later on, Link learns the Song of Storms as an adult. After this song is acquired, Link must travel back in time and play the song inside the windmill in front of Guru-Guru to dry up the well, allowing him to explore the interior of the well and obtain the Lens of Truth in the process.
During the time that Link remains in his seven-year slumber due to him retrieving the Master Sword from its pedestal, Ganondorf launches an attack on Hyrule Castle Town, forcing its citizens to flee to Kakariko Village to escape from his wrath.[17][18] Among the Castle Town refugees are the Pooch Lady, the Twin Jugglers, the Dancing Couple, the Buyer, the old wise man, the bearded man, the lookout man, and the shopkeepers of the Medicine Shop, Bazaar, and Shooting Gallery. When Link returns to Kakariko after having awakened Princess Ruto as the Sage of Water, he finds the village in flames. The young hero learns from Sheik that the evil shadow spirit, which had been sealed by Impa long ago, has escaped from the bottom of the well, wreaking havoc on the village and setting it on fire.[19]
The spirit easily defeats both Link and Sheik, and once the young hero regains consciousness, Sheik explains that Impa has gone to the Shadow Temple in an effort to seal the spirit again, revealing that Impa is one of the six Sages. Sheik urges Link to help Impa, teaching him the Nocturne of Shadow. This song is necessary to gain access to the upper part of the graveyard, which is the only entrance to the Shadow Temple where the "Phantom Shadow Beast" Bongo Bongo resides.[20] The fire almost consumed the village, but after Link regains consciousness, it is revealed by the Blue Juggler that he and many other villagers working together stopped the flames. [21]
Four Swords Adventures[]
In Four Swords Adventures, Kakariko Village appears as the second stage of The Dark World level. The village is set in the middle of the darkness that is covering northwestern Hyrule known as the Dark World, which as a result has warped its appearance into a cursed place in a state of anarchy.[22] The Links arrive at the village on their search for the Dark Mirror, and find that the town is overrun with thieves and set ablaze by the Shadow Links. The Links work to capture the thieves and douse the village's flames, before continuing on their search for the Temple of Darkness. In this appearance, Kakariko Village has no prominent features, and is a simple collection of houses with a few residents.
To the east of town is a downstream river that leads to the end of the stage, where the Links encounter and fight a Big Dark Stalfos, and in doing so, rescue one of the four Knights of Hyrule and recover the Green Royal Jewel.
Twilight Princess[]

Kakariko Village covered in Twilight in Twilight Princess
In Twilight Princess, Kakariko Village is located in the Eldin Province, right below Death Mountain and just southeast of Hyrule Field. It has several homes, as well as a Bomb Shop, an inn, a sanctuary, a spring, and a hot spring. Moreover, a graveyard can be found right behind the sanctuary, housing the tombstone of the King Zora. According to Rutela, Kakariko Village is considered to be a "sacred place for the Zora people" since that is where they take their eternal rest.[23] Many of the game's important plot events occur in this village and many items can be bought and found here, such as Bombs, the Hawkeye, a Hylian Shield, and the Zora Armor.
By the time the events of Twilight Princess take place, most of the townsfolk have already been transformed into Shadow Beasts due to the Shadow Invasion.[24] The only survivors left seem to be Renado, Luda, and Barnes, and because of this, Kakariko seems to be a rather desolate place with many dilapidated buildings. When Link visits the village, he finds Beth, Colin, Talo and Malo taking refuge inside Renado's sanctuary along with Barnes and Luda. It is here that Barnes recalls how a woman was attacked by a Shadow Beast and, although a group of villagers went to save her, she was already gone by the time they arrived.[24]
Once Link returns light to the Eldin Province, it is explained that Renado, who is actually the shaman of the village, took the Ordon children in after the Shadow Beasts left them to die.[25] It is then that the young hero is tasked with retrieving the second Fused Shadow from Death Mountain in order to cleanse the Gorons' sacred grounds from evil.[26] However, after trying unsuccessfully to climb the mountain, he returns to Kakariko to find a wild Epona being controlled by Bulblins. Link is quickly able to tame her, and he proceeds to ride her back to Ordon Village to ask Mayor Bo how to best the Gorons.
After obtaining the Iron Boots from Bo, Link returns to Kakariko Village just in time to witness Colin, who pushed Beth out of harm's way, being kidnapped by King Bulblin. Later on in the game, the young hero must lead Telma's caravan from Hyrule Castle Town all the way to Kakariko in order to bring the dying Ralis to Renado, the only person capable of saving the young Zora boy.[27][28] After successfully reaching the village and placing Prince Ralis in the village's care, Queen Rutela makes an apparition to Link and beckons him to follow her to the graveyard, where she rewards him with the Zora Armor for saving her son before passing to the afterlife.[29]
After obtaining the Mirror Shard in the Temple of Time, Link will receive a letter from Renado urging him to visit the village again because he has a clue on how to restore Ilia's memory. Ilia eventually recovers her memory with the help of the Horse Call, an item which she gives to Link inside the sanctuary to aid him on his quest.
Kakariko Village is last seen during the ending credits when the Ordon children are saying their farewells to Luda and Renado as they prepare to return to Ordon Village with the help of Rusl and his caravan.
The Hidden Village is hinted at being the original Kakariko Village, having a sign saying “Welcome to Old Kakarico”.
A Link Between Worlds[]
In A Link Between Worlds, Kakariko Village appears almost identical to its A Link to the Past appearance. It is located in the westernmost part of Hyrule, located directly south of the Lost Woods, and north of the desert. There are numerous shops, merchants and buildings in the town, and it even has its own Weather Vane, located in the same position as the Weathercock in A Link to the Past.
While the village is almost exactly alike to its A Link to the Past predecessor, there are still some locations worth noting. The Milk Bar is located to the south, where Link can purchase Milk; it is also the basis for a bottle sidequest later on. There is a smaller shop located in the northern part of the village, where Link can purchase Shields, Scoot Fruit, and Foul Fruit. A Street Merchant can also be found in the village, slightly to the west of the Weather Vane.
Other notable items Link can receive here are empty Bottles, the Smooth Gem, after its quest is initiated and it is purchased from the village merchant, the Bee Badge, and the Bug Net. Link can also take part in the Fortune's Choice mini-game, which is found on the east side of town. Gramps is found in the western region of the village, and teaches Link about using StreetPass.
Kakariko Village's Lorulean counterpart is Thieves' Town, which is home to the Thieves' Hideout and is where Link will find the portrait of the Sage Osfala.
Kakariko Village has three Lost Maiamais hidden in it. One can be found on top of the roof with a rock on it - this requires a Cucco and the Power Bracelets to reach. Another is behind the Cucco Lady's house, in the patch of sand. It requires the Sand Rod to unearth it. The final one is in the tree in the southwest of town, and must be knocked down with the Pegasus Boots.
Breath of the Wild[]
In Breath of the Wild, Kakariko Village is a settlement in the West Necluda region of Hyrule, north of the Dueling Peaks. One hundred years ago, during the Great Calamity, it avoided damage from the Guardian's assault.[30] It contains several houses, gardens, and a selection of stores, including High Spirits Produce, a general store where travelers can purchase locally grown food and supplies; Shuteye Inn, which allows travelers to rest and regenerate Hearts; The Curious Quiver, a store that specializes in Arrows; and Enchanted, a boutique that sells Armor. There are also hidden items in Kakariko village, such as a Eightfold blade on top of a pillar of Grass and dirt behind another pillar and Impa's building.
Link is told to go to Kakariko Village after completing the four Ancient Shrines located on the Great Plateau, when the Old Man reveals himself to be the former King of Hyrule and informs Link of the events that transpired 100 years ago. After his explanation, King Rhoam suggests that Link travel east to Kakariko Village where he can find the Village elder, Impa. Upon his arrival, several people recognise him for who he is due to the Sheikah Slate, those being Nanna, who used to work with ancient technology, her granddaughter Lasli, and Impa's bodyguards Cado and Dorian. The farmer Steen comments on how Link looks like the Hylian Champion from a century prior, but dismisses his claims of being that hero as Link is missing the Master Sword. Link is introduced to Impa's granddaughter, Paya, who after noticing the Sheikah Slate dangling from his hip, affirms that Link is indeed the hero her grandmother told her about and urges him to meet with her quickly. Impa notices that Link has lost his Memory upon their reunion and recounts to him the history of the Divine Beasts, urging him to free them from Ganon's evil influence. Additionally, she also tells Link that the director of the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab, Purah, might be able to unlock the full potential of his Sheikah Slate if he speaks with her. If Link has reclaimed at least one of his lost Memories, Impa will also gift him his old Champion's Tunic.
Kakariko Village features a Fairy Fountain in a forested plateau overlooking the Village. Link is directed to the Fountain by Pikango through the Main Quest "Find the Fairy Fountain". After giving the weakened Great Fairy Cotera her requested sum of Rupees, she will henceforth offer to upgrade Link's Armor in exchange for Materials in gratitude. An Ancient Shrine is also located near the Fountain, the Lakna Rokee Shrine, though it is initially buried. Later on in the game, an ancient Sheikah heirloom found within Impa's house is stolen, greatly distressing both Impa and Paya. They suspect that someone must have infiltrated their home during the night, and ask Link to investigate the situation, beginning the Shrine Quest "The Stolen Heirloom" It is later revealed that Dorian, one of Impa's gatekeepers, was once a member of the Yiga Clan, and that he tipped off a Yiga Blademaster about the ancient heirloom in order to preserve Impa's and Paya's lives. Once recovered, the heirloom is used to reveal the Lakna Rokee Shrine.
Stylistically, Kakariko Village is dramatically different from its previous incarnations in the series. In previous installments, as a Hylian settlement, the village adopted traditional medieval architecture. In Breath of the Wild, Kakariko Village is a Sheikah settlement, having an aesthetic reminiscent of several historic periods of Japan, such as the Asuka and Jōmon periods. Kakariko is very important to the clan as 20 of the 21 Sheikah NPCs have lived there at some point. All the Researchers were originally accommodated there at some point before moving to the Tech Labs, as was Pikango until he decided to travel the world in search of scenic landscapes[citation needed]. The only one who hasn't was Granté, but that is because he was born and raised in the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab before settling in Tarrey Town.
Tears of the Kingdom[]
In Tears of the Kingdom, The Upheaval caused many ruins to fall around Kakariko Village. Tourists, including the Zonai Survey Team, have flocked to the village to see the ruins. However, a phantom disguised as Princess Zelda appeared to the village elder and warned them against exploring the ruins. The phantom was actually sent by Ganondorf to cause chaos and prevent any potential discoveries.
Other Appearances[]
Link's Crossbow Training[]
In Link's Crossbow Training, Kakariko Village is the setting for a level in Level 3 as a Target Shooting Mode scenario. The stage begins in front of Malo Mart, where the pace is set. Several targets will pop up briefly and then disappear. The first of the two scarecrows show up on the right side of the screen. After the 20-second interval is up, the screen pans over to the Elde Inn. However, instead of the frontal view the other scenes in this stage use, it is set at a tilted angle. Again, targets will appear and disappear rapidly. This level normally ends in front of Barnes' Bomb Shop. The bomb shop has a few explosive barrels around it, the expected targets, and a Bee hive, which should never be shot. The alternative end scene takes place in Eldin's spring. Eldin's spring offers nothing to attack Link, normal targets, and gold targets.
A Link to the Past (Ishinomori)[]

Kakariko Village in the A Link to the Past comic
In the A Link to the Past comic by Shotaro Ishinomori, Kakariko Village serves as a prominent location in Link's journey. It is here where the young hero befriends several townsfolk, including the Librarian, Sahasrahla's Wife and Sahasrahla's Grandson, who end up helping him in his quest to rescue Princess Zelda.
Link first visits Kakariko Village at the advice of the Old Man in the Sanctuary, who tells him to look for Sahasrahla. However, when he arrives to Sahasrahla's house, he finds it in the care of his wife, who tells him that Sahasrahla left when he found out that Agahnim was responsible for the missing maidens and does not know where he has gone.[31] After Sahasrahla's wife tells Link about legends spoken about the Master Sword, the young hero leaves Sahasrahla's house. However, a villager, who is actually one of Agahnim's minions, alerts the soldiers to Link's presence.[32] The young hero manages to escape their grasp and stumbles upon a boy who was asked by Sahasrahla to watch over his wife.[33] After being convinced of Link's good nature,[34] the boy tells him where Saharsahla can be found, and so Link travels to the Eastern Palace.
After acquiring the Pendant of Courage, Link returns to Kakariko to find clues about the remaining two pendants,[35] but he finds the Library has been set on fire by soldiers.[36] After rescuing the Librarian inside, Link obtains the Book of Mudora from him after the Librarian realizes that Link is the Legendary Hero of Hyrule. Before Link can head out to the desert, Sahasrahla's grandson gives Link a hang glider that he can use to traverse the Desert of Mystery with ease.[37]
Link, ready to rescue Princess Zelda from Hyrule Castle now that he has obtained the Master Sword, heads to Kakariko Village one final time with his friends, but finds out that all approaches to the castle are blocked by Agahnim's soldiers.[38] The librarian then comes up with the idea of making a hot air balloon to carry him into the castle, which both Sahasrahla's wife and Sahasrahla's grandson help to make.[39] As the full moon rises, Link departs from Kakariko Village riding the hot air balloon and heads to the castle to save the princess from Agahnim's clutches.
Cadence of Hyrule[]
Kakariko Village is a town that appears in a semi-random location that accommodates its three entrances in Cadence of Hyrule. It can be registered as a warp point by touching the Sheikah Stone near the Village's center.
If Cadence enters Zelda's Portal, Link will be found sleeping in a house at the north end of the Village.[40] If Cadence enters Link's Portal instead, Zelda will be found instead.[41] They can be awoken by giving them a Hibiscus Potion, which is acquired after defeating either Shadow Link or Shadow Zelda in the Kakariko Crypt, an underground dungeon that can only be accessed by moving a tombstone within the Village's graveyard.[42]
The Kakariko Shooting Gallery can be found at the eastern edge of Kakariko Village.[43][44][45] A shop can be found at the west.
- In one of the houses in Kakariko Village from A Link to the Past, a portrait of Mario can be found. If Link pulls on it, he will obtain Rupees.
- In Ocarina of Time, the Village's theme song in the past differs from the theme heard in the future. The future Village's version of the theme is known as the orchestrated version.
- Segments of the music that plays in Windfall Island in The Wind Waker are a remix of the theme of Kakariko Village. The music was also remixed in Twilight Princess where it can be heard when Link calms down Epona in Kakariko Village.
- Although the Village's theme song is featured in Four Swords Adventures, it is used for the Village of the Blue Maiden and not Kakariko Village itself.
The name "Kakariko" may have originated from cocorico, a Portuguese and French onomatopoeia for the sound of a crowing rooster. It may also come from the Spanish verb cacarear, which means the crowing of a chicken. This is probably due to the fact that Cuccos appear in every incarnation of Kakariko Town. The Village's name in the French versions is in fact Cocorico.
![]() ![]() | |||
Language | Name | Meaning | |
![]() | Japanese | カカリコ村 (Kakariko Mura) (ALttP | OoT | ALBW)[46][47][48] | Karariko Town/Village |
![]() | FrenchCA | Village Cocorico (ALBW)[49] | |
![]() | FrenchEU | Village Cocorico (ALttP | ALBW)[50][51] Village de Cocorico (BotW) | Cocorico Village "Cocorico" is the French onomatopoeia for the rooster crow. Cocorico Village |
![]() | German | Kakariko (ALBW)[52] | |
![]() | Italian | Villaggio Calbarico (ALBW | BotW)[53][54] | |
![]() | Korean | 카카리코 마을 (Kakaliko Ma-eul) (ALBW)[55] | Kakariko Village |
![]() | Russian | Какарико (Kakariko) (BotW) | |
![]() | SpanishEU | Kakariko (ALBW)[56] | |
![]() | SpanishLA | Kakariko (ALBW)[57] Aldea Kakariko (BotW)[58] | Kakariko Village |
This table was generated using translation pages. To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference. |
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 "Follow the road out to Kakariko Village." — King Rhoam (Breath of the Wild)
- ↑ "Ribbit ribbit... Your body did not change! You are not just an ordinary guy, are you? I used to live in Kakariko Town. I wonder what my partner is doing there without me... Ribbit! I have a request of you.
Please take me to my partner! Please! Ribbit! Please!" — Dwarven Swordsmith (A Link to the Past) - ↑ Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 109,(ALttP) 110,(OoT) 112 (FSA | TP) & 114 (ALBW)
- ↑ "Welcome to Kakariko Village" — Sign (Cadence of Hyrule)
- ↑ "Meet the elder of the village and get the Master Sword." — Loyal Sage (A Link to the Past)
- ↑ "WANTED! This is the criminal who kidnapped Zelda. Call a soldier if you see him!" — Sign (A Link to the Past)
- ↑ "Hey! Here is Link, the wanted man! Soldiers! Anyone! Come quickly!" — Informant Woman (A Link to the Past)
- ↑ "Oh, Link. The rumors say you kidnapped the Princess, but I still trust you." — Sweeping Lady (A Link to the Past)
- ↑ "Hi Link! Elder? Are you talking about the grandpa? OK, but don't tell any of the bad people about this. He's hiding in the palace past the castle. I will mark the spot on your map. Here you are..." — Sahasrahla's Grandson (A Link to the Past)
- ↑ "Yo Link! This house used to be a hideout for a gang of thieves. What was their leader's name... Oh yeah, his name was Blind and he hated bright light a lot." — Hylian (A Link to the Past)
- ↑ The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past — Nintendo Player's Guide, Nintendo of America, pg. 39
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 "R.I.P. / Here lie the souls of those who swore fealty to the Royal Family of Hyrule / The Sheikah, guardians of the Royal Family and founders of Kakariko, watch over these spirits in their eternal slumber." — Tombstone (Ocarina of Time)
- ↑ "At the foot of Death Mountain you will find my village, Kakariko. That is where I was born and raised." — Impa (Ocarina of Time)
- ↑ "This village used to be a Shiekah [sic] village, but the great Impa opened it to everyone." — Soldier (Ocarina of Time)
- ↑ "Impa, the leader of Kakariko Village, had sealed the evil shadow spirit in the bottom of the well...." — Sheik (Ocarina of Time)
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 "I am the boss of the carpenters that Impa hired to improve this village and make it into a true city!" — Master Craftsman (Ocarina of Time)
- ↑ "Ever since he escaped from Hyrule Castle Town, he's become even more timid!" — Hylian (Ocarina of Time)
- ↑ "Since Ganondorf came, people in the Castle Town have gone, places have been ruined, and monsters are wandering everywhere." — Malon (Ocarina of Time)
- ↑ "A terrible thing has happened! The evil shadow spirit has been released! Impa, the leader of Kakariko Village, had sealed the evil shadow spirit in the bottom of the well... But the force of the evil spirit got so strong, the seal of the well broke, and it escaped into the world!!" — Sheik (Ocarina of Time)
- ↑ "I believe Impa has gone to the Shadow Temple to seal it up again, but...she will be in danger without any help! Link! Impa is one of the six Sages. Destroy the evil shadow spirit and save Impa! There is an entrance to the Shadow Temple beneath the graveyard behind this village. The only thing I can do for you is teach you the melody that will lead you to the Shadow Temple... This is the melody that will draw you into the infinite darkness that absorbs even time... Listen to this, the Nocturne of Shadow!!" — Sheik (Ocarina of Time)
- ↑ "The fire almost consumed us all! But together, we all were able to put out the fire! Pretty good work, don't you think?" — Blue Juggler (Ocarina of Time)
- ↑ "Do you know this village, Link? Kakariko was once home to many kind people. Now however, it's become a rather dangerous place. The darkness that cloaks its people has cost many of them their humanity. It's madness. How much stronger will this darkness in Hyrule grow?" — Kaepora Gaebora (Four Swords Adventures)
- ↑ "Kakariko Village is a sacred place for the Zora people. It is where we take our eternal rest." — Rutela (Twilight Princess)
- ↑ 24.0 24.1 "They sure didn't seem impressed by my bombs! How long do you think we can hold this sanctuary against beasts that strong, huh? Once they attack, it's OVER! Remember the lady from the general store? Just one of those things attacked her, and a whole gang from town went to save her! And what happened? She was already gone, and there were TWO monsters waitin'! ...You connectin' the dots? That means that if we get attacked by them, then we'll be..." — Barnes (Twilight Princess)
- ↑ "The beasts took us and left us to die...but Mr. Renado found us." — N/A (Twilight Princess)
- ↑ "The dark power you seek lies in the sacred grounds of the proud mountain dwellers. But already those grounds have been defiled, draped in shadow and seeded with evil. You must go to those sacred grounds and cleanse them." — Eldin (Twilight Princess)
- ↑ "That old coot reminded me, though... I've heard of a shaman in Kakariko Village, in the Eldin lands, who's tended Gorons and Zoras." — Telma (Twilight Princess)
- ↑ "Looks like we've got one young swordsman left! And not only that, but it looks like this brave young man will escort us, so get ready to go, honey. Pronto!" — Telma (Twilight Princess)
- ↑ "I am deeply grateful to you for aiding my son in his time of need." — Rutela (Twilight Princess)
- ↑ Creating a Champion, Dark Horse Books, pg. 398
- ↑ "Well, young man, when the maidens began to disappear, the rumors began to fly. When Sahasrahla heard that the wizard might be responsible, he said, 'so it has begun...' and disappeared himself! [...] I'm sorry, but you know wise men like him... They often wander off without notice, in search of enlightenment. If you ask in the village, someone may know where he is... If I may ask, why are you looking for him?" (A Link to the Past manga, VIZ Media, pg. 5)
- ↑ "Hey! It's HIM! [...] You are under arrest by order of the king! Get moving!" (A Link to the Past manga, VIZ Media, pg. 7)
- ↑ "The old man asked me to take care of his wife while he went away." (A Link to the Past manga, VIZ Media, pg. 9)
- ↑ "Look at me! Do I LOOK like a bad guy?" (A Link to the Past manga, VIZ Media, pg. 9)
- ↑ "Leaving Sahasrahla, Link returns to Kakariko Village to look for clues to the location of the remaining two pendants..." (A Link to the Past manga, comic, pg. 4)
- ↑ "The House of Books is ablaze! The soldiers must have laid torch to it!" (A Link to the Past manga, VIZ Media, pg. 4)
- ↑ "Hey, buddy! I just remembered! I have something that may help! Sahasrahla showed it to me! It's a bird that you can ride on!" (A Link to the Past manga, VIZ Media, pg. 8)
- ↑ "Link: So all the approaches to the castle are blocked by Agahnim's sentries? Boy: Yep! Even approaching the castle means certain death!" (A Link to the Past manga, VIZ Media, pg. 5)
- ↑ "That gives me an idea! I believe that a large bubble...filled with hot hair...will float! But to make such a thing...in one day...will be...hard work" (A Link to the Past manga, VIZ Media, pg. 5 and 6)
- ↑ "Zzzzzzzzzzz..." — Link (Cadence of Hyrule)
- ↑ "Zzzzzzzzzzz..." — Zelda (Cadence of Hyrule)
- ↑ "I found someone sleeping outside the village and gave them a bed. If only we had a hibiscus potion, we might be able to wake them up!" — Dampé (Cadence of Hyrule)
- ↑ "Welcome to Kakariko Shooting Gallery! It's 20 rupees per game." — Shopkeeper (Cadence of Hyrule)
- ↑ "Have you been to the Kakariko Shooting Gallery yet?" — Shopkeeper (Cadence of Hyrule)
- ↑ "If you're good enough, you can win some great prizes!" — Shopkeeper (Cadence of Hyrule)
- ↑ A Link to the Past manual, pg. 2, 3
- ↑ Nintendo Official Guidebook—The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Shogakukan) pg. 155
- ↑ "カカリコ村にいらっしゃる
サハスラーラ様は" — Princess Zelda (A Link Between Worlds) - ↑ "Messire Sahasrahla vit au village Cocorico." — Princess Zelda (A Link Between Worlds)
- ↑ Encyclopedia, Les Éditions Soleil, pg. 109
- ↑ "Messire Sahasrahla vit au village Cocorico." — Princess Zelda (A Link Between Worlds)
- ↑ "Kennst du den ehrwürdigen Sahasrahla in Kakariko?" — Princess Zelda (A Link Between Worlds)
- ↑ "Anche voi conoscete l'anziano Sahasrahla, vero? Lo troverete al Villaggio Calbarico." — Princess Zelda (A Link Between Worlds)
- ↑ "Villaggio Calbarico" — Map (Breath of the Wild)
- ↑ "카카리코 마을에 계시는
사하스라라님에 대해서는" — Princess Zelda (A Link Between Worlds) - ↑ "Ve a Kakariko, allí encontrarás a Sahasrahla." — Princess Zelda (A Link Between Worlds)
- ↑ "¿Puedes ir a buscar a Sahasrala? Seguramente el anciano esté en su casa de Kakariko." — Princess Zelda (A Link Between Worlds)
- ↑ "Aldea Kakariko" — Map (Breath of the Wild)
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Regions in Ocarina of Time | |
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Hyrule in Twilight Princess | |
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