- Locations in The Legend of Zelda
- Locations in The Adventure of Link
- Locations in A Link to the Past
- Locations in Link's Awakening (DX; Nintendo Switch)
- Locations in Ocarina of Time (3D)
- Locations in Majora's Mask (3D)
- Locations in Oracle of Seasons
- Locations in Oracle of Ages
- Locations in The Wind Waker (HD)
- Locations in Four Swords Adventures
- Locations in The Minish Cap
- Locations in Twilight Princess (HD)
- Locations in Phantom Hourglass
- Locations in Spirit Tracks
- Locations in Skyward Sword (HD)
- Locations in A Link Between Worlds
- Locations in Tri Force Heroes
- Locations in Breath of the Wild
- Locations in Tears of the Kingdom
- Locations in The Faces of Evil
- Locations in The Wand of Gamelon
- Locations in Zelda's Adventure
- Locations in BS The Legend of Zelda
- Locations in Ancient Stone Tablets
- Locations in Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland
- Locations in Link's Crossbow Training
- Locations in Ripened Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love
- Locations in Hyrule Warriors (Legends; Definitive Edition)
- Locations in Cadence of Hyrule
- Locations in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity
This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total.
Pages in category "Locations"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,890 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- Aboda Village
- Advance Shop
- Afromsia Coast
- Agitha's Castle
- Ahitaru
- Akh Va'quot Shrine
- Akkala
- Akkala Ancient Tech Lab
- Akkala Bridge Ruins
- Akkala Citadel
- Akkala Citadel Ruins
- Akkala Falls
- Akkala Highlands
- Akkala Parade Ground Ruins
- Akkala Sea
- Akkala Span
- Akkala Tower
- Akkala Tower Region
- Akkala Wilds
- Aldor Foothills
- Ambi's Palace
- Ancient Adler's House
- Ancient Castle of Ikana
- Ancient Cistern
- Ancient Columns
- Ancient Earth
- Ancient Harbor
- Ancient Research Institute
- Ancient Shrine
- Ancient Tech Lab
- Ancient Tree Stump
- Ancient Tree Stump Cave
- Ancient Underground Fortress
- Angel Peak
- Angular Isles
- Animal Village
- Anju's Henhouse
- Ankel Island
- Anouki Estates
- Anouki General Store
- Anouki Village
- Apothecary
- Applean Forest
- Aquame Bridge
- Aquame Lake
- Arbiter's Grounds
- Arbiter's Grounds (Dungeon)
- Archery Game
- Area
- Aris Beach
- Armor Shop
- Around the Palace of Twilight
- Arrow Specialty Shop
- Aru Ainu
- Aryll's Lookout
- Ash Swamp
- Astral Observatory
- Atun Valley
- Auction House
- Auros Ruins
- Badge Market
- Bakery
- Bakery Rafters
- Bamboo Island
- Bank of Wishes
- Bannan Island
- Bareeda Naag Shrine
- Barn
- Barnes Bomb Shop
- Barracks
- Barula Plain
- Batrea Lake
- Bazaar
- Beach
- Beedle's Airshop
- Beedle's Island
- Beedle's Shop Ship
- Beedle's Tent
- Beekeeper's Hut
- Bell Tower
- Beneath the Graveyard
- Beneath the Well
- Big Bang Game
- Big Twin Bridge
- Biologist's Home
- Bipin's & Blossom's House
- Bird's Peak Rock
- Birida Lookout
- Biron Snowshelf
- Black Tower
- Blacksmith's Forge
- Blaino's Gym
- Blatchery Plain
- Bloodleaf Lake
- Boat Rental Cabin
- Boating Course
- Bodyguard Salon
- Bomb Flower Store
- Bomb Garden
- Bomb Island
- Bomb Shop
- Bombchu Bowling
- Bombchu Bowling Alley
- Bombchu Shop
- Boneyard Bridge
- Bonooru's Stand
- Boné Pond
- Bosh Kala Shrine
- Boss's House
- Bottom of the Well
- Bottomless Swamp
- Brazen Beak
- Breach of Demise
- Breman Peak
- Bridge of Eldin
- Bridge of Hylia
- Bridge Worker's Home
- Broca Island
- Bronas Forest
- Brynna Plain
- Bubinga Forest
- Bug Rock
- Cafe Bar
- Cafe Rafters
- Calatia
- Calora Lake
- Camera Shop
- Camphor Pond
- Cannon Island
- Cannon Minigame
- Cape Cales
- Cape Cresia
- Cape Treasure
- Carok Bridge
- Carpenters Shop
- Castle
- Castle Courtyard
- Castle Graveyard
- Castle Rooftops
- Castle Town
- Castle Town Prison
- Castle Town Sewers
- Castle Town Shop
- Castle Town Watchtower
- Castle Underground Channel
- Castor Wilds
- Cave of Flames
- Cave of No Return
- Cave of Ordeals
- Cave of Shadows
- Cavern (The Crystal Trap)
- Cawlin & Strich's Room
- Central Hyrule
- Central Square
- Central Tower
- Central Tower Region
- Cephla Lake
- Chaas Qeta Shrine
- Chamber of Giants
- Chamber of Sages
- Chamber of Stone
- Chambers of Insight
- Champion's Gate
- Champion's Gate North
- Champions' Hall
- Chest Mini-Game Shop
- Cheval's Grave
- Chicken Coop
- Chu Jelly Juice Shop
- Chudley's Fine Goods and Fancy Trinkets Emporium
- City in the Sky
- Clarnet Coast
- Cliff Plateau Isles
- Cliffs
- Cliffs of Quince
- Cliffs of Ruvara
- Clock Shop
- Clock Tower
- Clock Town
- Clock Town Bank
- Cloud Tops
- Coast of No Return
- Coldsnap Hollow
- Coliseum Ruins
- Color Dungeon
- Common Cooking Area
- Compass Room
- Cora Lake
- Coral Reef
- Coro's Store
- Corta Lake
- Corvash Peak
- Courage Steppe
- Courtyard Gardens
- Crater Cove
- Crazy Tracy's Health Spa
- Crenel Hills
- Crenel Hills Cave
- Crenel Peak
- Crenel Wall