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Golden Leaves are items in Link's Awakening.[1][note 1]

Location and Uses[]

Link's Awakening Manual Description
Link's Awakening logo
Gold Leaves
The prince of a certain country will ask you to find these during your adventure. They are said to be found in a castle. When you have all five Gold Leaves, you can swap them for a dungeon key.

The Golden Leaves belong to Prince Richard. When Link first visits him, he learns that Prince Ricard used to reside in Kanalet Castle until his subjects rebelled and cast him out.[1][3] He asks Link to recover his prized Golden Leaves from the Castle in exchange for a reward.[4] Once Link manages to retrieve all five Leaves, Prince Richard steps aside to allow Link to push a block, which reveals a hidden tunnel that leads to the Pothole Field. There Link can recover Slime Key, allowing him to access Key Cavern.


TMC Forest Minish Artwork Names in other regions TMC Jabber Nut Sprite
FranceFrenchEUFeuille D'Or (LA)Leaf of Gold
GermanyGermanGoldene Blatt (LA)[5]
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  1. Golden Leaves were referred to as Gold Leaves in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening — Nintendo Player's Guide.[2] However, as this contradicts the name given in-game, it is not considered Canon.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 125
  2. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening — Nintendo Player's Guide, Nintendo of America, pg. 11
  3. "You wouldn't know by the look of me, but I used to live in the castle! My servants went berserk and I was forced to flee to my villa... So, you want the key to Ukuku Prairie, do you? I may be able to help you... Let's make... a deal, shall we? I want you to retrieve the Golden Leaf I left behind in the castle when I fled..." — Prince Richard (Link's Awakening DX)
  4. "The prince of a certain country will ask you to find these during your adventure. They are said to be found in a castle." (Link's Awakening manual, pg. 19)
  5. "Er sei gegrüβt!! Vermutlich sieht Er es mir nicht an, aber einst lebte ich in einem Schloβ. Doch dann wurden die Diener von den Monstern verzaubert und zwangen mich, das Schloβ zu verlassen… Ich muβte in die Villa fliehen… Aber, Er möchte den Schlüssel zur Urunga Steppe? Ich kann Ihm helfen… Für eine kleine Gegenleistung… Er möge mir erst das “Goldene Blatt” bringen, das ich bei der Flucht verloren habe." — Prince Richard (Link's Awakening, German version)