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Decorations are items in The Wind Waker.[name reference needed] They are part of the Island Trading Sequence.

Location and Uses[]

Decorations are objects that Link can put around Windfall Island and certain other islands. They are obtained by trading with the Wandering Merchants and then buying the traded item from Zunari. After Link trades a Decoration with a Wandering Merchant, it appears for sale in Zunari's Shop.[1] Once Zunari has every Decoration on sale, he rewards Link with the Magic Armor.

Putting Decorations in each of the pedestals around Windfall Island grants Link a Piece of Heart from Sam.[citation needed] Trading the Shop Guru Statue with the Wandering Merchant on Greatfish Isle also grants Link another Piece of Heart. Other Decorations, like the Shop Guru Statue, can help Link earn Rupees from Kane if placed on the top of Windfall Island's gate.[2] Kane will say different things depending on the Decorations above the gate of Windfall Island.[3]

List of Decorations[]

Decoration Price Method of Obtainment Inventory Description Zunari's Description
TWW Town Flower Model
Town Flower
10 TWW Green Rupee Artwork Bought from Zunari's Shop. This little flower is reminiscent of the town. A flower from the town of bright smiles. Use it to decorate the town with joy.
TWW Sea Flower Model
Sea Flower
20 TWW Green Rupee Artwork Obtained by trading the Town Flower with the Wandering Merchant on either Bomb Island or Mother and Child Isles. The scent of the sea wafts from the delicate petals of this flower from a distant exotic land The aroma of the sea wafts out of this flower that hails from a faraway land. Use it to adorn the town with a sea breeze.
TWW Exotic Flower Model
Exotic Flower
25 TWW Green Rupee Artwork Obtained by trading the Sea Flower with the Wandering Merchant on Greatfish Isle. This refreshing flower blossoms in the tropical regions to the south. An exotic flower from a tropical island. Trim the town with a summer breeze.
TWW Pinwheel Model
55 TWW Green Rupee Artwork Obtained by trading the Exotic Flower with the Wandering Merchant on Mother and Child Isles. The wheel on this spins when it catches puffs of air-kind of fun, huh? A tiny windmill that catches the wind then spins and spins. Use it to send gentle breezes through the town.
TWW Sickle Moon Flag Model
Sickle Moon Flag
40 TWW Green Rupee Artwork Obtained by trading the Pinwheel with the Wandering Merchant on Bomb Island. This flag of a bright-red crescent moon is quite fancy. A showy flag in the shape of a crescent moon. Use it to decorate the town with a salute to the night sky.
TWW Big Catch Flag Model
Big Catch Flag
85 TWW Green Rupee Artwork Obtained by trading the Sickle Moon Flag with the Wandering Merchant on Mother and Child Isles. This flag was made by a fisherman from a foreign land and designed to encourage a big haul of fish. A flag from a festival in which fisherman hope for a good catch. Use it to decorate the town with fish!
TWW Fountain Idol Model
Fountain Idol
60 TWW Green Rupee Artwork Obtained by trading the Big Catch Flag with the Wandering Merchant on Bomb Island. This is a strange, bubbling statue in the shape of a girl carrying a jar. A sculpture of mysteriously bubbling water. Use it to cover the town in ocean blue.
TWW Skull Tower Idol Model
Skull Tower Idol
60 TWW Green Rupee Artwork Obtained by trading the Fountain Idol with the Wandering Merchant on Greatfish Isle. This thing is made from...the fossilized skulls of some strange creatures. It's pretty weird. The fossilized skulls of weird creatures. Use it to give the town a mysterious feel.
TWW Big Sale Flag Model
Big Sale Flag
35 TWW Green Rupee Artwork Obtained by trading the Skull Tower Idol with the Wandering Merchant on Mother and Child Isles. This flag looks like it would definitely be good for business. You won't find a flag cheaper than this. Decorate the town in a theme of a big bargain sale.
TWW Hero's Flag Model
Hero's Flag
75 TWW Green Rupee Artwork Obtained by trading the Big Sale Flag with the Wandering Merchant on Bomb Island. This flag has a rather courageous feel to it. A flag with a bold feel to it. Use it to cover the town in courage!
TWW Postman Statue Model
Postman Statue
100 TWW Green Rupee Artwork Obtained by trading the Hero's Flag with the Wandering Merchant on Greatfish Isle. This is a carving of the Rito postman, hero of all Ritos and a symbol of laborers the world over. A wooden carving of the postman from Dragon Roost Isle. Use it to populate the town with Ritos.
TWW Shop Guru Statue Model
Shop Guru Statue
200 TWW Green Rupee Artwork Obtained by trading the Postman Statue with the Wandering Merchant on Mother and Child Isles. This little statue is the apple of every business man's eye. The pride and joy of all merchants. Decorate the town with ME!


  • The Fountain Idol will occasionally doze off, tilting her head forwards and spilling water out of the jar on her head three times before she snaps out of it.
  • There are a total of 37 pedestals for Decorations around Windfall Island: 14 outdoors around the island and 23 inside various shops and buildings. There are also two pedestals outside the Cabana at the Private Oasis.


TMC Forest Minish Artwork Names in other regions TMC Jabber Nut Sprite
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  1. "The first thing you need to do is take this to another traveling merchant and trade it for something... to build on the foundation of my merchant's oath. As soon as you trade, the merchant you traded with will send his products to my shop, thereby increasing my product line." — Zunari (The Wind Waker)
  2. "Look at that! It's brilliant! It makes me so happy to see the gate like that! ...Here! I want you to have this!" — Kane (The Wind Waker)
  3. "Hey, by the by, there's a statue way up there on top of the gate that looks kinda familiar somehow... Is that an idol carved in the style of the Rito Tribe? That's a mighty nice lookin' statue, if it is." — Kane (The Wind Waker)