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Golden Monsters are recurring Enemies in The Legend of Zelda series.[1][2][name reference needed] They are much more difficult to defeat than their regular counterparts, with improved speed, power or health. In return, the reward for defeating these rare monsters is substantially higher. Their appearance is usually tied to the activation of an event, such as a Kinstone Fusion in The Minish Cap.[3]


Oracle of Seasons[]

The Old Man in gold robes

In Summer, the water around Gnarled Root Dungeon recedes, revealing a cave with a golden-robed Old Man inside. After Link talks to him, four different Golden Monsters will appear around various regions of Holodrum. When all four have been defeated, Link can return to the Old Man to receive a Magic Ring which, when appraised by Vasu, becomes the powerful Red Ring.[4]

Enemy Location
OoS Golden Darknut Sprite
Golden Darknut
Western Coast during Spring (One screen east of the entrance to Hero's Cave, can only be fought after Link has returned the Pirate's Bell to the Cap'n.)
OoS Golden Lynel Sprite
Golden Lynel
Tarm Ruins in Winter (Two screens north of the screen where Link has to insert the four Jewels to enter the ruins.)
OoS Golden Moblin Sprite
Golden Moblin
Woods of Winter during Autumn (In front of the main entrance of Snake's Remains.)
OoS Golden Octorok Sprite
Golden Octorok
Spool Swamp in Summer (One screen south of the portal to Subrosia.)

The Minish Cap[]

Three types of Golden Monsters appear across Hyrule after certain Kinstone Fusions in The Minish Cap. They are Red Octoroks, Tektites, and Ropes. After one is defeated, they will drop a large sum of Rupees.

Enemy Location
TMC Golden Octorok Sprite
Golden Octorok
TMC Golden Rope Sprite
Golden Rope
TMC Golden Tektite Sprite
Golden Tektite

Breath of the Wild[]

In Master Mode in Breath of the Wild, Golden Bokoblins, Golden Moblins, Golden Lizalfos, and Golden Lynels appear as a stronger variant than silver enemies. According to the Hyrule Compendium, Golden Monsters are silver enemies that underwent a mysterious transformation after being struck by lightning.[5] Unlike the other variants, Golden Monsters have a stronger resistance to status effects, such as Shock, Ice, and Fire. They can recover from being shocked faster, thaw out of ice faster, and are not as susceptible to flames.

Enemy Health
BotW Golden Bokoblin Model
Golden Bokoblin
BotW Golden Moblin Model
Golden Moblin
BotW Golden Lizalfos Model
Golden Lizalfos
BotW Golden Lynel Model
Golden Lynel

Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland[]

In Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland, each island spawns a different Golden Monster, making them eleven in total. These monsters drop much more Rupees.

Enemy Location
Golden Rat
Golden Rat
Hometown Prairie
Golden Bug
Golden Bug
Sunshine Seashore
Golden Pig
Golden Pig
Cape Treasure
Golden Cow
Golden Cow
Lon Lon Meadow
Golden Fluffy
Golden Fluffy
Deku Forest
Golden Zolgel
Golden Zolgel
Steamy Marsh
Golden Catfish Deyansu
Golden Catfish Deyansu
Gooey Swamp
Gold Bird
Golden Bird
Icy Plain
Golden Fukuroc
Golden Owlroc
Mount Desma
Golden Thin-legged Camel
Golden Thin-legged Camel
Fairy Garden
Golden Shrimp
Golden Shrimp
Auros Ruins


TMC Forest Minish Artwork Names in Other Regions TMC Jabber Nut Sprite
Language Name
Golden Rope Golden Tektite
Japan Japanese ゴールデンロープ (Golden Rope) ゴールデンテクタイト (Golden Tektite)
French Republic FrenchEU Rope d'Or Araknon d'Or
Federal Republic of Germany German Goldener Giftwurm Goldener Arachno
Italian Republic Italian Rope dorato Tektite dorato
Kingdom of Spain SpanishEU Cuerda dorada Tektite dorado


See Also[]


  1. "The Four Golden Monsters" (Official The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages & Seasons Perfect Guide, Versus Books, pg. 55)
  2. The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap — The Official Nintendo Player's Guide, Nintendo of America, pg. 92
  3. "Have you ever seen a golden monster? When you fuse Kinstone pieces, you might get the rare chance to meet one." — Swordsman Newsletter #4 (The Minish Cap)
  4. The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages — The Official Nintendo Player's Guide, Nintendo of America, pg. 17
  5. "It is said they are actually Silver [Monsters] who mysteriously transformed after being struck by lightning." — Hyrule Compendium (Breath of the Wild)
