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Not to be confused with Jawbees.

Deadites are recurring Enemies in The Legend of Zelda series.[1]


Deadites appear as large, bat like creatures with over-sized heads. They are known to inhabit cold regions, caves and mountains. Their only means of attack is to fly directly into their target and bite at them with their over-sized heads.

The Faces of Evil[]

The Wand of Gamelon[]


The name "Deadite" may be a reference to the demonic enemies in Army of Darkness, an horror film that was released roughly a year before The Faces of Evil and The Wand of Gamelon.

TMC Forest Minish Artwork Names in other regions TMC Jabber Nut Sprite
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See Also[]


  1. "De oplossing voor de graftombe van Gamelon is als volgt: ga de tombe binnen en ga naar de top van het speelscherm. Spring of gebruik de onzichtbaarheidsmantel (Magic Cloack) om de Phyrandaii te ontwijken. Ga naar buiten door de grotingang bovenin. Gebruik opnieuw de Magic Cloack tegen de Phyrandaii en pas ook op voor de Deadites." (CD Interactief vol. 2 no. 11, HUB Uitgevers, November 1995, pg. 31)