The following page is a list of the names of every item appearing in A Link Between Worlds in every release of the game. A Link Between Worlds has been released in the following languages: Japanese, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Korean.
- Empty cells indicate there is no given name for the particular item in that language.
Inventory Items[]
Japanese | English | French | German | Spanish | Italian | Korean |
バクダン | Bomb | Bombes (France) Bombe (Canada) |
Bombe | Bombas (Spain) Bomba (Latin America) |
Bombe | 폭탄 |
ブーメラン | Boomerang | Boomerang | Bumerang | Bumerán | Boomerang | 부메랑 |
弓矢 | Bow | Arc | Bogen | Arco y flechas | Arco | 화살 |
光の弓矢 | Bow of Light | Arc de lumière | Licht-Bogen | Arco y flechas de luz (Latin America) | Arco di luce | 빛의 화살 |
ファイアロッド | Fire Rod | Baguette de feu | Feuerstab | Cetro de Fuego | Bacchetta del fuoco | 파이어 로드 |
ビリリの実 | Foul Fruit | Fruit du tournis | Knallobst | Fruta acidérrimo (Spain) Fruta de derribo (Latin America) |
Stordifrutto | 찌릿찌릿 열매 |
ハンマー | Hammer | Marteau | Hammer | Martillo | Martello | 해머 |
ヒントメガネ | Hint Glasses | Lunettes occultes | Hinweisbrille | Gafas de las pistas (Spain) Lentes de las pistas (Latin America) |
Occhiali mistici | 힌트 안경 |
フックショット | Hookshot | Grappin | Enterhaken | Gancho | Arpione | 후크샷 |
アイスロッド | Ice Rod | Baguette de glace | Eisstab | Cetro de Hielo | Bacchetta del ghiaccio | 아이스 로드 |
カンテラ | Lamp | Lanterne | Lampe | Lámpara | Lanterna | 등불 |
ムシ獲りアミ | Net | Filet à papillons (France) Filet (Canada) |
Kescher | Red | Retino | 잠자리채 |
ナイスバクダン | Nice Bombs | Great bombe (France) Bombes de luxe (Canada) |
Super-Bombe | Bombas chulas (Spain) Bombas mejoradas (Latin America) |
Super bombe | 나이스 폭탄 |
ナイスブーメラン | Nice Boomerang | Great boomerang (France) Boomerang de luxe (Canada) |
Super-Bumerang | Bumerán chulo (Spain) Bumerán mejorado (Latin America) |
Super boomerang | 나이스 부메랑 |
ナイス弓矢 | Nice Bow | Great arc (France) Arc de luxe (Canada) |
Super-Bogen | Arco y flechas chulos (Spain) Arco y flechas mejorados (Latin America) |
Super arco | 나이스 화살 |
ナイスファイアロッド | Nice Fire Rod | Great baguette de feu (France) Baguette de feu de luxe (Canada) |
Super-Feuerstab | Cetro de Fuego chulo (Spain) Cetro de Fuego mejorado (Latin America) |
Super bacchetta del fuoco | 나이스 파이어 로드 |
ナイスハンマー | Nice Hammer | Great marteau (France) Marteau de luxe (Canada) |
Super-Hammer | Martillo chulo (Spain) Martillo mejorado (Latin America) |
Super martello | 나이스 해머 |
ナイスフックショット | Nice Hookshot | Great grappin (France) Grappin de luxe (Canada) |
Super-Enterhaken | Gancho chulo (Spain) Gancho mejorado (Latin America) |
Super arpione | 나이스 후크샷 |
ナイスアイスロッド | Nice Ice Rod | Great baguette de glace (France) Baguette de glace de luxe (Canada) |
Super-Eisstab | Cetro de Hielo chulo (Spain) Cetro de Hielo mejorado (Latin America) |
Super bacchetta del ghiaccio | 나이스 아이스 로드 |
ナイスサンドロッド | Nice Sand Rod | Great baguette des sables (France) Baguette des sables de luxe (Canada) |
Super-Sandstab | Báculo de las Arenas chulo (Spain) Báculo de las Arenas mejorado (Latin America) |
Super bacchetta delle sabbie | 나이스 샌드 로드 |
ナイストルネードロッド | Nice Tornado Rod | Great baguette des tornades (France) Baguette des tornades de luxe (Canada) |
Super-Tornadostab | Báculo del Tornado chulo (Spain) Báculo del Torbellino mejorado (Latin America) |
Super bacchetta del tornado | 나이스 토네이도 로드 |
借りたバクダン | Rented Bombs | Bombes de location (France) Bombes louées (Canada) |
Leih-Bombe | Bombas alquiladas | Bombe a noleggio | 빌린 폭탄 |
借りたブーメラン | Rented Boomerang | Boomerang de location (France) Boomerang loué (Canada) |
Leih-Bumerang | Bumerán alquilado | Boomerang a noleggio | 빌린 부메랑 |
借りた弓矢 | Rented Bow | Arc de location (France) Arc loué (Canada) |
Leih-Bogen | Arco y flechas alquilados | Arco a noleggio | 빌린 화살 |
借りたファイアロッド | Rented Fire Rod | Baguette de feu de location (France) Baguette de feu louée (Canada) |
Leih-Feuerstab | Cetro de Fuego alquilado | Bacchetta del fuoco a noleggio | 빌린 파이어 로드 |
借りたハンマー | Rented Hammer | Marteau de location (France) Marteau loué (Canada) |
Leih-Hammer | Martillo alquilado | Martello a noleggio | 빌린 해머 |
借りたフックショット | Rented Hookshot | Grappin de location (France) Grappin loué (Canada) |
Leih-Enterhaken | Gancho alquilado | Arpione a noleggio | 빌린 후크샷 |
借りたアイスロッド | Rented Ice Rod | Baguette de glace de location (France) Baguette de glace louée (Canada) |
Leih-Eisstab | Cetro de hielo alquilado (Spain) Cetro de Hielo alquilado (Latin America) |
Bacchetta del ghiaccio a noleggio | 빌린 아이스 로드 |
借りたサンドロッド | Rented Sand Rod | Baguette des sables de location (France) Baguette des sables louée (Canada) |
Leih-Sandstab | Báculo de las Arenas alquilado | Bacchetta delle sabbie a noleggio | 빌린 샌드 로드 |
借りたトルネードロッド | Rented Tornado Rod | Baguette des tornades louée | Leih-Tornadostab | Báculo del Tornado alquilado (Spain) Báculo del Torbellino alquilado (Latin America) |
Bacchetta del tornado a noleggio | 빌린 토네이도 로드 |
サンドロッド | Sand Rod | Baguette des sables | Sandstab | Báculo de las Arenas | Bacchetta delle sabbie | 샌드 로드 |
ドロンの実 | Scoot Fruit | Fruit d'escampette (France) Fruit de sortie (Canada) |
Fluchtfrucht | Fruto fugáceo (Spain) Fruta de escape (Latin America) |
Fuggifrutto | 휘리릭 열매 |
スーパーカンテラ | Super Lamp | Super lanterne | Mega-Lampe | Superlámpara | Super lanterna | 슈퍼 등불 |
スーパームシ獲りアミ | Super Net | Super filet à papillons (France) Super filet (Canada) |
Mega-Kescher | Superred | Super retino | 슈퍼 잠자리채 |
トルネードロッド | Tornado Rod | Baguette des tornades | Tornadostab | Báculo del Tornado (Spain) Báculo del Torbellino (Latin America) |
Bacchetta del tornado | 토네이도 로드 |
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Quest Items and Equipment[]
Japanese | English | French | German | Spanish | Italian | Korean |
ハチバッヂ | Bee Badge | Badge des abeilles | Bienenabzeichen | Insignia de las abejas | Spilla dell'ape | |
青い服 | Blue Mail | Tunique bleue | Blaues Gewand | Ropas azules (Spain) Sayo azul (Latin America) |
Tunica blu | |
おまもり | Charm | Amulette | Talisman | Amuleto | Portafortuna | |
忘れ物の剣 | Forgotten Sword | L'épeé oubliée (France) Épée oubliée(Canada) |
Vergessenes Schwert | Espada olvidada | Spada dimenticata | |
緑の服 | Green Tunic | Tunique verte | Grünes Gewand | Ropas verdes (Spain) Sayo verde (Latin America) |
Tunica verde | |
ハイリアの盾 | Hylian Shield | Bouclier d'Hylia (France) Bouclier Hylien (Canada) |
Hylia-Schild | Escudo hyliano | Scudo Hylia | |
迷子マイマイ | Lost Maiamai | Ti'gorneaux perdus (France) Meilles perdus (Canada) |
Maimai | Bebé maimai perdido | Maiamai smarrita | |
マスターストーン | Master Ore | Roche de légende | Master-Erz | Mineral maestro | Minerale supremo | |
マスターソード | Master Sword | Épée de légende | Master-Schwert | Espada Maestra | Spada Suprema | |
マスターソード LV2 | Master Sword Lv2 | Épée de légende niv. 2 | Master-Schwert Lv.2 | Espada Maestra mejorada | Spada Suprema (Liv. 2) | |
マスターソード LV3 | Master Sword Lv3 | Épée de légende niv. 3 | Master-Schwert Lv.3 | Espada Maestra suprema | Spada Suprema (Liv. 3) | |
ペガサスの靴 | Pegasus Boots | Bottes de Pégase | Pegasus-Stiefel | Botas de Pegaso | Calzari di Pegaso | |
勇気の紋章 | Pendant of Courage | Pendentif du courage | Amulett des Mutes | Colgante del Valor | Amuleto del coraggio | |
力の紋章 | Pendant of Power | Pendentif de la force | Amulett der Kraft | Colgante del Poder | Amuleto della forza | |
知恵の紋章 | Pendant of Wisdom | Pendentif de la sagesse | Amulett der Weisheit | Colgante de la Sabiduría | Amuleto della saggezza | |
ポーチ | Pouch | Sacoche | Tasche | Alforja | Borsa | |
パワーグローブ | Power Glove | Ganta de puissance (France) Gants de la force (Canada) |
Krafthandschuh | Guante de Fuerza | Guanti della forza | |
赤い服 | Red Mail | Tunique rouge | Rotes Gewand | Ropas rojas (Spain) Sayo rojo (Latin America) |
Tunica rossa | |
ラヴィオの腕輪 | Ravio's Bracelet | Bracelet de Lavio | Ravios Armreif | Brazalete de Ravio | Bracciale di Lavio | |
盾 | Shield | Bouclier | Schild | Escudo | Scudo | |
頑張りの秘訣 | Stamina Scroll | Arcane de l'endurance | Ausdauer-Schriftrolle | Enigma del Esfuerzo | Pergamena dell'energia | |
パワフルグローブ | Titan's Mitt | Moufles du titan (France) Gants des titans (Canada) |
Titanenhandschuh | Guante del Titán | Guanti del titano | |
ゾーラの水かき | Zora's Flippers | Palmes de zora (France) Palmes de Zora (Canada) |
Zora-Flossen | Aletas de zora | Pinne degli Zora |
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Bottled Items[]
Japanese | English | French | German | Spanish | Italian | Korean |
リンゴ | Apple | Pomme | Apfel | Manzana | Mela | |
ハチ | Bee | Abeille | Biene | Abeja | Ape | |
青い薬 | Blue Potion | Potion bleue | Blaues Elixier | Poción azul | Pozione blu | |
あきビン | Empty Bottle | Flacon | Flasche | Botella | Ampolla | |
妖精 | Fairy | Fée | Fee | Hada | Fata | |
黄金のハチ | Golden Bee | Abeille d'or | Goldene Biene | Abeja dorada | Ape dorata | |
青リンゴ | Green Apple | Pomme verte | Grüner Apfel | Manzana verde | Mela verde | |
ハート | Heart | Cœur | Herz | Corazón | Cuore | |
手紙入りボトル | Letter in a Bottle | Message dans un flacon | Flaschenpost | Mensaje en una botella | Lettera in bottiglia | |
ミルク | Milk | Lait | Milch | Leche | Latte | |
プレミアムミルク | Premium Milk | Lait grand cru | Vollmilch | Leche extra (Spain) Leche superior (Latin America) |
Super latte | |
紫の薬 | Purple Potion | Potion violette (France) Potion mauve (Canada) |
Lila Elixier | Poción púrpura | Pozione viola | |
赤い薬 | Red Potion | Potion rouge | Rotes Elixier | Poción roja | Pozione rossa | |
黄色い薬 | Yellow Potion | Potion jaune | Gelbes Elixier | Poción amarilla | Pozione gialla |
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Other Items[]
Japanese | English | French | German | Spanish | Italian | Korean |
ベル | Bell | Clochette (France) Cloche (Canada) |
Glocke | Campana | Campanello | |
大バクダン花 | Big Bomb Flower | Grosse fleur bombe (France) Gross fleur bombe (Canada) |
Große Donnerblume | Flor bomba grande | Fiore bomba grande | |
大きな扉の鍵 | Big Key | Grande clé | Großer Schlüssel | Gran llave | Grande chiave | |
コンパス | Compass | Boussole | Kompass | Brújula | Bussola | |
がんばりツボ | Energy Potion | Fiole d'endurance | Ausdauerkrug | Frasco de vigor | Pozione levafatica | |
魔物の肝 | Monster Guts | Foie de monstre (France) Foies de monstres (Canada) |
Monsterherz | Entrañas de monstruo | Cuore di mostro | |
魔物の角 | Monster Horn | Corne de monstre (France) Cornes de monstres (Canada) |
Monsterhorn | Cuerno de monstruo (Spain) Cuernos de monstruo (Latin America) |
Corno di mostro | |
魔物の尻尾 | Monster Tail | Queue de monstre (France) Queues de monstres (Canada) |
Monsterschweif | Cola de monstruo (Spain) Colas de monstruo (Latin America) |
Coda di mostro | |
小さな鍵 | Small Key | Petite clé | Kleiner Schlüssel | Llave pequeña | Chiave piccola | |
スベスベ石 | Smooth Gem | Pierre toute Douce (France) Gemme polie (Canada) |
Schmeichelstein | Gema pulida | Pietra liscia |
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