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File:Australian Classification Board Logo
The ACB logo

The Australian Classification Board is the Australian statutory government body responsible the classification and censorship of video games and films for exhibition, sale or hire within Australia. In Europe it is the Pan-European Game Information (PEGI), in Germany it is the Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle (USK) and in North America it is the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB). The ACB has been widely criticized for how strict it can be in relation to adult games and games that contain drugs.[citation needed]


The Australian Classification Board was founded back in 1970[citation needed], once run under the now defunct Office of Film and Literature Classification (not to be confused with New Zealand's Office of Film and Literature Classification that still operates), the Australian Classification Board has gone through various classification rating designs before designing the current standard in 2005.[citation needed]

Current Ratings[]

Image Name Meaning
ACB G Rating General The G classification is suitable for everyone. G products may contain classifiable elements such as language and themes that are very mild in impact.
ACB PG Rating Parental Guidance The impact of PG (Parental Guidance) classified films and computer games should be no higher than mild, but they may contain content that children find confusing or upsetting and may require the guidance of parents, teachers or guardians. For example, they may contain classifiable elements such as language and themes that are mild in impact.

PG-rated content is not recommended for viewing by people under the age of 15 without guidance from parents, teachers or guardians. Formely titled G8+.

ACB M Rating Mature Films and computer games classified M (Mature) contain content of a moderate impact. M-rated films and computer games are not recommended for children under the age of 15. They include portrayals of elements such as violence and themes that require a mature outlook.
ACB MA 15+ Rating Mature Accompanied 15+ MA 15+ rated material contains strong content and is legally restricted to people over the age of 15. It contains elements such as sex scenes and drug use that could have a strong impact on the viewer.

Children under the age of 15 may not legally watch, buy or hire MA 15+ rated material unless they are in the company of a parent or adult guardian.

ACB R 18+ Rating Restricted 18+ R 18+ material is restricted to adults as it contains content that is considered high in impact for viewers. This includes content that may be offensive to sections of the adult community. A person may be asked for proof of their age before purchasing, hiring or viewing R 18+ films and computer games at a retail store or cinema.
ACB CTC Rating Check the Classification The film or computer game has been assessed and approved for advertising. You should check the classification closer to the release date.

The Legend of Zelda Ratings[]

The Australian Classification Board is older than every released Zelda game. Every game has an ACB rating with most attaining a G or PG rating.

Game Rating
The Legend of Zelda[1] ACB G Rating
The Adventure of Link[2] ACB G Rating
A Link to the Past[3][4] ACB PG Rating
Link's Awakening[5]
Link's Awakening DX[6]
Link's Awakening for Nintendo Switch[7]
ACB PG Rating
Ocarina of Time[8] ACB PG Rating
Ocarina of Time 3D[9] ACB G Rating
Majora's Mask[10] ACB PG Rating
Majora's Mask 3D[11] ACB PG Rating
Oracle of Seasons[12] ACB PG Rating
Oracle of Ages[13] ACB PG Rating
Four Swords[14] ACB G Rating
Four Swords Anniversary Edition[15] ACB PG Rating
The Wind Waker[16]
The Wind Waker HD[17]
ACB PG Rating
Four Swords Adventures[18] ACB PG Rating
The Minish Cap[19] ACB PG Rating
Twilight Princess[20]
Twilight Princess HD[21]
ACB M Rating
Phantom Hourglass[22] ACB G Rating
Spirit Tracks[23] ACB PG Rating
Skyward Sword[24]
Skyward Sword HD[25]
ACB M Rating
A Link Between Worlds[26] ACB G Rating
Tri Force Heroes[27] ACB PG Rating
Breath of the Wild[28] ACB M Rating
Tears of the Kingdom[29] ACB M Rating
Game Rating
Zelda (Game & Watch)[citation needed] ACB CTC Rating
Zelda's Adventure[citation needed] ACB CTC Rating
Link's Crossbow Training[30] ACB PG Rating
Hyrule Warriors[31]
Hyrule Warriors Legends[32]
Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition[33]
ACB M Rating
Cadence of Hyrule[34] ACB PG Rating
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity[35] ACB M Rating

External Links[]


  1. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/legend-zelda
  2. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/zelda-ii-adventure-link
  3. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/legend-zelda-link-past
  4. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/legend-zelda-link-past-0
  5. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/legend-zelda-links-awakening
  6. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/legend-zelda-links-awakening-dx
  7. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/legend-zelda-links-awakening-0
  8. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/zelda-ocarina-time
  9. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/legend-zelda-ocarina-time-3d
  10. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/legend-zelda-majoas-mask
  11. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/legend-zelda-majoras-mask-3d
  12. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/legend-zelda-oracle-seasons-0
  13. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/legend-zelda-oracle-ages-0
  14. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/legend-zelda-four-swords
  15. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/legend-zelda-four-swords-anniversary-edition-0
  16. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/legend-zelda-wind-waker
  17. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/legend-zelda-wind-waker-hd
  18. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/legend-zelda-four-swords-adventures
  19. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/legend-zelda-minish-cap
  20. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/legend-zelda-twilight-princess
  21. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/legend-zelda-twilight-princess-hd
  22. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/legend-zelda-phantom-hourglass
  23. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/legend-zelda-spirit-tracks
  24. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/legend-zelda-skyward-sword
  25. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/legend-zelda-skyward-sword-hd
  26. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/legend-zelda-link-between-worlds
  27. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/legend-zelda-tri-force-heroes-0
  28. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/legend-zelda-breath-wild-0
  29. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/legend-zelda-tears-kingdom
  30. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/links-crossbow-training
  31. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/hyrule-warriors
  32. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/hyrule-warriors-legends
  33. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/hyrule-warriors-definitive-edition
  34. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/cadence-hyrule-crypt-necrodancer-featuring-legend-zelda
  35. https://www.classification.gov.au/titles/hyrule-warriors-age-calamity-0