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This article is about the regular Boomerang. For other variants, see Magical Boomerang, Gale Boomerang, and Nice Boomerang.

Boomerangs are recurring Items in The Legend of Zelda series.[1][2]

Location and Uses[]

The Boomerang is an item that Link can throw, at which point it will return to him. It can be used for both combat and Puzzle solving. It can be used to stun enemies, although a single hit will defeat weak enemies, such as Keese.[3] It can also be used to retrieve items that are out of Link's reach.[4] The Boomerang first appeared in The Legend of Zelda and has gone through several design changes since then. In Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, Link can draw the path that the Boomerang will take, allowing a more direct control of it.[3] Moreover, the Boomerang can also be used to turn Sparks and Anti-Fairies into Fairies in certain games.

The Legend of Zelda[]

The Legend of Zelda Manual Description
The Legend of Zelda logo
Wooden boomerang and magical boomerang
Link can use these to inflict damage on weak enemies. He can also stop most of the enemy in their tracks if he throws the boomerang on target. The magical boomerang flies further than the wooden boomerang.

In The Legend of Zelda, Link can acquire a Boomerang by defeating all of the red Goriyas in a certain room within Level 1 of both the First Quest and the Second Quest. Goriyas attack Link with Boomerangs. Link can use the Boomerang to stun certain enemies for a brief period of time.[5] He can also use it to instantly defeat Keese and Gels.[6] The Boomerang can also be used to collect items from a distance. The Boomerang can be replaced with the Magical Boomerang, which can be thrown further.[7]

Effects on Enemies
Defeats Stuns No Effect
TLoZ Gel Sprite
TLoZ Armos Sprite
TLoZ Aquamentus Sprite
TLoZ Keese Sprite
TLoZ Digdogger Sprite 2
Digdogger Triforce piece
TLoZ Bubble Sprite
TLoZ Ghini Sprite
TLoZ Red Darknut Sprite
TLoZ Gibdo Sprite
TLoZ Dodongo Sprite
TLoZ Red Goriya Sprite
TLoZ Gleeok Two-Headed Sprite
TLoZ Leever Red Sprite
TLoZ Gohma Blue Sprite
TLoZ Like Like Sprite
Like Like
TLoZ Gleeok Head Sprite
Gleeok Head
TLoZ Lynel Red Sprite
TLoZ Lanmola Red Sprite
TLoZ Red Moblin Sprite
Red Moblin
TLoZ Manhandla Sprite
TLoZ Octorok Red Sprite
TLoZ Moldorm Sprite
TLoZ Peahat Sprite
TLoZ Patra Sprite
TLoZ Rope Sprite
TLoZ Pols Voice Sprite
Pols Voice
TLoZ Stalfos Sprite
TLoZ Red Wizzrobe Sprite
Red Wizzrobe
TLoZ Red Tektite Sprite
TLoZ Zora Sprite
TLoZ Vire Sprite
TLoZ Wallmaster Sprite
TLoZ Zol Sprite

A Link to the Past[]

A Link to the Past Manual Description
A Link to the Past logo
If you hit an enemy with this, it will be stunned for a short time (some enemies will sustain damage when hit by the boomerang). The boomerang can also retrieve distant Rupees and Hearts.
A Link to the Past & Four Swords Manual Description
A Link to the Past & Four Swords logo
This temmporarily paralyzes enemies when it strikes them. You can also use it to retrieve Rupees and other items in hard-to-reach places.

In A Link to the Past, Link can obtain a Boomerang in Hyrule Castle. It is contained in a Treasure Chest a few rooms before the prison where the Ball and Chain Trooper holds Princess Zelda captive. It appears as a Big Chest on the Map, but is in fact a Small Chest. If Link fails to collect the Boomerang in the Hyrule Castle, he can find another one in the house of the Sweeping Lady in Kakariko Village. If Link does not open either Chest, he can obtain a Magical Boomerang from a Chest in the Village of Outcasts. Link can also obtain a Magical Boomerang as an upgrade to the Boomerang at the Waterfall of Wishing. The Boomerang is blue, while the Magical Boomerang is red, faster and can be thrown farther.[8] Both varieties can be used to stun enemies, hit Switches, and collect items from a distance.

Link's Awakening[]

In Link's Awakening, Link can obtain the Boomerang by completing the Trading Quest and using the Magnifying Lens inside a hidden Cave at the eastern side of Toronbo Shores. Here Link will meet a Goriya who will offer to give Link a Boomerang in exchange for an item. The Boomerang can be used to stun enemies, hit Switches, collect items from a distance, and cut bushes. The Boomerang is one of the two items able to destroy Anti-Faeries, the other being the Magic Powder. It is also the only weapon able to defeat a Spark. It can also defeat certain enemies in one hit, such as Ghinis. The Boomerang is the most effective weapon against the final form of Nightmare, as it can be defeated in one hit.

Ocarina of Time[]

Ocarina of Time Manual Description
Ocarina of Time logo
If you throw it, it comes back! The Boomerang can stun or defeat enemies. Use Z Targeting to improve your accuracy. Some enemies can only be defeated with the Boomerang.

In Ocarina of Time, the Boomerang can only be used by Link as a child. It is the main item Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly. The Boomerang is needed in order to defeat Tailpasarans, Parasitic Tentacles, the Big Octo, and the Boss of the Dungeon, Barinade. It also allows Link to collect distant items such as Gold Skulltula Tokens. It can be used to stun and defeat certain enemies. Before being thrown, the camera shifts to a first-person perspective, allowing Link to aim. The camera will remain in a third-person perspective if Link is Targeting something. When Targeting, the Boomerang will follow its target until impact.

Oracle of Seasons[]

Oracle of Seasons Manual Description
Oracle of Seasons logo
The Boomerang returns to you after you have thrown it. Use it to get objects like Pieces of Hearts and Rupees when those objects are out of your reach.

In Oracle of Seasons, the Boomerang can be found in Subrosia as a prize from the Dance Hall. It is upgraded to the Magical Boomerang in the Ancient Ruins. The Magical Boomerang is faster, can fly higher distances and can be controlled at will. The normal Boomerang is an optional item in this game, whereas the Magical Boomerang is a required item.

In certain dungeons, red Moblins wield Boomerangs. They are blue in color, but do damage to Link instead of having the stun effect of Link's Boomerang. Also, the miniboss of the first dungeon features a pair of Brother Goriyas who throw a Boomerang to each other, injuring Link when in the way.

Oracle of Ages[]

In Oracle of Ages, the Boomerang can be found in the Rolling Ridge as a prize from either the Goron Shooting Gallery or the Target Carts. It is an optional item in this game.

In certain dungeons, red Moblins wield Boomerangs. They are blue in color, but do damage to Link instead of having the stun effect of Link's Boomerang.

Four Swords[]

Four Swords Manual Description
Four Swords logo
Use this weapon to attack enemies from a distance. You can also use this to retrieve hard-to-reach Rupees and hearts. Some enemies might even get stunned when hit...

In Four Swords, the Boomerang appears in various Stages. It can only be used in the Stage where it was obtained. It is useful for collecting Rupees.

The Wind Waker[]

The Boomerang is the main item of the Forbidden Woods in The Wind Waker. In addition to stunning and defeating enemies, collecting distant items, and activating Switches, the Boomerang can lock on to up to five different targets.[9] This ability can be used for solving puzzles involving Switches or for collecting multiple items in one throw. The Boomerang is needed in order to defeat Kalle Demos, the Boss of the Forbidden Woods, and Puppet Ganon.

The Boomerang is also the first weapon Link obtains that can be used while sailing on the King of Red Lions, enabling him to fight various seafaring monsters. Before obtaining the Boomerang, the King of Red Lions prevents Link from sailing to certain islands, citing that it is "too dangerous". This is likely to prevent players from getting attacked by monsters such as Gyorgs and Seahats before they have a means of defeating them.

Four Swords Adventures[]

Four Swords Adventures Manual Description
Four Swords Adventures logo
Daze enemies by hitting them with this weapon. You can also use it to pull items like Force Gems, Hearts, and even other characters close to you. Hold the A Button to make it hover in midair.
Lev. 2
This faster boomerang flies even farther.

In Four Swords Adventures, the Boomerang can be held in place before returning to Link. This is useful for retrieving moving Force Gems. The Boomerang can be upgraded to the Level 2 Boomerang, which is faster and has a longer reach.

The Minish Cap[]

The Minish Cap Manual Description
The Minish Cap logo
Hit an enemy to daze him: he’ll stop moving for a short period time. You can also use the boomerang to nab Rupees and other items beyond your reach.

In The Minish Cap, the Boomerang can be bought in Stockwell's Shop for 300 Rupees. It can be upgraded to the Magical Boomerang by Fusing Kinstones with the Tingle Siblings?.

Phantom Hourglass[]

In Phantom Hourglass, the Boomerang allows Link to to draw a specific path for it to follow. The Boomerang's path has a range limit.[3] It can be used to stun and defeat enemies, hit Switches, and collect items from a distance. It is the main item of the Temple of Fire.

Spirit Tracks[]

The Boomerang's flight path can be drawn in Spirit Tracks, similarly to how it behaved in Phantom Hourglass. It can be used to stun and defeat enemies, collect distant items, and hit Switches from afar. It can also fly through Fire to light Torches or fly through ice to freeze water. It is the main item of the Snow Temple.

A Link Between Worlds[]

In A Link Between Worlds, the Boomerang can be obtained from Ravio's Shop. Like all items in the game, it uses Link's Energy Gauge with each use. The Boomerang can be rented for 50 Rupees and bought permanently for 800.[note 1] The Boomerang can be upgraded to the Nice Boomerang by bringing 10 Lost Maiamais to Mother Maiamai. The upgrade improves the speed and range of the Boomerang and allows Link to throw three Boomerangs at a time. The Boomerang can be thrown in any direction according to which way Link is facing.

Tri Force Heroes[]

In Tri Force Heroes, the Boomerang can be used to grab another Link and pull him toward the wielder, and has the ability to hover in place for several seconds at its furthest point by holding the Item button. While wearing the Boomeranger Outfit, the Boomerang becomes larger and gains the ability to carry two Links, pass through enemies, and deal damage to them.

Boomerangs first appear in the Blazing Trail where all three Links acquire one, then reappear in Hinox Mine (two Boomerangs), Den of Flames, Fire Temple, Snowball Ravine, Sealed Gateway (two Boomerangs), The Lady's Lair, Stone Corridors, Desert Temple, Illusory Mansion (three Boomerangs), Grim Temple, Dragon Citadel, and Sky Temple (one Boomerang per Stage). They also appear in the Forest Zone, Frozen Zone, Shadow Zone and Baneful Zone of the Den of Trials, as well as the Coliseum's Volcano and The Ruins arenas.

Breath of the Wild[]

Hyrule Compendium Entry

202 (207) Boomerang
BotW Hyrule Compendium Boomerang
This throwing weapon was originally used by the forest-dwelling Koroks. Its unique shape allows it to return after being thrown.
Common Locations
West Necluda
Faron Grasslands
Atk 8

Boomerangs are a throwing Weapon in Breath of the Wild originally used by Koroks.[2] Several other varieties of Boomerangs can also be found, including Lizal Boomerangs, Lizal Forked Boomerangs, Lizal Tri-Boomerangs, and Giant Boomerangs. The Sea-Breeze Boomerang, which is based on the Boomerang from The Wind Waker, can also be obtained at random from using the amiibo Rune. After being thrown, Link must manually catch the Boomerang when it returns to him. If the Boomerang flies into an object or wall, it will fall to the ground and will not return to Link.

A regular Boomerang has a chance to appear in a Treasure Chest spawned by scanning the following amiibos with the amiibo Rune:

Being made from wood, Boomerangs will catch on Fire if they make contact with a Campfire or if they are exposed to a Scorching Climate. They will not attract Lightning during a Thunderstorm, and they do not conduct Electricity either. They will float if dropped in Water. Finally, the Magnesis Rune is unable to pick up Boomerangs.

Other Appearances[]

Ancient Stone Tablets[]

The Legend of Zelda TV Series[]

ZCS That Sinking Feeling Kangaroo Boomerang
ZCS That Sinking Feeling Boomerang

Zelda wielding a Boomerang

The Boomerang is one of the most used items in The Legend of Zelda TV series, and one hit from this weapon is capable of defeating most of Ganon's minions. It is mostly used by Princess Zelda, although Link, Moblins, and Goriyas wield it as well. The Boomerang first appears in "Cold Spells", where Zelda defeats various magically-possessed cleaning supplies with it. Later, in "Sing for the Unicorn", Zelda once again uses it to defeat an Armos Knight and Ganon, rescuing Link and her father in the process. The Boomerang shown in "That Sinking Feeling" is given to Zelda by Link so that the two of them can fight off several Tektites that have ambushed them. Link is not shown wielding this item until the "Stinging a Stinger" episode, which he uses it to defeat a Gohma with the help of Zelda's Magic Rope. Although the series mostly exemplifies the use of the Boomerang for fighting enemies, the "Doppelganger" episode demonstrates how Zelda uses the Boomerang to break free from the ropes that Ganon had tied around her hands.

The Legend of Zelda Game Watch[]

TLoZGW Boomerang Artwork

The Boomerang appears in The Legend of Zelda Game Watch. One appears in each room, and Link must collect it and use it to defeat all the Iron Balls.

The Legend of Zelda (Valiant Comics)[]

The Magic Boomerang from The Legend of Zelda makes an appearance in the Day of the Triforce story of The Legend of Zelda comics by Valiant Comics comic. After Princess Zelda and Cassiopia arrive to the Water Town of Saria to fight off the monsters that have attacked the town, Cassiopia uses the Magic Boomerang to free her husband, the River Man, from the chains that bind him.[10]

Zelda's Adventure[]

In Zelda's Adventure, the Boomerang appears as a Spell which lets Zelda cast Boomerang projectiles with her Wand. It can be found in a small area in western Plain of Andor with a lone Goriya, which drops the Spell after being defeated. The Spell costs 1 Rupee to use.

Super Smash Bros.[]

See SmashWiki's article on Boomerang for more information.
SSBB Toon Boomerang

Toon Link using the Boomerang in Super Smash Bros. Brawl

The Boomerang functions as Link's Neutral Special Move in Super Smash Bros.. The Boomerang is based on its iteration from Ocarina of Time, which isn't correct for Link since he couldn't use the Boomerang in that game.

Super Smash Bros. Melee[]

The Boomerang is Link's Side Special Move in Super Smash Bros. Melee. Young Link also wields the Boomerang as his Side Special Move. Both Boomerangs are based on their Ocarina of Time iteration, although only Young Link could use it canonically.

SoulCalibur II[]

How to perform: Horizontal Attack ButtonPlusKick Button

In SoulCalibur II, the Boomerang from Ocarina of Time is part of Link's fighting style. To get into the Boomerang Stance, the player must press the horizontal attack button and the kick button at the same time. Pressing the horizontal attack again will cause Link to release the Boomerang towards his enemy. The Boomerang attack is considered to be a high attack, dealing 25 HP worth of damage to the opponent.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl[]

The Boomerang is Link and Toon Link's Side Special Move in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Link's Boomerang resembles the Gale Boomerang from Twilight Princess whereas Toon Link's Boomerang resembles the Boomerang from The Wind Waker.

The Boomerang from The Wind Waker also appears as a collectible Sticker.

Sticker Information[]

Sticker Artwork from Effect in The Subspace Emissary Usable by
SSBB Boomerang Sticker Icon
The Wind Waker [Weapon] - Attack +4 This sticker is only usable by Link, Zelda, Ganondorf and Toon Link

Phantom Hourglass (Himekawa)[]

As Link battles Blaaz in the Temple of Fire, Ciela points out the location of a Treasure Chest.[11][12] Link opens the Chest to find the Boomerang.[13] With Ciela's guidance, Link uses the Boomerang to defeat Blaaz's split form and eventually destroys the monster.

Hyrule Warriors[]

The Boomerang appears as an item in Hyrule Warriors. It can be upgraded temporarily to the Gale Boomerang by collecting the Boomerang power ups. The Boomerang is able to slice through vines that block pathways. Manhandlas and their Stalks are weak to the Boomerang and it is also one of the items used to fight Ganon with. In the Master Quest DLC pack, the 8-Bit Boomerang from The Legend of Zelda appears as a weapon for Impa. It is statistically identical to and part of the Biggoron's Sword weapon type.

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U[]

The Boomerang is Link and Toon Link's Side Special Move in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U. Like in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Link's Boomerang resembles the Gale Boomerang from Twilight Princess and Toon Link's Boomerang resembles the Boomerang from The Wind Waker.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate[]

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, the Boomerang is used by Link, Toon Link, and Young Link as their Side Special Move. Link uses the Boomerang from Breath of the Wild whereas Toon Link uses the Boomerang from The Wind Waker, and Young Link uses the Boomerang from Ocarina of Time. A Boomerang also appears as an item that can be used by Spirits in Spirit Battles.

Cadence of Hyrule[]

The Boomerang appears as an item in Cadence of Hyrule, where it can be wielded by Cadence, Link, and Zelda. Its primary use is to stun enemies, though it can be used to break open Treasure Chests and retrieve their contents from afar.[14]

Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity[]


  • Though Link cannot obtain a Boomerang in The Adventure of Link, Goriyas use them as weapons.
  • The Boomerang was also planned to be included in Majora's Mask, but was scrapped. However, Zora Link's fins fulfill the same purpose.
  • During development of Skyward Sword, a Remote Boomerang was planned to be included. With it, Link would have been able to drop anywhere after grabbing it and controlling its trajectory. The idea was later abandoned as it might have led to the skipping of important items and areas. This idea eventually evolved into the creation of the Beetle.[15]
    • At another point during development of Skyward Sword, a Rocket Punch was proposed for grabbing items. This idea as well led to the creation of the Beetle.
  • Despite being incredibly useful in A Link to the Past, it is not required to complete the game and can be completely skipped.


TMC Forest Minish Artwork Names in other regions TMC Jabber Nut Sprite
JapanJapaneseブーメラン (Būmeran) (TLoZ | ALttP | OoT | ST | ALBW | TFH | BotW)[16][17][18][19][20]
木のブーメラン (Ki no Būmeran) (TLoZ)[21]
Same as English.
Wooden Boomerang
Taiwan, Hong Kong, MacaoChineseTR飛旋鏢 (Fēixuán biāo) (BotW)
NetherlandsDutchHouten boemerang (TLoZ)[22]
Boemerang (BotW)
Wooden boomerang
CanadaFrenchCABoomerang (ST | ALBW | TFH)[23][24][25]
FranceFrenchEUBoomerang en bois (TLoZ)[26]
Boomerang (OoT3D | ST | ALBW | TFH | BotW)[27][28][29][30]
Boomerang (OoT3D | ST | ALBW | TFH | BotW)[31][32][33][34]
Boomerang (OoT3D | ST | ALBW | TFH | BotW)[35][36][37][38]
Boomerang (OoT3D | ST | ALBW | TFH | BotW)[39][40][41][42]
Boomerang (OoT3D | ST | ALBW | TFH | BotW)[43][44][45][46]
Wooden boomerang
GermanyGermanBumerang (ST | ALBW | TFH | BotW | HWDE)[47][48][49][50]Same as English.
ItalyItalianBommerang (ST)[51]
Boomerang (ALBW | TFH | BotW)[52][53]
Boomerang (ALBW | TFH | BotW)[54][55]
Boomerang (ALBW | TFH | BotW)[56][57]
South KoreaKorean부메랑 (Bumelang) (ALBW)[58]
부메랑 (Bumerang) (BotW)
RussiaRussianБумеранг (Bumerang) (BotW)
N/A (TLoZ | TLoZ | ST)
N/A (TLoZ | TLoZ | ST)
N/A (TLoZ | TLoZ | ST)
SpainSpanishEUBumerán (ST | ALBW | TFH)[59][60][61]
Latin AmericaSpanishLABumerán (ST | ALBW | TFH | BotW)[62][63][64]
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.


See Also[]


  1. The first item purchased from Ravio always costs 400 Rupees


  1. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 118 (TLoZ | ALttP | LA | OoT | OoS | OoA | FS | TWW | FSA | TMC | PH | ST | ALBW | TFH)
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Boomerang
    This throwing weapon was originally used by the forest-dwelling Koroks. Its unique shape allows it to return after being thrown.
    " — Inventory (Breath of the Wild)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass — Prima Official Game Guide, Prima Games, pg. 11
  4. "If you hit an enemy with this, it will be stunned for a short time (some enemies will sustain damage when hit by the boomerang). The boomerang can also retrieve distant Rupees and Hearts." (A Link to the Past manual, pg. 37)
  5. "He can also stop most of the enemy in their tracks if he throws the boomerang on target." (The Legend of Zelda manual, pg. 24)
  6. "Link can use these to inflict damage on weak enemies." (The Legend of Zelda manual, pg. 24)
  7. "The magical boomerang flies further than the wooden boomerang." (The Legend of Zelda manual, pg. 24)
  8. "You got the Magical Boomerang! You can throw this faster and farther than your old one!" — N/A (A Link to the Past)
  9. "You got the Boomerang! Set it to and throw it with [Y], [Z], or [X]. Target specific objects by holding the button you set it to and aiming at something until the red targeting cursor changes to a [Target lock mark]. You can target up to five objects at once." — N/A (The Wind Waker)
  10. "Wait till I have freed you with the magic boomerang!" (The Legend of Zelda comic, Valiant Comics, pg. 4)
  11. "Look!" (Phantom Hourglass manga, VIZ Media, pg. 56)
  12. "A Treasure Chest?!" (Phantom Hourglass manga, VIZ Media, pg. 56)
  13. "A Boomerang!" (Phantom Hourglass manga, VIZ Media, pg. 56)
  14. "Boomerang -- Assign it to A Button B Button X Button Y Button
    Throw this at enemies to stun them. It always finds its way back to you.
    " — Inventory (Cadence of Hyrule)
  15. Encyclopedia, Dark Horse Books, pg. 297
  16. A Link to the Past manual, pg. 42 Nintendo Official Guidebook—The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Vol. 1 (Shogakukan 1) pg. 23 Nintendo Official Guidebook—The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past & Four Swords (Shogakukan) pg. 13
  17. Nintendo Official Guidebook—The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Shogakukan) pg. 151
  18. "ブーメランを手に入れた!" — N/A (Spirit Tracks)
  19. "ブーメラン
    " — Inventory (A Link Between Worlds)
  20. "ブーメランを手に入れた!
    " — N/A (Tri Force Heroes)
  21. The Legend of Zelda manual, pg. 23
  22. The Legend of Zelda manual, pg. 24
  23. "Vous avez obtenu le boomerang! Cet objet suit le trajet tracé à l'écran!" — N/A (Spirit Tracks)
  24. "Boomerang
    Optimisez sa trajectoire pour étourdir les monstres et activer les interrupteurs!
    " — Inventory (A Link Between Worlds)
  25. "Vous avez obtenu un boomerang!
    Lancez-le avec Ⓨ pour récupérer
    vos compagnons!
    " — N/A (Tri Force Heroes)
  26. The Legend of Zelda manual, pg. 24
  27. "Boomerang
    Une arme qui revient vers son lanceur. Elle permet aussi de récupérer des objets hors de votre portée.
    " — Inventory (Ocarina of Time 3D)
  28. "Vous obtenez le boomerang! Cet objet suit le trajet tracé à l'écran." — N/A (Spirit Tracks)
  29. "Boomerang
    Optimisez sa trajectoire pour étourdir les monstres et activer les interrupteurs !
    " — Inventory (A Link Between Worlds)
  30. "Vous avez obtenu le boomerang !
    Utilisez-le pour ramener vos
    compagnons vers vous !
    " — N/A (Tri Force Heroes)
  31. "Boomerang
    Une arme qui revient vers son lanceur. Elle permet aussi de récupérer des objets hors de votre portée.
    " — Inventory (Ocarina of Time 3D)
  32. "Vous obtenez le boomerang! Cet objet suit le trajet tracé à l'écran." — N/A (Spirit Tracks)
  33. "Boomerang
    Optimisez sa trajectoire pour étourdir les monstres et activer les interrupteurs !
    " — Inventory (A Link Between Worlds)
  34. "Vous avez obtenu le boomerang !
    Utilisez-le pour ramener vos
    compagnons vers vous !
    " — N/A (Tri Force Heroes)
  35. "Boomerang
    Une arme qui revient vers son lanceur. Elle permet aussi de récupérer des objets hors de votre portée.
    " — Inventory (Ocarina of Time 3D)
  36. "Vous obtenez le boomerang! Cet objet suit le trajet tracé à l'écran." — N/A (Spirit Tracks)
  37. "Boomerang
    Optimisez sa trajectoire pour étourdir les monstres et activer les interrupteurs !
    " — Inventory (A Link Between Worlds)
  38. "Vous avez obtenu le boomerang !
    Utilisez-le pour ramener vos
    compagnons vers vous !
    " — N/A (Tri Force Heroes)
  39. "Boomerang
    Une arme qui revient vers son lanceur. Elle permet aussi de récupérer des objets hors de votre portée.
    " — Inventory (Ocarina of Time 3D)
  40. "Vous obtenez le boomerang! Cet objet suit le trajet tracé à l'écran." — N/A (Spirit Tracks)
  41. "Boomerang
    Optimisez sa trajectoire pour étourdir les monstres et activer les interrupteurs !
    " — Inventory (A Link Between Worlds)
  42. "Vous avez obtenu le boomerang !
    Utilisez-le pour ramener vos
    compagnons vers vous !
    " — N/A (Tri Force Heroes)
  43. "Boomerang
    Une arme qui revient vers son lanceur. Elle permet aussi de récupérer des objets hors de votre portée.
    " — Inventory (Ocarina of Time 3D)
  44. "Vous obtenez le boomerang! Cet objet suit le trajet tracé à l'écran." — N/A (Spirit Tracks)
  45. "Boomerang
    Optimisez sa trajectoire pour étourdir les monstres et activer les interrupteurs !
    " — Inventory (A Link Between Worlds)
  46. "Vous avez obtenu le boomerang !
    Utilisez-le pour ramener vos
    compagnons vers vous !
    " — N/A (Tri Force Heroes)
  47. "Du hast den Bumerang erhalten! Diese Waffe folgt dem Pfad, den du für sie auf den Touchscreen zeichnest." — N/A (Spirit Tracks)
  48. "Bumerang
    Aktiviere damit entfernte Schalter, sammele Rubine und betäube Feinde.
    " — Inventory (A Link Between Worlds)
  49. "Der Bumerang!
    Verwende ihn, um andere
    Spieler zu dir zu holen!
    " — N/A (Tri Force Heroes)
  50. "Du hast den Bumerang erhalten! Mit ihm kannst du Gegner betäuben, und nach dem Werfen kommt er selbstverständlich wieder zurück!" — N/A (Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition)
  51. "Hai ottenuto il Bommerang! Segue il percorso che tracci sullo schermo." — N/A (Spirit Tracks)
  52. "Boomerang
    Può attivare interruttori lontani. Ma i nemici li stordisce soltanto!
    " — Inventory (A Link Between Worlds)
  53. "Hai ottenuto il boomerang!
    Usalo per tirare verso di te
    gli altri giocatori!
    " — N/A (Tri Force Heroes)
  54. "Boomerang
    Può attivare interruttori lontani. Ma i nemici li stordisce soltanto!
    " — Inventory (A Link Between Worlds)
  55. "Hai ottenuto il boomerang!
    Usalo per tirare verso di te
    gli altri giocatori!
    " — N/A (Tri Force Heroes)
  56. "Boomerang
    Può attivare interruttori lontani. Ma i nemici li stordisce soltanto!
    " — Inventory (A Link Between Worlds)
  57. "Hai ottenuto il boomerang!
    Usalo per tirare verso di te
    gli altri giocatori!
    " — N/A (Tri Force Heroes)
  58. "부메랑
    멀리 있는 장치도 이걸로 스위치 ON
    하지만 적은 잠시 기절할 뿐
    궤도를 잘 계산하는 것이 비결!
    " — Inventory (A Link Between Worlds)
  59. "¡Has conseguido el bumerán! Vuela según la trayectoria que le marques." — N/A (Spirit Tracks)
  60. "Bumerán
    Activa interruptores a cierta distancia y aturde. ¡Sírvete de su trayectoria!
    " — Inventory (A Link Between Worlds)
  61. "¡Obtienes el bumerán!
    Úsalo para agarrar a otros
    " — N/A (Tri Force Heroes)
  62. "¡Has conseguido el bumerán! Volará según la trayectoria que dibujes." — N/A (Spirit Tracks)
  63. "Bumerán
    Activa interruptores a cierta distancia y aturde. ¡Sírvete de su trayectoria!
    " — Inventory (A Link Between Worlds)
  64. "¡Obtienes el bumerán!
    Úsalo para agarrar a otros
    " — N/A (Tri Force Heroes)